# ChangeLog for sci-geosciences/tangogps # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/tangogps/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2009/02/08 16:05:35 bangert Exp $ 08 Feb 2009; Thilo Bangert tangogps-0.9.5.ebuild, tangogps-0.9.6.ebuild: add missing dep on libexif (bug #258095) *tangogps-0.9.6 (05 Feb 2009) 05 Feb 2009; Thilo Bangert +tangogps-0.9.6.ebuild: version bump - now with photo geocoding support *tangogps-0.9.5 (01 Feb 2009) 01 Feb 2009; Thilo Bangert +files/tangogps-0.9.5-Makefile.in-honour-docdir.patch, +metadata.xml, +tangogps-0.9.5.ebuild: tangogps is an easy to use, fast and lightweight mapping application