# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/ipp/ipp-,v 1.1 2008/03/13 21:20:58 bicatali Exp $ inherit versionator multilib check-reqs PID=980 PB=${PN} DESCRIPTION="Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitive library for multimedia and data processing" HOMEPAGE="http://developer.intel.com/software/products/ipp/" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~ia64" COM_URI="http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/irc_nas/${PID}" SRC_URI="amd64? ( ${COM_URI}/l_${PB}_em64t_p_${PV}.tgz ) x86? ( ${COM_URI}/l_${PB}_ia32_p_${PV}.tgz ) ia64? ( ${COM_URI}/l_${PB}_itanium_p_${PV}.tgz )" SLOT=0 LICENSE="Intel-SDP" IUSE="" RESTRICT="strip mirror" pkg_setup() { # setting up license [[ -z ${IPP_LICENSE} ]] && [[ -d ${ROOT}/opt/intel/licenses ]] && \ IPP_LICENSE="$(find ${ROOT}/opt/intel/licenses -name *IPP*.lic)" # Alternative license file, the file might be included in a `package deal` [[ -z ${IPP_LICENSE} ]] && \ IPP_LICENSE="$(grep 'COMPONENTS="PerfPrimL PerfPrim"' ${ROOT}/opt/intel/licenses/*|cut -d: -f1)" if [[ -z ${IPP_LICENSE} ]]; then eerror "Did not find any valid ipp license." eerror "Please locate your license file and run:" eerror "\t IPP_LICENSE=/my/license/dir emerge ${PN}" eerror "or place your license in /opt/intel/licenses" eerror "Hint: the license file is in the email Intel sent you" die "setup ipp license failed" fi local disq_req IPP_ARCH= if use amd64; then IPP_ARCH="em64t" disk_req="800" elif use x86; then IPP_ARCH="ia32" disk_req="600" elif use ia64; then IPP_ARCH="ia64" disk_req="700" fi einfo "IPP_LICENSE=${IPP_LICENSE}" einfo "IPP_ARCH=${IPP_ARCH}" # Check if we have enough RAM and free diskspace CHECKREQS_MEMORY="512" CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD=${disk_req} check_reqs } src_unpack() { ewarn ewarn "Intel ${PN} requires at least 300Mb of disk space" ewarn "Make sure you have enough in ${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}, /tmp and in /opt" ewarn unpack ${A} cd l_${PB}_*_${PV}/install # need to make a file to install non-interactively. # to produce such a file, first do it interactively # tar xf l_*; ./install.sh --duplicate ipp.ini; # the file will be instman/ipp.ini # binary blob extractor installs crap in /opt/intel addwrite /opt/intel cp ${IPP_LICENSE} "${WORKDIR}"/ IPP_TMP_LICENSE="$(basename ${IPP_LICENSE})" cat > ipp.ini <<- EOF [IPP_${IPP_ARCH}] EULA_ACCEPT_REJECT=ACCEPT EOF einfo "Extracting ..." ./install \ --silent ${PWD}/ipp.ini \ --nonrpm \ --licensepath "${WORKDIR}"/${IPP_TMP_LICENSE} \ --installpath "${S}" \ --log log.txt &> /dev/null # This check is arbitrary to say the least... # We used to look for a specific library (ie: libippmmx.so) but that # is unreliable as they are moving targets and may not be there on # the next release. ippEULA.txt is more likely to remain there at # the next release. if [[ -z $(find "${S}" -name ippEULA.txt) ]]; then eerror "could not find extracted files" eerror "see ${PWD}/log.txt to see why" die "extracting failed" fi rm -rf "${WORKDIR}"/l_* } src_compile() { einfo "Binary package, nothing to compile" } src_install() { local instdir=/opt/intel/${PN}/${PV}/${IPP_ARCH} dodir ${instdir} # install license file if [[ ! -f /opt/intel/licenses/${IPP_TMP_LICENSE} ]]; then insinto /opt/intel/licenses doins "${WORKDIR}"/${IPP_TMP_LICENSE} fi # cp quicker than doins einfo "Copying all files" cp -pPR "${S}"/* "${D}"${instdir} || \ die "copying files failed" local env_file=36ipp echo "LDPATH=${instdir}/sharedlib" > ${env_file} doenvd ${env_file} || die "doenvd ${env_file} failed" }