/* Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* Epson Stylus-Color Printer-Driver */ /*** This file holds the sample-implementation of a RGB-algorithm for the stcolor-driver. It is available via gs -sDEVICE=stcolor -sDithering=gsrgb ... Actually this is no dithering-algorithm, it lets ghostscript do the job. This achieved, by requesting BYTE-Values between 0 and 1 to be delivered, which causes a depth of 1-Bit by default. ***/ /* * gdevstc.h holds all the includes and the driver-specific definitions, so * it is the only include you need. To add a new algorthim, STC_MODI in * gdevstc.h should be extended. (see the instructions there) */ #include "gdevstc.h" /* * the routine required. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ int stc_gsrgb(stcolor_device *sdev,int npixel,byte *ip,byte *buf,byte *out) { int error = 0; /* * There are basically 3 Types of calls: * npixel < 0 => initialize buf, if this is required * (happens only if requested) * npixel > 0 => process next scanline, if the flag STC_WHITE is set, then * in == NULL signals, that the basic-driver has decided * that this scanline is white. (Useful for really dithering * drivers) */ /* ============================================================= */ if(npixel > 0) { /* npixel > 0 -> scanline-processing */ /* ============================================================= */ int p; /* * simply merge the color-values into a single byte * (RED, GREEN, BLUE are defined in gdevstc.h) */ for(p = 0; p < npixel; ++p,++out) { /* loop over pixels */ *out = 0; if(*ip++) *out |= RED; if(*ip++) *out |= GREEN; if(*ip++) *out |= BLUE; } /* loop over pixels */ /* ============================================================= */ } else { /* npixel <= 0 -> initialisation */ /* ============================================================= */ /* * besides buffer-Initialisation, one may check the parameters in * the algorithm-table of the driver. */ /* we didn't check for the white-calls above, so they would cause errors */ if(sdev->stc.dither->flags & STC_WHITE) error = -1; /* if we're not setup for bytes, this is an error too */ if((sdev->stc.dither->flags & STC_TYPE) != STC_BYTE) error = -2; /* and rgb-mode is the only supported mode */ if(sdev->color_info.num_components != 3) error = -3; /* we can't deal with ghostscript-data directly. */ if(sdev->stc.dither->flags & STC_DIRECT) error = -4; /* ============================================================= */ } /* scanline-processing or initialisation */ /* ============================================================= */ return error; }