%!PS-Adobe-2.0 % % Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan % written in vertical direction using ... % Fonts: % Ryumin-Light-V, GothicBBB-Medium-V % Operators for characters: % show, widthshow, ashow, stringwidth, charpath, cshow % (lib/cjkv/cjk_ttf.ps) runlibfile % (lib/cjkv/cjkfnmap.ps) runlibfile % /Ryumin-Light (Resource/FreeTT/sazanami-mincho.ttf) .openttcidfont /CIDFont defineresource pop % /GothicBBB-Medium (Resource/FreeTT/sazanami-gothic.ttf) .openttcidfont /CIDFont defineresource pop % constants /RIGHT 550 def /WIDTH 500 def /TOP 750 def /HEIGHT 700 def /SIZE 20 def /MARGIN 40 def % utility operators /GOTHIC { /GothicBBB-Medium-V findfont exch dup /FONTSIZE exch def scalefont setfont } def /RYUMIN { /Ryumin-Light-V findfont exch dup /FONTSIZE exch def scalefont setfont } def /NEXTLINE { currentpoint pop FONTSIZE 1.8 mul sub TOP MARGIN sub moveto } def /MARU { dup gsave false charpath flattenpath pathbbox grestore /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def gsave llx urx add 2 div lly ury add 2 div translate urx llx sub ury lly sub 2 copy gt { pop }{ exch pop }ifelse 1.2 mul dup scale 0 setlinewidth 0.5 0 moveto 0 0 0.5 0 360 arc stroke grestore show } def /STRLEN { 0 exch { pop pop pop 1 add } exch cshow } def /JUSTIFY { dup STRLEN 1 sub 1 index stringwidth exch pop currentpoint exch pop add TOP HEIGHT MARGIN sub sub sub exch div neg 0 exch 3 -1 roll ashow } def % initialize RIGHT TOP moveto 0 HEIGHT neg rlineto WIDTH neg 0 rlineto 0 HEIGHT rlineto closepath stroke RIGHT MARGIN sub TOP MARGIN sub moveto % title SIZE 2 mul GOTHIC <2121467C4B5C3971377B4B21> show NEXTLINE % chapter SIZE 1.5 mul GOTHIC <21212121426846733E4F2121> show SIZE 1.5 mul RYUMIN <406F4168244E4A7C347E> show NEXTLINE % abstract SIZE GOTHIC 0 SIZE 2 div 16#2122 <2121214C406F4168244E4A7C347E2122406F4E4F244E49544A5D3B7D 21223872406F3822244E485D4727214D> widthshow NEXTLINE % sentence SIZE GOTHIC <426836653E72> show SIZE RYUMIN <2331> MARU <2121467C4B5C39714C31244F212240353541244843613D7824723470443424482439246B39713A 5D> JUSTIFY NEXTLINE <4A3F4F422472403F3C42244B347535612437212239713822244E482F4630243F246B406F416824 48212249704E4F244B2468246B> JUSTIFY NEXTLINE <305233454B74244F49704E4F244E39543B48244F212239713A5D4A364168247232723768243924 6B3C6A434A244824372446> JUSTIFY NEXTLINE <244F2122314A3557244B2433246C24724A7C347E2439246B2123> show NEXTLINE <2332> MARU <212141303960244E4C5C452A247243232439246B243F246121224E26332436753733243D244E42 3E244E406F4E4F> JUSTIFY NEXTLINE <244F21222433246C24724A5D3B7D2437244A242421233971244E3872406F3822244F2122243324 6C247247272461244A24242123> show NEXTLINE showpage