# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/linux-headers/linux-headers-2.4.16-r3.ebuild,v 1.12 2003/03/24 23:34:01 drobbins Exp $ #OKV=original kernel version, KV=patched kernel version. They can be the same. #we use this next variable to avoid duplicating stuff on cvs GFILESDIR=${PORTDIR}/sys-kernel/linux-sources/files OKV=${PV} KV=${OKV} S=${WORKDIR}/linux-${KV} S2=${WORKDIR}/linux-${KV}-extras LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="${KV}" KEYWORDS="x86 -ppc" # Patch versions. We now have a new system. To enable a patch, set the patch version. To disable # a patch, comment out the patch version and it won't be enabled. In this ebuild, ACPI, low latency # and preempt patches are enabled, but MOSIX is not. #XFS patch XFSV=20011214 #ACPI patch ACPIV=20011120 #Low latency patch #LOWLV=2.4.16 #Preemptive kernel patch PREEV="${KV}-2" #Lock-break patch LBPV="${KV}-3" #Bridge/netfilter compatibility patch BNFV="0.0.4-against-2.4.16" #MOSIX patch #MOSV=1.5.2 DESCRIPTION="Linux kernel version ${KV} - full sources" PATCHES="" SRC_URI="http://www.de.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/linux-${OKV}.tar.bz2" [ "$MOSV" ] && { SRC_URI="$SRC_URI http://www.mosix.cs.huji.ac.il/ftps/MOSIX-${MOSV}.tar.gz"; PATCHES="$PATCHES ${S2}/MOSIX-${MOSV}/patches.${OKV}"; } [ "$ACPIV" ] && { SRC_URI="$SRC_URI http://developer.intel.com/technology/iapc/acpi/downloads/acpi-${ACPIV}.diff.gz"; PATCHES="$PATCHES ${DISTDIR}/acpi-${ACPIV}.diff.gz"; } [ "$LOWLV" ] && { SRC_URI="$SRC_URI http://www.zip.com.au/~akpm/linux/${LOWLV}-low-latency.patch.gz"; PATCHES="$PATCHES ${DISTDIR}/${LOWLV}-low-latency.patch.gz"; } [ "$PREEV" ] && { SRC_URI="$SRC_URI http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/rml/preempt-kernel/v2.4/preempt-kernel-rml-${PREEV}.patch" PATCHES="$PATCHES ${DISTDIR}/preempt-kernel-rml-${PREEV}.patch"; } [ "$LBPV" ] && { SRC_URI="$SRC_URI http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/rml/lock-break/v2.4/lock-break-rml-${LBPV}.patch" PATCHES="$PATCHES ${DISTDIR}/lock-break-rml-${LBPV}.patch"; } [ "$XFSV" ] && { SRC_URI="$SRC_URI http://www.ibiblio.org/gentoo/distfiles/XFS-${XFSV}.patch.bz2" PATCHES="$PATCHES ${DISTDIR}/XFS-${XFSV}.patch.bz2"; } [ "$BNFV" ] && { SRC_URI="$SRC_URI http://bridge.sourceforge.net/devel/bridge-nf/bridge-nf-${BNFV}.diff" PATCHES="$PATCHES ${DISTDIR}/bridge-nf-${BNFV}.diff"; } PROVIDE="virtual/kernel virtual/os-headers" HOMEPAGE="http://www.kernel.org/ http://www.namesys.com http://www.sistina.com/lvm/ http://developer.intel.com/technology/iapc/acpi/" if [ $PN = "linux-sources" ] && [ -z "`use build`" ] then #console-tools is needed to solve the loadkeys fiasco. #binutils version needed to avoid Athlon/PIII/SSE assembler bugs. DEPEND=">=sys-devel/binutils- sys-apps/console-tools virtual/modutils dev-lang/perl" RDEPEND=">=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2" fi [ -z "$LINUX_HOSTCFLAGS" ] && LINUX_HOSTCFLAGS="-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -I${S}/include" patchorama() { local x for x in ${*} do [ -d "$x" ] && continue echo ">>> Applying ${x}..." if [ "${x##*.}" = "bz2" ] then cat $x | bzip2 -d | patch -p1 -l elif [ "${x##*.}" = "gz" ] then cat $x | gzip -d | patch -p1 -l else patch -p1 -l < $x fi done } src_unpack() { mkdir ${S2} cd ${WORKDIR} unpack linux-${OKV}.tar.bz2 mv linux linux-${KV} || die dodir /usr/src/linux-${KV}-extras if [ "$MOSIX" ] then cd ${S2} tar -xz --no-same-owner -f ${DISTDIR}/MOSIX-${MOSV}.tar.gz MOSIX-${MOSV}/patches.${OKV} fi cd ${S} # the linux-2.4.16-binutils.patch fixes a compile problem in the kernel (uses binutils incorrectly). # This triggers an error when binutils is installed. This particular problem is fixed # in kernel 2.4.17. patchorama ${FILESDIR}/linux-2.4.16-binutils.patch $PATCHES #echo "Fixing up a single reject..." #This is a reject related to both low latency and XFS's kdb modifying the same enum. No biggie. #cp ${GFILESDIR}/sysctl.h ${S}/include/linux echo "Removing -xfs extension from the kernel..." cp Makefile Makefile.orig sed -e 's:EXTRAVERSION =-xfs:EXTRAVERSION =:g' Makefile.orig > Makefile echo "Preparing for compilation..." #sometimes we have icky kernel symbols; this seems to get rid of them make mrproper || die #linux-sources needs to be fully configured, too. This is the configuration for the default kernel cp ${S}/arch/i386/defconfig .config || die yes "" | make oldconfig echo "Ignore any errors from the yes command above." #fix silly permissions in tarball cd ${WORKDIR} chown -R 0.0 * chmod -R a+r-w+X,u+w * # Gentoo Linux uses /boot, so fix 'make install' to work properly; seems they cant make up their mind if it should be a space or tab cd ${S} mv Makefile Makefile.orig sed -e 's/#export\tINSTALL_PATH/export\tINSTALL_PATH/' \ Makefile.orig >Makefile || die # test, remove me if Makefile ok rm Makefile.orig } src_compile() { if [ "${PN}" = "linux-headers" ] then cd ${S} make include/linux/autoconf.h include/linux/version.h || die fi } src_install() { if [ "$PN" = "linux-sources" ] then dodir /usr/src cd ${S} echo ">>> Copying sources..." cp -ax ${WORKDIR}/* ${D}/usr/src elif [ "$PN" = "linux-headers" ] then dodir /usr/include/linux cp -ax ${S}/include/linux/* ${D}/usr/include/linux dodir /usr/include/asm cp -ax ${S}/include/asm-i386/* ${D}/usr/include/asm fi if [ -d ${D}/usr/src/linux-${KV} ] then cd ${D}/usr/src/linux-${KV} if [ -e .config ] then mv .config .config.eg fi fi } pkg_preinst() { if [ "$PN" = "linux-headers" ] then if [ -L ${ROOT}usr/include/linux ] then rm ${ROOT}usr/include/linux fi if [ -L ${ROOT}usr/include/asm ] then rm ${ROOT}usr/include/asm fi fi } pkg_postinst() { [ "$PN" = "linux-headers" ] && return rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux ln -sf linux-${KV} ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux #copy over our .config if one isn't already present cd ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux-${KV} if [ "${PN}" = "linux-sources" ] && [ -e .config.eg ] && [ ! -e .config ] then cp -a .config.eg .config fi }