# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.local.desc,v 1.3047 2007/09/28 16:54:34 drac Exp $ # This file contains descriptions of local USE flags, and the ebuilds which # contain them. # Keep it sorted. app-accessibility/festival:asterisk - adds a new command named tts_textasterisk that is required by net-misc/asterisk to communicate with the Festival server app-accessibility/festival:mbrola - Adds support for mbrola voices app-accessibility/freetts:jsapi - build Java Speech API (JSAPI) support app-accessibility/freetts:mbrola - Adds support for mbrola voices app-accessibility/gnome-speech:freetts - Adds support for the freetts speech driver app-accessibility/gnopernicus:brltty - Adds support for braille displays using brltty app-accessibility/speech-dispatcher:flite - Adds support for flite speech engine. app-admin/conky:audacious - enable monitoring of audio tracks that are playing (media-sound/audacious) app-admin/conky:bmpx - enable monitoring of audio tracks that are playing (media-sound/bmpx) app-admin/conky:hddtemp - enable monitoring of hdd temperature (app-admin/hddtemp) app-admin/conky:mpd - enable monitoring mpd controlled music (media-sound/mpd) app-admin/diradm:automount - Support for automount data in LDAP app-admin/diradm:irixpasswd - Support for storing separate IRIX passwords app-admin/gkrellm:hddtemp - enable monitoring of hdd temperature (app-admin/hddtemp) app-admin/gnome-system-tools:nfs - Adds support for NFS shares app-admin/lcap:lids - If you have the Linux Intrusion Detection System app-admin/prelude-manager:tcpwrapper - Add support for tcp_wrappers app-admin/sdsc-syslog:beep - Use beep libraries (net-libs/roadrunner) app-admin/sshguard:ipfilter - Enable ipfilter firewall support (only for *bsd) app-admin/syslog-ng:spoof-source - Enable support for spoofed source addresses app-admin/testdisk:ntfs - Include the ability to read NTFS filesystems app-admin/testdisk:reiserfs - include reiserfs reading ability app-admin/webalizer:search - Include the search patch app-admin/webalizer:xtended - Include the 404 extension app-admin/webmin:webmin-minimal - Install the minimal webmin distribution app-antivirus/clamav:logrotate - Install logrotate script for clamav logs app-arch/dump:ermt - encrypted rmt support app-arch/libarchive:xattr - if you want extended attributes enabled app-arch/pdv:nomotif - Disable motif frontend. app-backup/amanda:xfs - Support for backing up raw XFS filesystems using xfsdump app-backup/bacula:bacula-clientonly - Disable DB support, and just build a client app-backup/bacula:bacula-console - Build console only bits, no gui app-backup/bacula:bacula-nodir - Disable building of director in 1.38.x and later. app-backup/bacula:bacula-nosd - Disable building of storage daemon in 1.38.x and later. app-backup/bacula:bacula-split-init - Use separate init scripts for fd/sd/dir app-backup/bacula:client-only - Disable DB support, and just build a client app-backup/bacula:logrotate - Install support files for logrotate app-backup/bacula:logwatch - Install support files for logwatch app-backup/boxbackup:client-only - Disable server support, and just build a client app-backup/dar:dar32 - Enables --enable-mode=32 option, which replace infinint by 32 bits integers. app-backup/dar:dar64 - Enables --enable-mode=64 option, which replace infinint by 64 bits integers. app-backup/kdar:dar32 - Support libdar32.so to use. app-backup/kdar:dar64 - Support libdar64.so to use. app-backup/rdiff-backup:xattr - if you want extended attributes enabled app-benchmarks/bootchart:acct - Enable process accounting app-benchmarks/jmeter:beanshell - Enable BeanShell scripting support app-cdr/brasero:beagle - Enable Beagle support for searches. app-cdr/brasero:gdl - Enable gld support for customisable GUI. app-cdr/brasero:libburn - Enable libburn backend. app-cdr/brasero:totem - Enable support for Totem playlists. app-cdr/cdrdao:pccts - Use dev-util/pccts instead of the built-in substitution. app-cdr/cdrkit:hfs - Provide building of HFS (Apple) CD-images app-cdr/disc-cover:cdrom - Enable audio CD support. This is not needed to make www-apps/disc-cover work. app-cdr/k3b:css - Enables ripping of encrypted dvds app-cdr/k3b:emovix - Enable burning support for eMoviX images app-cdr/pxlinux:gnuplot - enable gnuplot support app-cdr/serpentine:muine - Enable Muine support app-crypt/ccid:nousb - Disable USB support via pcsc-lite app-crypt/ccid:twinserial - Enable twinserial reader app-crypt/gnupg:ecc - Use elliptic curve cryptosystem patch app-crypt/gnupg:gpg2-experimental - Install experimental development version of gnupg app-crypt/gnupg:idea - Use the patented IDEA algorithm