# Gentoo Docker Images
A collection of Dockerfiles for generating Gentoo docker images.
These images are intended to be created automatically by
a cron job and pushed to [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/u/gentoo/).
This repository include basic stage3 images and an image usable as a `/var/db/repos/gentoo` volume
# DockerHub
## Inventory
The following targets are built and pushed to Docker Hub:
* `portage`
* `stage3`
* `amd64`
* `stage3-amd64-hardened-nomultilib-openrc`
* `stage3-amd64-hardened-openrc`
* `stage3-amd64-musl`
* `stage3-amd64-musl-hardened`
* `stage3-amd64-nomultilib-openrc`
* `stage3-amd64-nomultilib-systemd`
* `stage3-amd64-openrc`
* `stage3-amd64-desktop-openrc`
* `stage3-amd64-systemd`
* `stage3-amd64-desktop-systemd`
* `arm`
* `stage3-armv5tel-openrc`
* `stage3-armv5tel-systemd`
* `stage3-armv6j-openrc`
* `stage3-armv6j-systemd`
* `stage3-armv6j_hardfp-openrc`
* `stage3-armv6j_hardfp-systemd`
* `stage3-armv7a-openrc`
* `stage3-armv7a-systemd`
* `stage3-armv7a_hardfp_musl-openrc`
* `stage3-armv7a_hardfp-openrc`
* `stage3-armv7a_hardfp-systemd`
* `arm64`
* `stage3-arm64-desktop-openrc`
* `stage3-arm64-desktop-systemd`
* `stage3-arm64-musl`
* `stage3-arm64-musl-hardened`
* `stage3-arm64-openrc`
* `stage3-arm64-systemd`
* `ppc`
* `stage3-ppc64le-musl-hardened-openrc`
* `stage3-ppc64le-openrc`
* `stage3-ppc64le-systemd`
* `riscv`
* `stage3-rv64_lp64-openrc`
* `stage3-rv64_lp64-systemd`
* `stage3-rv64_lp64d-openrc`
* `stage3-rv64_lp64d-systemd`
* `s390`
* `stage3-s390x`
* `x86`
* `stage3-i686-hardened-openrc`
* `stage3-i686-musl`
* `stage3-i686-openrc`
* `stage3-i686-systemd`
The following upstream stage3 targets are not built at all:
* `amd64`
* `stage3-amd64` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
* `stage3-amd64-hardened` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
* `stage3-amd64-hardened+nomultilib` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
* `stage3-amd64-hardened-selinux` [[deprecated](#deprecated), [selinux](#selinux)]
* `stage3-amd64-hardened-selinux+nomultilib` [[deprecated](#deprecated), [selinux](#selinux)]
* `stage3-amd64-hardened-selinux-openrc` [[selinux](#selinux)]
* `stage3-amd64-musl-vanilla` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
* `stage3-amd64-nomultilib` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
* `stage3-amd64-nomultilib-selinux-openrc` [[selinux](#selinux)]
* `stage3-x32` [[deprecated](#deprecated), [unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-x32-openrc` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `arm`
* `stage3-armv4tl` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-armv4tl-systemd` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `ppc`
* `stage3-power9le-openrc` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-power9le-systemd` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-ppc` [[deprecated](#deprecated), [unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-ppc-openrc` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-ppc64` [[deprecated](#deprecated), [unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-ppc64-musl-hardened` [[deprecated](#deprecated), [unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-ppc64-musl-hardened-openrc` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-ppc64-openrc` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-ppc64-systemd` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-ppc64le` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
* `stage3-ppc64le-musl-hardened` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
* `riscv`
* `stage3-rv32_*` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-rv64_multilib` [[under testing](#testing)]
* `s390`
* `stage3-s390` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `x86`
* `stage3-i486` [[deprecated](#deprecated), [unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-i486-openrc` [[unsupported](#unsupported)]
* `stage3-i686` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
* `stage3-i686-hardened` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
* `stage3-i686-musl-vanilla` [[deprecated](#deprecated)]
[deprecated]: Deprecated stage3 target
[selinux]: [SELinux doesn't seem to make sense inside containers](https://serverfault.com/q/757606/)
[under testing]: Not ready for container. Our arch team is working on testing it
[unsupported]: [Unsupported Docker architecture](https://github.com/docker-library/official-images#architectures-other-than-amd64)
# Building the containers
The containers are created using a multi-stage build, which requires Docker >= 19.03.0.
The container being built is defined by the TARGET environment variable:
`` TARGET=stage3-amd64-openrc ./build.sh ``
# Using the portage container as a data volume
docker create -v /var/db/repos/gentoo --name myportagesnapshot gentoo/portage:latest /bin/true
docker run --interactive --tty --volumes-from myportagesnapshot gentoo/stage3:latest /bin/bash
# Using the portage container in a multi-stage build
docker-17.05.0 or later supports multi-stage builds, allowing the portage volume to be used when creating images based on a stage3 image.
Example _Dockerfile_
# name the portage image
FROM gentoo/portage:latest as portage
# based on stage3 image
FROM gentoo/stage3:latest
# copy the entire portage volume in
COPY --from=portage /var/db/repos/gentoo /var/db/repos/gentoo
# continue with image build ...
RUN emerge -qv www-servers/apache # or whichever packages you need
# Contributing
We'd love to hear any ideas. Feel free to contact us via any of the following
* IRC: irc://irc.libera.chat:6697/#gentoo-containers
* EMAIL: gentoo-containers@lists.gentoo.org
* GITHUB: https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo-docker-images
## Policy
* Use topic branches (i.e. foo) and fix branches (i.e. fix/foo) when submitting
pull requests
* Make meaningful commits ideally with the following form:
* Subject line–what this commit does
* Blank line
* Body–why this commit is necessary or desired
* Pull requests should not include merge commits
* Use amend and rebase to fix commits after a pull request has been submitted