# /etc/conf.d/cryptfs # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-fs/cryptsetup/files/cryptfs.confd,v 1.2 2005/05/21 06:10:25 vapier Exp $ # Note regarding the syntax of this file. This file is *almost* bash, # but each line is evaluated separately. Separate swaps/mounts can be # specified. The init-script which reads this file assumes that a # swap= or mount= line starts a new section, similar to lilo or grub # configuration. # Note when using gpg keys and /usr on a separate partition, you will # have to copy /usr/bin/gpg to /bin/gpg so that it will work properly. # See http://bugs.gentoo.org/90482 for more information. # Swap partitions. These should come first so that no keys make their # way into unencrypted swap. # If no options are given, they will default to: -c aes -h sha1 -d /dev/urandom # If no makefs is given then mkswap will be assumed #swap=crypt-swap #source='/dev/main/swap' # Mounts # If no options are given, they will default to: -c aes -h sha1 # No mkfs is run unless you specify a makefs option #mount=crypt-tmp #source='/dev/main/tmp' #options='-d /dev/urandom' #pre_mount='/sbin/mkreiserfs -f -f ${dev}' #post_mount='chown root:root ${mount_point}; chmod 1777 ${mount_point}' # Loopback file example #mount='home-crypt' #source='/dev/loop0' #options='-c serpent -s 256' #loop_file='/mnt/crypt/home'