Installing Using the Web Interface: As of 3.3-Beta3 Ampache includes an web based installation script. In order for the script to work correctly you will need a user that has Database create and modify rights for your mysql server. To use this script simply visit /install.php. If you get a Access Denied make sure that your /config directory does not contain an existing ampache.cfg Step 1 - Inserting the database, this requires you to enter a username/pass for MySQL that is able to create a brand new database and insert new tables. This does not have to be the user you actually run ampache as Step 2 - Creating the Config file, this step asks for a 'user' level account for MySQL that has full access over the newly created ampache database, this can be the same as the last step, but it is not recommended. Ampache will attempt to write the config file directly to the /config directory, if it isn't able to it should prompt you to download the ampache.cfg simply put it into /config and then visit the login page. Step 3 - Creating the Initial User Account, you will be asked for a username and password for the administrator account.