project( 'gentoo-functions', 'c', version: '0.20', license: 'GPL-2.0-only', default_options : [ 'warning_level=2', 'c_std=gnu11', ] ) conf_data = configuration_data() conf_data.set('version', meson.project_version()) # For now, we can't really use libexec, given everyone hardcodes /lib/gentoo. # We might be able to install some symlinks to get around this though? conf_data.set('GENTOO_LIBEXEC_DIR', get_option('prefix') / 'lib' / 'gentoo') configure_file( input: '', output: '', configuration: conf_data, install: true, install_dir: 'lib/gentoo' ) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') executable( 'consoletype', 'consoletype.c', install: true ) install_man( 'consoletype.1', ) executable( 'ecma48-cpr', 'ecma48-cpr.c', install: true, install_dir: get_option('prefix') / 'lib' / 'gentoo' ) do_tests = get_option('tests') if do_tests test( 'test-functions', files('test-functions'), workdir : meson.current_build_dir(), ) endif