#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Authors (in chronological order): # - Luca Marturana (luca89) # - Julian Ospald (hasufell) # - Sebastian Pipping (sping) # - Gilles Dartiguelongue (EvaSDK) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import sys import re from datetime import datetime import curses import curses.ascii import textwrap from portage import settings as port_settings from glob import glob import gettext import locale import gzip import bz2 import signal _LOCALE_CATEGORY_PAIRS = ( (locale.LC_COLLATE, 'LC_COLLATE'), (locale.LC_CTYPE, 'LC_CTYPE'), (locale.LC_MESSAGES, 'LC_MESSAGES'), (locale.LC_MONETARY, 'LC_MONETARY'), (locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'LC_NUMERIC'), (locale.LC_TIME, 'LC_TIME'), (locale.LC_ALL, 'LC_ALL'), ) no_liblzma = False try: import liblzma except ImportError: no_liblzma = True def report_bad_locale(variable, value): py_version = '%s.%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:3] print('ERROR: Locale "%s" does not seem to be supported.' % value, file=sys.stderr) if value not in locale.locale_alias: print(' Note: Locale "%s" is not a known alias to Python %s (check locale.locale_alias).' % (value, py_version), file=sys.stderr) if not ('.' in value or '@' in value): print(' Hint: Try specifying the encoding (e.g. %s=%s.UTF-8).' % (variable, value), file=sys.stderr) reported_bad_locales = set() # Enable support for user locale try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except locale.Error: # Find guilty value and variable for category, variable in _LOCALE_CATEGORY_PAIRS: if variable not in os.environ: continue value = os.environ[variable] if value in reported_bad_locales: continue try: locale.setlocale(category, value) except locale.Error: report_bad_locale(variable, value) reported_bad_locales.add(value) # Test locale in depth (issue #3), try to be helpful for category, variable in _LOCALE_CATEGORY_PAIRS: if category == locale.LC_ALL: continue try: locale.getlocale(category) except ValueError as e: value = os.environ[variable] if value in reported_bad_locales: continue report_bad_locale(variable, value) reported_bad_locales.add(value) if reported_bad_locales: sys.exit(1) # Setup gettext. gettext.textdomain('elogv') _ = gettext.gettext # This text is used on the in-line help helptext = _(""" Elogv is a portage elog viewer based on curses and python, you can use these keys to control the behavior of the program: - Down arrow or j -> scroll the list of files down by 1 unit - Up arrow or k -> opposite of Down arrow - PageDown -> scroll the list down by 10 unit - PageUp -> opposite of PageDown - End -> go to the last file of the list - Home -> go to the first file of the list - t -> order the list of files by date, most recent on top - a -> order the list of files alphabetically, the first time by category, the second time (pressing the key again) by package name - c -> order the list of files by log class warning level - r -> reverse the list of files - SpaceBar -> scroll the selected file - h or F1 -> show the help screen, press Page Up/Down to scroll up and down, h or F1 again to hide - d -> removes selected files, usage is similar to vim "d" command, here are same examples: da -> removes all files de -> removes from selected item to the end of the list ds -> remove from selected item to the start of the list d1d or dd -> removes selected file only d4d -> removes 4 files starting from selected one - / -> starts a search prompt, write a string and will be showed the next package that contains your string, use ESC to exit - q -> quit """) (normal, selected, einfo, elog, ewarn, eerror) = range(6) (PATH, CAT, PN, DATE, CLASS) = range(5) # Character used to print the class of an elog class_char = "*" list_format = "%s/%s - %s" date_format = "%x" # Exceptions classes class TermTooSmall(Exception): """Terminal too small.""" class NoLogFiles(Exception): """No log files.""" class CannotOpenElogdir(Exception): """Directory could not be opened.""" def handle_sig_tstp(signum, frame): curses.savetty() curses.endwin() os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGSTOP) def handle_sig_cont(signum, frame): curses.initscr() curses.resetty() def date2str(d): b = d.strftime(date_format) for encoding in ( locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME)[1], locale.getlocale()[1], sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'utf-8', ): if encoding is None: continue try: if isinstance(b, bytes): u = b.decode(encoding) else: u = b break except