# ChangeLog for sys-cluster/heartbeat # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 09 Sep 2008; Wolfram Schlich heartbeat-2.1.3-r5.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.4.ebuild, +heartbeat-2.99.0_beta.ebuild: *DEPEND fixed, ebuild cleanups, version bump 18 Aug 2008; Wolfram Schlich +heartbeat-2.1.4.ebuild: version bump 14 Aug 2008; Wolfram Schlich -files/heartbeat.init-r1, +files/heartbeat.init-r2, -heartbeat-2.1.3-r4.ebuild, +heartbeat-2.1.3-r5.ebuild: modify init script to NOT start heartbeat with increased priority (-10) anymore because all started resources also were started with that priority 23 Jul 2008; Wolfram Schlich +files/heartbeat.init-r1, -files/heartbeat-init, -heartbeat-2.1.3-r3.ebuild, +heartbeat-2.1.3-r4.ebuild: modify init script to be POSIX compliant (useful for baselayout-2/openrc) and to start heartbeat with increased priority (-10) 03 Jul 2008; Wolfram Schlich -files/drbd-peer-outdater.sh, -heartbeat-2.1.3-r1.ebuild, -heartbeat-2.1.3-r2.ebuild, -heartbeat-2.1.3_p15-r10.ebuild: removed old versions 27 Mar 2008; Wolfram Schlich +files/heartbeat-2.1.3-leapyear-rewrite.patch, +files/heartbeat-2.1.3-lrmadmin-cts.patch, heartbeat-2.1.3-r3.ebuild: added revised leapyear patch, added lrmadmin patch to make the CTS happy, remove drbd-peer-outdater wrapper and corresponding warning 26 Mar 2008; Wolfram Schlich +files/heartbeat-2.1.3-dopd-47f60bebe7b2.patch, +heartbeat-2.1.3-r3.ebuild: incorporate critical dopd patch from http://hg.linux-ha.org/dev/rev/47f60bebe7b2 04 Mar 2008; Wolfram Schlich heartbeat-2.1.3-r1.ebuild: added missing autotools eclass inheritance 04 Mar 2008; Wolfram Schlich -heartbeat-2.1.3.ebuild, -heartbeat-2.1.3_p15-r8.ebuild, +heartbeat-2.1.3_p15-r10.ebuild: version bump, removed old versions 29 Feb 2008; Wolfram Schlich +files/heartbeat-2.1.3-leapyear.patch, heartbeat-2.1.3.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.3-r1.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.3-r2.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.3_p15-r8.ebuild: add leap year patch from http://developerbugs.linux-foundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1849 (do NOT install this on 29th of february\!) 28 Feb 2008; Wolfram Schlich +files/drbd-peer-outdater.sh, heartbeat-2.1.3.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.3-r1.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.3-r2.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.3_p15-r8.ebuild: provide a wrapper script for drbd-peer-outdater 28 Feb 2008; Wolfram Schlich -heartbeat-2.1.2.ebuild: remove old version 28 Feb 2008; Wolfram Schlich -heartbeat-2.1.3_p15-r1.ebuild: remove old version 28 Feb 2008; Wolfram Schlich -files/heartbeat-2.0.8-crm-leaks.patch, -files/heartbeat-2.0.8-delay.patch, -heartbeat-2.0.8-r2.ebuild: remove old version 28 Feb 2008; Wolfram Schlich +heartbeat-2.1.3_p15-r8.ebuild: version bump 28 Feb 2008; Wolfram Schlich heartbeat-2.1.3.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.3-r1.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.3-r2.ebuild, heartbeat-2.1.3_p15-r1.ebuild: added python + pyxml deps for ciblint + crm_sh