post_title . "\n\n" . $post->post_content; $char_cnt = strlen( $content ); //prevent running extraction on really huge amounts of content if ( $char_cnt > 100000 ) //about 20k English words $content = substr( $content, 0, 100000 ); $extracted = array(); // Get images first, we need the full post for that if ( self::IMAGES & $what_to_extract ) { $extracted = self::get_image_fields( $post ); // Turn off images so we can safely call extract_from_content() below $what_to_extract = $what_to_extract - self::IMAGES; } if ( function_exists( 'switch_to_blog') ) restore_current_blog(); // All of the other things besides images can be extracted from just the content $extracted = self::extract_from_content( $content, $what_to_extract, $extracted ); return $extracted; } /** * Gets the specified meta info from the given post content. * NOTE: If you want IMAGES, call extract( $blog_id, $post_id, ...) which will give you more/better image extraction * This method will give you an error if you ask for IMAGES. * * @param $content The HTML post_content of a post * @param $what_to_extract (int) A mask of things to extract, e.g. Jetpack_Media_Meta_Extractor::IMAGES | Jetpack_Media_Meta_Extractor::MENTIONS * @param $already_extracted (array) Previously extracted things, e.g. images from extract(), which can be used for x-referencing here * @returns a structure containing metadata about the embedded things, or empty array if nothing found, or WP_Error on error */ static public function extract_from_content( $content, $what_to_extract = self::ALL, $already_extracted = array() ) { $stripped_content = self::get_stripped_content( $content ); // Maybe start with some previously extracted things (e.g. images from extract() $extracted = $already_extracted; // Embedded media objects will have already been converted to shortcodes by pre_kses hooks on save. if ( self::IMAGES & $what_to_extract ) { $images = Jetpack_Media_Meta_Extractor::extract_images_from_content( $stripped_content, array() ); $extracted = array_merge( $extracted, $images ); } // ----------------------------------- MENTIONS ------------------------------ if ( self::MENTIONS & $what_to_extract ) { if ( preg_match_all( '/(^|\s)@(\w+)/u', $stripped_content, $matches ) ) { $mentions = array_values( array_unique( $matches[2] ) ); //array_unique() retains the keys! $mentions = array_map( 'strtolower', $mentions ); $extracted['mention'] = array( 'name' => $mentions ); if ( !isset( $extracted['has'] ) ) $extracted['has'] = array(); $extracted['has']['mention'] = count( $mentions ); } } // ----------------------------------- HASHTAGS ------------------------------ /** Some hosts may not compile with --enable-unicode-properties and kick a warning: * Warning: preg_match_all() [function.preg-match-all]: Compilation failed: support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled * Therefore, we only run this code block on wpcom, not in Jetpack. */ if ( ( defined( 'IS_WPCOM' ) && IS_WPCOM ) && ( self::HASHTAGS & $what_to_extract ) ) { //This regex does not exactly match Twitter's // if there are problems/complaints we should implement this: // if ( preg_match_all( '/(?:^|\s)#(\w*\p{L}+\w*)/u', $stripped_content, $matches ) ) { $hashtags = array_values( array_unique( $matches[1] ) ); //array_unique() retains the keys! $hashtags = array_map( 'strtolower', $hashtags ); $extracted['hashtag'] = array( 'name' => $hashtags ); if ( !isset( $extracted['has'] ) ) $extracted['has'] = array(); $extracted['has']['hashtag'] = count( $hashtags ); } } // ----------------------------------- SHORTCODES ------------------------------ // Always look for shortcodes. // If we don't want them, we'll just remove them, so we don't grab them as links below $shortcode_pattern = '/' . get_shortcode_regex() . '/s'; if ( preg_match_all( $shortcode_pattern, $content, $matches ) ) { $shortcode_total_count = 0; $shortcode_type_counts = array(); $shortcode_types = array(); $shortcode_details = array(); if ( self::SHORTCODES & $what_to_extract ) { foreach( $matches[2] as $key => $shortcode ) { //Elasticsearch (and probably other things) doesn't deal well with some chars as key names $shortcode_name = preg_replace( '/[.,*"\'\/\\\\#+ ]/', '_', $shortcode ); $attr = shortcode_parse_atts( $matches[3][ $key ] ); $shortcode_total_count++; if ( ! isset( $shortcode_type_counts[$shortcode_name] ) ) $shortcode_type_counts[$shortcode_name] = 0; $shortcode_type_counts[$shortcode_name]++; // Store (uniquely) presence of all shortcode regardless of whether it's a keeper (for those, get ID below) // @todo Store number of occurrences? if ( ! in_array( $shortcode_name, $shortcode_types ) ) $shortcode_types[] = $shortcode_name; // For keeper shortcodes, also store the id/url of the object (e.g. youtube video, TED talk, etc.) if ( in_array( $shortcode, self::$KEEPER_SHORTCODES ) ) { unset( $id ); // Clear shortcode ID data left from the last shortcode // We'll try to get the salient ID from the function jetpack_shortcode_get_xyz_id() // If the shortcode is a class, we'll call XyzShortcode::get_xyz_id() $shortcode_get_id_func = "jetpack_shortcode_get_{$shortcode}_id"; $shortcode_class_name = ucfirst( $shortcode ) . 