# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils-darwin/coreutils-darwin-5.3.0.ebuild,v 1.7 2005/06/26 03:44:59 j4rg0n Exp $ inherit eutils DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU file utilities, text utilities, and shell utilities missing from Darwin." HOMEPAGE="http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/" SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/coreutils-5.3.0.tar.bz2 http://meyering.free.fr/coreutils/coreutils-5.3.0.tar.bz2" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~ppc-macos" IUSE="nls build static" PROVIDES="virtual/coreutils" DEPEND=">=sys-apps/portage-2.0.49 sys-devel/automake sys-devel/autoconf sys-apps/help2man nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )" S=${WORKDIR}/coreutils-${PV} # Existing utils EXISTINGUSR="basename chgrp cksum comm cut dirname \ du env expand false fmt fold groups head install id join \ logname mkfifo nice nohup od paste pr printenv \ printf sort split stat su sum tail tee touch tr true \ tsort tty uname unexpand uniq uptime users wc who whoami yes" EXISTINGBIN="cat chmod cp date dd df echo expr ln ls mkdir \ mv pwd rm rmdir sleep stty sync test" EXISTINGUSBIN="chown chroot" EXISTINGSBIN="mknod" DONTLINK="[ kill hostname" TENFOURBIN="link unlink csplit nl" TENFOURUSBIN="pathchk readlink" src_compile() { cd ${S} econf \ --bindir=/bin \ `use_enable nls` || die if use static; then append-ldflags -static fi emake || die } src_install() { # Install the utils cd ${S} make install infodir=${D}usr/share/info mandir=${D}usr/share/man bindir=${D}bin || die cd ${D} dodir /usr/bin rm -rf usr/lib cd ${D}/bin if [ "$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET" == "10.4" ]; then rm ${TENFOURBIN} ${TENFOURUSBIN} fi rm ${EXISTINGBIN} ${EXISTINGUSR} ${EXISTINGUSBIN} ${EXISTINGSBIN} ${DONTLINK} # Move the non-critical pacakges to /usr/bin if [ "$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET" != "10.4" ]; then mv csplit nl pathchk ${D}usr/bin fi mv factor md5sum pinky sha1sum tac ${D}usr/bin # Link binaries cd ${D}/usr/bin for BINS in `ls ${D}/bin` ; do dosym ../../bin/${BINS} /usr/bin/${BINS} done for BINS in ${EXISTINGUSR} ; do dosym /usr/bin/${BINS} /bin/${BINS} done for BINS in ${EXISTINGBIN} ; do dosym /bin/${BINS} /usr/bin/${BINS} done for BINS in ${EXISTINGUSBIN} ; do dosym /usr/sbin/${BINS} /bin/${BINS} dosym /usr/sbin/${BINS} /usr/bin/${BINS} done for BINS in ${EXISTINGSBIN} ; do dosym /sbin/${BINS} /bin/${BINS} dosym /sbin/${BINS} /usr/bin/${BINS} done # Remove the redundant man pages cd ${D}/usr/share/man/man1 for BINS in ${EXISTINGBIN} ${EXISTINGUSR} ${EXISTINGUSBIN} ${EXISTINGSBIN} ${DONTLINK}; do if [ -f ${BINS}.1 ]; then rm ${BINS}.1 fi done if [ "$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET" == "10.4" ]; then for BINS in ${TENFOURBIN} ${TENFOURUSBIN}; do if [ -f ${BINS}.1 ]; then rm ${BINS}.1 fi done fi if ! use build then cd ${S} dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog* NEWS README* THANKS TODO else rm -rf ${D}/usr/share fi } pkg_postrm() { # Unlink binaries for BINS in ${EXISTINGUSR} ; do rm /bin/${BINS} done for BINS in ${EXISTINGBIN} ; do rm /usr/bin/${BINS} done for BINS in ${EXISTINGUSBIN} ; do rm /bin/${BINS} rm /usr/bin/${BINS} done for BINS in ${EXISTINGSBIN} ; do rm /bin/${BINS} rm /usr/bin/${BINS} done }