#ifndef ARTIFEX_EXTRACT_XML #define ARTIFEX_EXTRACT_XML /* Only for internal use by extract code. */ #include "../include/extract_buffer.h" #include "astring.h" /* Things for representing XML. */ typedef struct { char* name; char* value; } extract_xml_attribute_t; /* Represents a single <...> XML tag plus trailing text. */ typedef struct { char* name; extract_xml_attribute_t* attributes; int attributes_num; extract_astring_t text; } extract_xml_tag_t; void extract_xml_tag_init(extract_xml_tag_t* tag); /* Initialises tag. Will cause leak if tag contains data - in this case call extract_xml_tag_free(). */ void extract_xml_tag_free(extract_alloc_t* alloc, extract_xml_tag_t* tag); /* Frees tag and then calls extract_xml_tag_init(). */ int extract_xml_pparse_init(extract_alloc_t* alloc, extract_buffer_t* buffer, const char* first_line); /* extract_xml_pparse_*(): simple XML 'pull' parser. If is not NULL, we require that starts with the specified text. Usually one would include a final newline in . extract_xml_pparse_init() merely consumes the initial '<'. Thereafter extract_xml_pparse_next() consumes the next '<' before returning the previous tag. */ /* Opens specified file. If first_line is not NULL, we check that it matches the first line in the file. Returns -1 with errno=ESRCH if we fail to read the first '<' due to EOF. */ int extract_xml_pparse_next(extract_buffer_t* buffer, extract_xml_tag_t* out); /* Returns the next XML tag. Returns 0 with *out containing next tag; or -1 with errno set if error; or +1 with errno=ESRCH if EOF. If we return 0, we guarantee that out->name points to valid string and that each item in out->attributes has similarly valid name and value members. *out is initially passed to extract_xml_tag_free(), so *out must have been initialised, e.g. by by extract_xml_tag_init(). */ char* extract_xml_tag_attributes_find(extract_xml_tag_t* tag, const char* name); /* Returns pointer to value of specified attribute, or NULL if not found. */ int extract_xml_tag_attributes_find_float( extract_xml_tag_t* tag, const char* name, float* o_out ); /* Finds float value of specified attribute, returning error if not found or there is trailing text. */ int extract_xml_tag_attributes_find_double( extract_xml_tag_t* tag, const char* name, double* o_out ); /* Finds double value of specified attribute, returning error if not found or there is trailing text. */ /* Next few functions write to out-param and return zero on success, else return -1 with errno set. An error is returned if value is out of range or there is any trailing text. */ int extract_xml_str_to_llint(const char* text, long long* o_out); int extract_xml_str_to_ullint(const char* text, unsigned long long* o_out); int extract_xml_str_to_int(const char* text, int* o_out); int extract_xml_str_to_uint(const char* text, unsigned* o_out); int extract_xml_str_to_size(const char* text, size_t* o_out); int extract_xml_str_to_double(const char* text, double* o_out); int extract_xml_str_to_float(const char* text, float* o_out); int extract_xml_tag_attributes_find_int( extract_xml_tag_t* tag, const char* name, int* o_out ); /* Finds int value of specified attribute, returning error if not found. */ int extract_xml_tag_attributes_find_uint( extract_xml_tag_t* tag, const char* name, unsigned* o_out ); /* Finds unsigned int value of specified attribute, returning error if not found. */ int extract_xml_tag_attributes_find_size( extract_xml_tag_t* tag, const char* name, size_t* o_out ); /* Finds unsigned int value of specified attribute, returning error if not found. */ #endif