UnicodeDecodeError: pass else: raise ValueError('Cannot decode byte stream') try: if not isinstance(b, str): b = u.encode('ascii') else: b = u except UnicodeEncodeError: # Prevent crash locales like ja_JP.UTF-8, e.g. "2014年10月24日" # https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=464962 b = u.encode('ascii', errors='replace') return b # Main class (called with curses.wrapper later) class ElogViewer: def __init__(self, screen): #curses.curs_set(0) self.screen = screen # Our color pairs try: curses.use_default_colors() curses.init_pair(selected, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.init_pair(einfo, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(ewarn, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(eerror, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(elog, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_BLACK) except curses.error: # e.g. with "TERM=vt100 elogv" invokation pass # This attributes are used to manage the scrolling of the list # of files self.pposy = 0 self.usel = 0 # Method used to order the list: use DATE for order by date, CAT to # order by category name, PN to order by package name, CLASS to order # by class second value set if the list should be reversed (True o False) self.sort_method = [ DATE, False] # Initialize screen self.init_screen() c = self.screen.getch() while c not in ( ord("q"), curses.ascii.ESC): ## Scrolling keys ## if c in (curses.KEY_DOWN, ord("j")): self.change_usel(1) elif c in (curses.KEY_UP, ord("k")): self.change_usel(-1) elif c in (curses.KEY_NPAGE, ord("f")): self.change_usel(10) elif c in (curses.KEY_PPAGE, ord("b")): self.change_usel(-10) elif c in (curses.KEY_END, ord("G")): self.change_usel(len(self.packages)-1, False) elif c in (curses.KEY_HOME, ord("g")): self.change_usel(0, False) ## End Scrolling keys ## ## Sorting the list ## elif c == ord("a"): if self.sort_method[0] == CAT: self.sort_method[0] = PN else: self.sort_method[0] = CAT self.fill_file_pad() self.refresh_file_pad() elif c == ord("t"): self.sort_method[0] = DATE self.fill_file_pad() self.refresh_file_pad() elif c == ord("c"): self.sort_method[0] = CLASS self.fill_file_pad() self.refresh_file_pad() elif c == ord("r"): self.sort_method[1] = not self.sort_method[1] self.fill_file_pad() self.refresh_file_pad() ## End Sorting the list ## elif c == ord(" "): # Now is used only for scrolling the text self.show_log() elif c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: # Reinitialize screen self.init_screen() elif c in (curses.KEY_F1, ord("h")): self.show_help() # We need to reinitialize the screen self.init_screen() elif c == ord("d"): subc = self.screen.getch() if subc == ord("a"): n = "all" elif subc == ord("e"): n = "end" elif subc == ord("s"): n = "start" elif subc == ord("d"): n = "1" else: n = "" while curses.ascii.isdigit(subc): n += chr(subc) subc = self.screen.getch() if n: self.remove_file(n) self.file_pad.erase() self.refresh_file_pad() # If the user deleted files to start, move the selection # to the first item if n == "start": self.usel = 0 self.pposy = 0 self.fill_file_pad() self.refresh_file_pad() self.logf_wrap = self.wrap_logf_lines() self.show_log() elif c == ord("/"): word = "" self.screen.move(self.height-1,2) self.screen.addstr("/") subc = self.screen.getch() while subc != curses.ascii.ESC: if subc == ord("\n"): self.search(word,1) elif subc == curses.ascii.BS: word = word[:-1] self.screen.delch() self.search(word) elif curses.ascii.isalpha(subc): word += chr(subc) self.screen.addstr(chr(subc)) self.search(word) subc = self.screen.getch() self.screen.hline(self.height-1,2,curses.ACS_HLINE,(len(word)+1)) self.screen.addstr(self.height-2,2," "*20) # Get another key from the user c = self.screen.getch() def init_screen(self): """ Init the screen and wins, it's also used to reinizialize screen after a terminal resizing """ (self.height, self.width) = self.screen.getmaxyx() # Check if the terminal window is too small if self.height < 12 or self.width < 80: raise TermTooSmall() # Screen Look&Feel self.screen.border() self.screen.hline(self.height//2,1, "_", self.width-2) m = _(" Press F1 or h to show the help screen ") self.screen.addstr(self.height-1, self.width-len(m)-1, m) self.screen.refresh() # Initialize log file window self.log_win = curses.newwin(self.height//2-2, self.width-2, self.height//2+1, 1) # Draw other window of the screen self.fill_file_pad() self.refresh_file_pad() self.logf_wrap = self.wrap_logf_lines() self.show_log() def change_usel(self,n,relative=True): prev_usel = self.usel if not relative: self.usel = n elif n < 0 and self.usel+n < 0: self.usel = 0 elif n > 0 and self.usel+n > len(self.packages)-1: self.usel = len(self.packages)-1 else: self.usel += n prev_pkg = self.packages[prev_usel] pkg = self.packages[self.usel] self.file_pad.addstr(prev_usel,1, class_char, curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(prev_pkg[CLASS])) self.file_pad.addstr(prev_usel,3, list_format % (prev_pkg[CAT], prev_pkg[PN], date2str(prev_pkg[DATE]) ), curses.color_pair(normal)) self.file_pad.addstr(self.usel,1, class_char, curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(pkg[CLASS])) self.file_pad.addstr(self.usel,3, list_format % (pkg[CAT], pkg[PN], date2str(pkg[DATE]) ), curses.color_pair(selected)) first = self.pposy last = (self.height // 2 - 2) + first if self.usel < first: self.pposy -= first - self.usel if self.usel > last: self.pposy += self.usel - last self.refresh_file_pad() self.logf.close() try: self.openfile(pkg[PATH]) except IOError: # print(("Logfile not found at '%s'. Did it get deleted somehow?" # % os.path.join(elogdir,pkg[PATH]))) self.init_screen() self.change_usel(prev_usel, False) self.logf_wrap = self.wrap_logf_lines() self.show_log() def openfile(self, myfile): if myfile.endswith('.xz'): if not no_liblzma: self.logf = liblzma.LZMAFile(myfile) else: sys.exit('You need pyliblzma library to be able to read xz compressed elog files.\nhttp://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyliblzma') elif myfile.endswith('.gz'): self.logf = gzip.open(myfile) elif myfile.endswith('.bz2'): self.logf = bz2.BZ2File(myfile) else: self.logf = open(myfile) def refresh_file_pad(self): """ Redraws file pad, first half of the screen. Can be used to scroll or simply update """ self.file_pad.refresh(self.pposy,0,1,1,self.height//2-1,self.width-2) def get_packages_key(self, k): return k[self.sort_method[0]] def fill_file_pad(self): """ Fill the list of files, colorize the selected row and order files by method specified """ # Get the list of files try: file_list = glob(os.path.join(elogdir,"*:*:*.log*")) + glob(os.path.join(elogdir,"*","*:*.log*")) except OSError: raise CannotOpenElogdir() # self.packages contains all info extracted from each file, this is the # structure: # [ ("filename", "category", "package name", date:datetime_obj, class:int), ... ] self.packages = [] for filepath in file_list: # This istruction splits the information about the package from the file path # If the user don't use split-elog feature the format used by portage is: # /x11-themes:haematite-xcursors-1.0:20091018-195827.log # else with the split-elog feature: # /x11-themes/haematite-xcursors-1.0:20091018-195827.log # So first we remove the elogdir from the filepath to obtain # x11-themes:haematite-xcursors-1.0:20091018-195827.log # or # x11-themes/haematite-xcursors-1.0:20091018-195827.log # then we split the string using as pattern / or : to obtain in any # case # ( "x11-themes", "haematite-xcursors", "1.0:20091018-195827.log") tmpfilepath = re.sub('\\.log[^/]*$', '.log', filepath) split_up = re.split(":|" + os.path.sep, tmpfilepath.replace(elogdir + os.path.sep, "")) if len(split_up) < 3: continue (cat, pn, other) = split_up[-3:] date = datetime.strptime(other, "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.log") self.packages.append( (filepath, cat, pn, date, self.get_class(filepath)) ) if not self.packages: raise NoLogFiles() # Maybe that after removing files self.usel points to a wrong index, # so this will prevent a crash if self.usel >= len(self.packages): self.usel = len(self.packages)-1 # We also have to update self.pposy if self.pposy > self.usel: self.pposy = max(0, self.usel-10) # Sort the list if self.sort_method[0] in (DATE, CLASS): self.packages.sort(key=self.get_packages_key,reverse=not self.sort_method[1]) else: self.packages.sort(key=self.get_packages_key, reverse=self.sort_method[1]) # Curses' newpad fails for nlines >32767 so we truncate the list # of log files to not exceed that limit (issue #10) MAX_ENTRIES = 2 ** 15 - 1 if len(self.packages) > MAX_ENTRIES: self.packages = self.packages[:MAX_ENTRIES] self.file_pad = curses.newpad(len(self.packages),self.width) self.file_pad.erase() for i, pkg in enumerate(self.packages): if i == self.usel: cp = selected # Maybe that the logf pointed by self.usel changed, (example # when same files are removed) so reload the self.logf file # pointer, this work is done here for convenience try: self.logf.close() except AttributeError: pass self.openfile(pkg[PATH]) else: cp = normal self.file_pad.addstr(i,1, class_char, curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(pkg[CLASS])) self.file_pad.addstr(i,3, list_format % (pkg[CAT], pkg[PN], date2str(pkg[DATE]) ), curses.color_pair(cp)) def get_class(self,filepath): """ Get the highest elog class in a file """ with open(filepath) as f: classes = re.findall("LOG:|INFO:|WARN:|ERROR:", f.read()) if "ERROR:" in classes: return eerror elif "WARN:" in classes: return ewarn elif "LOG:" in classes: return elog else: return einfo def wrap_logf_lines(self): """ Takes a file-like object and wraps long lines. Returns a list iterator. """ result = [] self.logf.seek(0) for line in self.logf.readlines(): if not line.strip(): # textwrap eats newlines yield "\n" else: # Returns a list of new lines minus the line ending \n wrapped_line = textwrap.wrap(line, width=self.width-2) for l in wrapped_line: yield l + "\n" def show_log(self): """ Display the selected file, if the length of the file is bigger than the height of the window, interrupt the drawing and resume it when the user press again the SpaceBar key """ self.log_win.erase() shown_all = False for i in range(0,self.height//2-4): try: x = next(self.logf_wrap) except StopIteration: shown_all = True # Restart the iterator self.logf_wrap = self.wrap_logf_lines() break try: if x.startswith('INFO:'): self.log_win.addstr(x[:self.width-2],curses.color_pair(einfo)) elif x.startswith('WARN:'): self.log_win.addstr(x[:self.width-2],curses.color_pair(ewarn)) elif x.startswith('ERROR:'): self.log_win.addstr(x[:self.width-2],curses.color_pair(eerror)) elif x.startswith('LOG:'): self.log_win.addstr(x[:self.width-2],curses.color_pair(elog)) else: self.log_win.addstr(x[:self.width-2],curses.color_pair(normal)) except curses.error: pass if not shown_all: s = _("Continue...") self.log_win.addstr(self.height//2-3, self.width-len(s)-4, s, curses.color_pair(normal)) self.log_win.refresh() def remove_file(self,n): """ Delete from the filesystem a slice of elog files n can be: "all" -> all files will be deleted "end" -> files from selected one to the end of the list will be deleted -> will be deleted the selected file and the next -1 """ if n == "all": start = None end = None elif n == "end": start = self.usel end = None elif n == "start": start = None end = self.usel else: start = self.usel end = self.usel + int(n) for item in self.packages[start:end]: os.remove(os.path.join(elogdir,item[0])) def show_help(self): # Setup help window helpwin_height = self.height // 3 * 2 helpwin_corner = (self.height // 6, self.width // 2 - 40) helpwin = curses.newwin(helpwin_height, 80, helpwin_corner[0], helpwin_corner[1]) helplines = helptext.splitlines() # Setup help pad row = 0 maxrow = len(helplines) helppad = curses.newpad(maxrow,80) # Insert helptext on the pad for i in range(maxrow): helppad.addstr(i,0,helplines[i]) # Loop to manage user actions c = None while c not in (ord("h"), curses.KEY_F1, ord("q")): helpwin.erase() helpwin.border() helpwin.refresh() helppad.refresh(row,0,helpwin_corner[0]+1,helpwin_corner[1]+1, helpwin_height+helpwin_corner[0]-2,80+helpwin_corner[1]-2) c = self.screen.getch() if c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: if row+10 <= maxrow: row += 10 elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: if row-10 >= 0: row -= 10 elif c in (curses.KEY_DOWN, ord("j")): if row+1 < maxrow: row += 1 elif c in (curses.KEY_UP, ord("k")): if row > 0: row -= 1 def search(self, word, div=0): for x in self.packages[self.usel+div:]: if re.search(word, "%s/%s" % x[1:3]): self.change_usel(self.packages.index(x),False) break else: self.screen.addstr(self.height-2,2,_("Not Found!"), curses.color_pair(eerror)) if __name__ == "__main__": if "--help" in sys.argv: print(helptext) sys.exit() # Get the path of the elogdir if port_settings['PORT_LOGDIR']: elogdir = os.path.join(port_settings['PORT_LOGDIR'],"elog") else: elogdir = os.path.join(os.sep,port_settings['EPREFIX'],"var","log","portage","elog") signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, handle_sig_tstp) signal.signal(signal.SIGCONT, handle_sig_cont) # Launch curses interface try: curses.wrapper(ElogViewer) except TermTooSmall: print(_("Your terminal window is too small, try to enlarge it")) sys.exit(1) except NoLogFiles: print(_("There aren't any elog files on"), elogdir) sys.exit(1) except CannotOpenElogdir: print(_("Cannot open"), elogdir) print(_("Please check if the directory exists and if it's readable by your user.")) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: