# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefox-,v 1.4 2006/05/06 19:06:43 truedfx Exp $ unset ALLOWED_FLAGS # stupid extra-functions.sh ... bug 49179 inherit flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs eutils mozconfig-2 mozilla-launcher makeedit multilib fdo-mime mozextension autotools LANGS="ar ca cs da de el en-GB es-AR es-ES fi fr ga-IE he hu it ja ko mk nb-NO nl pl pt-BR ro ru sk sl sv-SE tr zh-CN zh-TW" SHORTLANGS="es-ES ga-IE nb-NO sv-SE" PVER="1.0" DESCRIPTION="Firefox Web Browser" HOMEPAGE="http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/${PV}/source/firefox-${PV}-source.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-${PVER}.tar.bz2 http://dev.gentoo.org/~anarchy/dist/${P}-patches-${PVER}.tar.bz2" for X in ${LANGS} ; do SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} linguas_${X/-/_}? ( mirror://gentoo/firefox-${X}-${PV}.xpi )" done for X in ${SHORTLANGS} ; do SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} linguas_${X%%-*}? ( mirror://gentoo/firefox-${X}-${PV}.xpi )" done KEYWORDS="-* amd64 ~ia64 ppc ~x86" SLOT="0" LICENSE="MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1" IUSE="java mozdevelop" RDEPEND="java? ( virtual/jre ) >=www-client/mozilla-launcher-1.39 >=sys-devel/binutils-2.16.1 >=dev-libs/nss-3.10 >=dev-libs/nspr-4.6.1" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} java? ( >=dev-java/java-config-0.2.0 )" S=${WORKDIR}/mozilla # Needed by src_compile() and src_install(). # Would do in pkg_setup but that loses the export attribute, they # become pure shell variables. export MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser export BUILD_OFFICIAL=1 export MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1 linguas() { linguas= local LANG for LANG in ${LINGUAS}; do if hasq ${LANG} ${LANGS//-/_} en; then hasq ${LANG//_/-} ${linguas} || \ linguas="${linguas:+"${linguas} "}${LANG//_/-}" continue else local SLANG for SLANG in ${SHORTLANGS}; do if [[ ${LANG} == ${SLANG%%-*} ]]; then hasq ${SLANG} ${linguas} || \ linguas="${linguas:+"${linguas} "}${SLANG}" continue 2 fi done fi ewarn "Sorry, but mozilla-firefox does not support the ${LANG} LINGUA" done } src_unpack() { unpack firefox-${PV}-source.tar.bz2 ${P}-patches-${PVER}.tar.bz2 linguas for X in ${linguas}; do [[ ${X} != en ]] && xpi_unpack firefox-${X}-${PV}.xpi done # Apply our patches cd ${S} || die "cd failed" EPATCH_FORCE="yes" epatch ${WORKDIR}/patch # Fix a compilation issue using the 32-bit userland with 64-bit kernel on # PowerPC, because with that configuration, it detects a ppc64 system. # -- hansmi, 2005-11-13 if use ppc && [[ "${PROFILE_ARCH}" == ppc64 ]]; then sed -i -e "s#OS_TEST=\`uname -m\`\$#OS_TEST=${ARCH}#" \ ${S}/configure sed -i -e "s#OS_TEST :=.*uname -m.*\$#OS_TEST:=${ARCH}#" \ ${S}/security/coreconf/arch.mk fi WANT_AUTOCONF="2.13" \ eautoreconf || die "failed running eautoreconf" } src_compile() { declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} #################################### # # mozconfig, CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS setup # #################################### mozconfig_init mozconfig_config mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-extensions=default,typeaheadfind mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-mailnews #mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-native-uconv mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-image-encoder=all mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-canvas mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-nspr mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-nss mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-official-branding # Bug 60668: Galeon doesn't build without oji enabled, so enable it # regardless of java setting. mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-oji --enable-mathml # Other ff-specific settings mozconfig_use_enable mozdevelop jsd mozconfig_use_enable mozdevelop xpctools mozconfig_use_extension mozdevelop venkman mozconfig_annotate '' --with-default-mozilla-five-home=${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME} # Finalize and report settings mozconfig_final # hardened GCC uses -fstack-protector-all by default, which breaks us gcc-specs-ssp && append-flags -fno-stack-protector-all # remove -fstack-protector because now it borks firefox CFLAGS=${CFLAGS/-fstack-protector-all/} CFLAGS=${CFLAGS/-fstack-protector/} CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS/-fstack-protector-all/} CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS/-fstack-protector/} append-flags -freorder-blocks -fno-reorder-functions # Export CPU_ARCH_TEST as it is not exported by default. case $(tc-arch) in amd64) [[ ${ABI} == "x86" ]] && CPU_ARCH_TEST="x86" || CPU_ARCH_TEST="x86_64" ;; *) CPU_ARCH_TEST=$(tc-arch) ;; esac export CPU_ARCH_TEST #################################### # # Configure and build # #################################### CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -DARON_WAS_HERE" \ CC="$(tc-getCC)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" LD="$(tc-getLD)" \ econf || die # It would be great if we could pass these in via CPPFLAGS or CFLAGS prior # to econf, but the quotes cause configure to fail. sed -i -e \ 's|-DARON_WAS_HERE|-DGENTOO_NSPLUGINS_DIR=\\\"/usr/'"$(get_libdir)"'/nsplugins\\\" -DGENTOO_NSBROWSER_PLUGINS_DIR=\\\"/usr/'"$(get_libdir)"'/nsbrowser/plugins\\\"|' \ ${S}/config/autoconf.mk \ ${S}/xpfe/global/buildconfig.html # This removes extraneous CFLAGS from the Makefiles to reduce RAM # requirements while compiling edit_makefiles emake || die } pkg_preinst() { declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} echo "" einfo "We are removing old install before we continue. This is to help" einfo "eliminate any problems during the install, sorry for those of you" einfo "who disagree with this but this will ensure a sane build for everyone" einfo "Comments and suggestion should be addressed to mozilla@gentoo.org" rm -rf ${ROOT}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME} echo "" } src_install() { declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} # Most of the installation happens here dodir ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME} cp -RL ${S}/dist/bin/* ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME} linguas for X in ${linguas}; do [[ ${X} != en ]] && xpi_install ${WORKDIR}/firefox-${X}-${PV} done local LANG=${linguas%% *} if [[ ${LANG} != "" && ${LANG} != "en" ]]; then ebegin "Setting default locale to ${LANG}" sed -i "s:pref(\"general.useragent.locale\", \"en-US\"):pref(\"general.useragent.locale\", \"${LANG}\"):" \ ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/defaults/pref/firefox.js \ ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/defaults/pref/firefox-l10n.js eend $? || die "sed failed to change locale" fi # Create /usr/bin/firefox install_mozilla_launcher_stub firefox ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME} # Install icon and .desktop for menu entry doicon ${FILESDIR}/icon/firefox-icon.png domenu ${FILESDIR}/icon/mozillafirefox-1.5.desktop # Fix icons to look the same everywhere insinto ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/icons doins ${S}/dist/branding/mozicon16.xpm doins ${S}/dist/branding/mozicon50.xpm #################################### # # Install files necessary for applications to build against firefox # #################################### ewarn "Installing includes and idl files..." dodir ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/idl ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/include cd ${S}/dist cp -LfR include/* ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/include || die "failed to copy" cp -LfR idl/* ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/idl || die "failed to copy" # Dirty hack to get some applications using this header running dosym ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/include/necko/nsIURI.h \ /usr/$(get_libdir)/${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME##*/}/include/nsIURI.h # Fix pkgconfig files and install them insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig for x in ${S}/build/unix/*.pc; do doins ${x} done #################################### # # Some preferences, probably gentoo.org as start-page also # #################################### dodir ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/greprefs cp ${FILESDIR}/gentoo-default-prefs.js ${D}/${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/greprefs/all-gentoo.js dodir ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/defaults/pref cp ${FILESDIR}/gentoo-default-prefs.js ${D}/${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/defaults/pref/all-gentoo.js # Install docs dodoc LEGAL } pkg_postinst() { declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} # This should be called in the postinst and postrm of all the # mozilla, mozilla-bin, firefox, firefox-bin, thunderbird and # thunderbird-bin ebuilds. update_mozilla_launcher_symlinks # Update mimedb for the new .desktop file fdo-mime_desktop_database_update echo "" ewarn "Please remember to rebuild any packages that you have built" ewarn "against firefox. Some packages might be broken by the upgrade; if this" ewarn "is the case, please search at http://bugs.gentoo.org and open a new bug" ewarn "if one does not exist. Before filing any bugs, please move or remove ~/.mozilla" ewarn "and test with a clean profile directory." ewarn "Thank you! anarchy@gentoo.org." echo "" einfo "Any regchrome errors can be ignored right now, this is due to" einfo "mozilla-firefox-1.0.x. being unregistered with mozilla-launcher." epause 15 } pkg_postrm() { declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} update_mozilla_launcher_symlinks }