'Shortcode'; $shortcode_get_id_method = "get_{$shortcode}_id"; if ( function_exists( $shortcode_get_id_func ) ) { $id = call_user_func( $shortcode_get_id_func, $attr ); } else if ( method_exists( $shortcode_class_name, $shortcode_get_id_method ) ) { $id = call_user_func( array( $shortcode_class_name, $shortcode_get_id_method ), $attr ); } if ( ! empty( $id ) && ( ! isset( $shortcode_details[$shortcode_name] ) || ! in_array( $id, $shortcode_details[$shortcode_name] ) ) ) $shortcode_details[$shortcode_name][] = $id; } } if ( $shortcode_total_count > 0 ) { // Add the shortcode info to the $extracted array if ( !isset( $extracted['has'] ) ) $extracted['has'] = array(); $extracted['has']['shortcode'] = $shortcode_total_count; $extracted['shortcode'] = array(); foreach ( $shortcode_type_counts as $type => $count ) $extracted['shortcode'][$type] = array( 'count' => $count ); if ( ! empty( $shortcode_types ) ) $extracted['shortcode_types'] = $shortcode_types; foreach ( $shortcode_details as $type => $id ) $extracted['shortcode'][$type]['id'] = $id; } } // Remove the shortcodes form our copy of $content, so we don't count links in them as links below. $content = preg_replace( $shortcode_pattern, ' ', $content ); } // ----------------------------------- LINKS ------------------------------ if ( self::LINKS & $what_to_extract ) { // To hold the extracted stuff we find $links = array(); // @todo Get the text inside the links? // Grab any links, whether in ]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/))))#', $content, $matches ) ) { foreach ( $matches[1] as $link_raw ) { $url = wp_parse_url( $link_raw ); // Data URI links if ( isset( $url['scheme'] ) && 'data' === $url['scheme'] ) continue; // Remove large (and likely invalid) links if ( 4096 < strlen( $link_raw ) ) continue; // Build a simple form of the URL so we can compare it to ones we found in IMAGES or SHORTCODES and exclude those $simple_url = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'] . ( ! empty( $url['path'] ) ? $url['path'] : '' ); if ( isset( $extracted['image']['url'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $simple_url, (array) $extracted['image']['url'] ) ) continue; } list( $proto, $link_all_but_proto ) = explode( '://', $link_raw ); // Build a reversed hostname $host_parts = array_reverse( explode( '.', $url['host'] ) ); $host_reversed = ''; foreach ( $host_parts as $part ) { $host_reversed .= ( ! empty( $host_reversed ) ? '.' : '' ) . $part; } $link_analyzed = ''; if ( !empty( $url['path'] ) ) { // The whole path (no query args or fragments) $path = substr( $url['path'], 1 ); // strip the leading '/' $link_analyzed .= ( ! empty( $link_analyzed ) ? ' ' : '' ) . $path; // The path split by / $path_split = explode( '/', $path ); if ( count( $path_split ) > 1 ) { $link_analyzed .= ' ' . implode( ' ', $path_split ); } // The fragment if ( ! empty( $url['fragment'] ) ) $link_analyzed .= ( ! empty( $link_analyzed ) ? ' ' : '' ) . $url['fragment']; } // @todo Check unique before adding $links[] = array( 'url' => $link_all_but_proto, 'host_reversed' => $host_reversed, 'host' => $url['host'], ); } } $link_count = count( $links ); if ( $link_count ) { $extracted[ 'link' ] = $links; if ( !isset( $extracted['has'] ) ) $extracted['has'] = array(); $extracted['has']['link'] = $link_count; } } // ----------------------------------- EMBEDS ------------------------------ //Embeds are just individual links on their own line if ( self::EMBEDS & $what_to_extract ) { if ( !function_exists( '_wp_oembed_get_object' ) ) include( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-oembed.php' ); // get an oembed object $oembed = _wp_oembed_get_object(); // Grab any links on their own lines that may be embeds if ( preg_match_all( '|^\s*(https?://[^\s"]+)\s*$|im', $content, $matches ) ) { // To hold the extracted stuff we find $embeds = array(); foreach ( $matches[1] as $link_raw ) { $url = wp_parse_url( $link_raw ); list( $proto, $link_all_but_proto ) = explode( '://', $link_raw ); // Check whether this "link" is really an embed. foreach ( $oembed->providers as $matchmask => $data ) { list( $providerurl, $regex ) = $data; // Turn the asterisk-type provider URLs into regex if ( !$regex ) { $matchmask = '#' . str_replace( '___wildcard___', '(.+)', preg_quote( str_replace( '*', '___wildcard___', $matchmask ), '#' ) ) . '#i'; $matchmask = preg_replace( '|^#http\\\://|', '#https?\://', $matchmask ); } if ( preg_match( $matchmask, $link_raw ) ) { $provider = str_replace( '{format}', 'json', $providerurl ); // JSON is easier to deal with than XML $embeds[] = $link_all_but_proto; // @todo Check unique before adding // @todo Try to get ID's for the ones we care about (shortcode_keepers) break; } } } if ( ! empty( $embeds ) ) { if ( !isset( $extracted['has'] ) ) $extracted['has'] = array(); $extracted['has']['embed'] = count( $embeds ); $extracted['embed'] = array( 'url' => array() ); foreach ( $embeds as $e ) $extracted['embed']['url'][] = $e; } } } return $extracted; } /** * @param $post A post object * @param $args (array) Optional args, see defaults list for details * @returns array Returns an array of all images meeting the specified criteria in $args * * Uses Jetpack Post Images */ private static function get_image_fields( $post, $args = array() ) { $defaults = array( 'width' => 200, // Required minimum width (if possible to determine) 'height' => 200, // Required minimum height (if possible to determine) ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $image_list = array(); $image_booleans = array(); $image_booleans['gallery'] = 0; $from_featured_image = Jetpack_PostImages::from_thumbnail( $post->ID, $args['width'], $args['height'] ); if ( !empty( $from_featured_image ) ) { $srcs = wp_list_pluck( $from_featured_image, 'src' ); $image_list = array_merge( $image_list, $srcs ); } $from_slideshow = Jetpack_PostImages::from_slideshow( $post->ID, $args['width'], $args['height'] ); if ( !empty( $from_slideshow ) ) { $srcs = wp_list_pluck( $from_slideshow, 'src' ); $image_list = array_merge( $image_list, $srcs ); } $from_gallery = Jetpack_PostImages::from_gallery( $post->ID ); if ( !empty( $from_gallery ) ) { $srcs = wp_list_pluck( $from_gallery, 'src' ); $image_list = array_merge( $image_list, $srcs ); $image_booleans['gallery']++; // @todo This count isn't correct, will only every count 1 } // @todo Can we check width/height of these efficiently? Could maybe use query args at least, before we strip them out $image_list = Jetpack_Media_Meta_Extractor::get_images_from_html( $post->post_content, $image_list ); return Jetpack_Media_Meta_Extractor::build_image_struct( $image_list, $image_booleans ); } public static function extract_images_from_content( $content, $image_list ) { $image_list = Jetpack_Media_Meta_Extractor::get_images_from_html( $content, $image_list ); return Jetpack_Media_Meta_Extractor::build_image_struct( $image_list, array() ); } public static function build_image_struct( $image_list, $image_booleans ) { if ( ! empty( $image_list ) ) { $retval = array( 'image' => array() ); $image_list = array_unique( $image_list ); foreach ( $image_list as $img ) { $retval['image'][] = array( 'url' => $img ); } $image_booleans['image'] = count( $retval['image'] ); if ( ! empty( $image_booleans ) ) $retval['has'] = $image_booleans; return $retval; } else { return array(); } } /** * * @param string $html Some markup, possibly containing image tags * @param array $images_already_extracted (just an array of image URLs without query strings, no special structure), used for de-duplication * @return array Image URLs extracted from the HTML, stripped of query params and de-duped */ public static function get_images_from_html( $html, $images_already_extracted ) { $image_list = $images_already_extracted; $from_html = Jetpack_PostImages::from_html( $html ); if ( !empty( $from_html ) ) { $srcs = wp_list_pluck( $from_html, 'src' ); foreach( $srcs as $image_url ) { if ( ( $src = wp_parse_url( $image_url ) ) && isset( $src['scheme'], $src['host'], $src['path'] ) ) { // Rebuild the URL without the query string $queryless = $src['scheme'] . '://' . $src['host'] . $src['path']; } elseif ( $length = strpos( $image_url, '?' ) ) { // If wp_parse_url() didn't work, strip off the query string the old fashioned way $queryless = substr( $image_url, 0, $length ); } else { // Failing that, there was no spoon! Err ... query string! $queryless = $image_url; } // Discard URLs that are longer then 4KB, these are likely data URIs or malformed HTML. if ( 4096 < strlen( $queryless ) ) { continue; } if ( ! in_array( $queryless, $image_list ) ) { $image_list[] = $queryless; } } } return $image_list; } private static function get_stripped_content( $content ) { $clean_content = strip_tags( $content ); $clean_content = html_entity_decode( $clean_content ); //completely strip shortcodes and any content they enclose $clean_content = strip_shortcodes( $clean_content ); return $clean_content; } }