app-crypt/gnupg:openct - build using dev-libs/openct compatibility app-crypt/gnupg:pcsc-lite - build with pcsc-lite app-crypt/gringotts:suid - Install the binary suid, acknowledging the usual risks app-crypt/ophcrack:ophsmall - Makes use of smaller cracking tables app-crypt/seahorse:gedit - Enable the gedit plugin app-crypt/seahorse:keyring - Enable support for gnome-keyring app-crypt/seahorse:nautilus - Add support for nautilus file manager app-dicts/aspell-be:classic - Support classic spelling by default app-doc/doxygen:nodot - removes graphviz dependency, along with dot graphs app-doc/gimp-help:webinstall - optimize images for web installation (fewer colors, depends on imagemagick) app-editors/cssed:plugin - Install plugin development files app-editors/emacs-cvs:gzip-el - Compress bundled Emacs Lisp source app-editors/emacs-cvs:hesiod - Enable support for hesiod app-editors/emacs-cvs:sound - Enable sound app-editors/emacs-cvs:toolkit-scroll-bars - Use the selected toolkit's scrollbars in preference to Emacs' own scrollbars app-editors/emacs-cvs:xft - Build Emacs with support for the XFT font renderer (ie. the XFT_JHD_BRANCH branch from CVS) app-editors/emacs:gzip-el - Compress bundled Emacs Lisp source app-editors/emacs:hesiod - Enable support for hesiod app-editors/emacs:nosendmail - If you do not want to install any MTA app-editors/emacs:sound - Enable sound app-editors/emacs:toolkit-scroll-bars - Use the selected toolkit's scrollbars in preference to Emacs' own scrollbars app-editors/gvim:aqua - Include support for the Aqua / Carbon GUI app-editors/gvim:netbeans - Include netbeans integration support app-editors/gvim:nextaw - Include support for the neXtaw GUI app-editors/jasspa-microemacs:nanoemacs - Build NanoEmacs instead of MicroEmacs app-editors/joe:xterm - Enable full xterm clipboard support app-editors/jove:unix98 - Use the Unix98 pty's instead of the BSD pts's app-editors/katoob:highlight - Enable source code highlighting app-editors/nano:justify - Toggle the justify option ... app-editors/nvu:moznoxft - placeholder until mozilla eclass is modified for nvu app-editors/tea:enchant - Enable spell checking using enchant app-editors/tea:hacking - Enable hacking support... app-editors/tea:sounds - Enable sound support app-editors/vim:vim-pager - Install vimpager and vimmanpager links app-editors/vim:vim-with-x - Link console vim against X11 libraries to enable title and clipboard features in xterm app-editors/xemacs:athena - Chooses the MIT Athena widget set app-editors/xemacs:dnd - Enables support for the x11-libs/dnd drag-n-drop library app-editors/xemacs:eolconv - Support detection and translation of newline conventions. app-editors/xemacs:pop - Support POP for mail retrieval. app-editors/xemacs:xim - Enable X11 XiM input method app-emacs/auctex:preview-latex - Use bundled preview-latex app-emacs/delicious:planner - Include support for app-emacs/planner app-emacs/easypg:gnus - Include support for the Gnus newsreader app-emacs/remember:bbdb - Include support for app-emacs/bbdb app-emacs/remember:planner - Include support for app-emacs/planner app-emacs/vm:bbdb - Include support for app-emacs/bbdb app-emacs/wanderlust:bbdb - Include support for app-emacs/bbdb app-emulation/bochs:debugger - Enable the bochs debugger app-emulation/bochs:vnc - Enable vnc support app-emulation/e-uae:capslib - Add CAPS library support app-emulation/e-uae:sdl-sound - Use media-libs/sdl-sound for audio output app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-glibc:nptlonly - Disables installing the linuxthreads fallback in glibc ebuilds that support building both linuxthreads and nptl. app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-qtlibs:immqt-bc - Enable binary compatible version of immodule for Qt app-emulation/fuse:libdsk - Enable support for the floppy disk emulation library app-emulation/hercules:custom-cflags - Use CFLAGS from /etc/make.conf rather than the default package CFLAGS (not supported) app-emulation/libvirt:qemu - Add support for QEMU/KVM-based virtual machines app-emulation/libvirt:xen - Add support for Xen-based virtual machines app-emulation/mol:oldworld - Includes Macintosh's OldWorld support app-emulation/mol:pci - Experimental PCI proxy support app-emulation/mol:sheep - Support for the sheep net driver app-emulation/mol:vnc - Includes vnc support app-emulation/pearpc:jit - Use the JITC-X86 CPU app-emulation/point2play:emerald - For people who are in the Transgaming Emerald Club app-emulation/qemu-softmmu:kqemu - Enables the kernel module acceleration on the x86 cpu app-emulation/uade:audacious - Enables support for media-sound/audacious app-emulation/uae:scsi - Enable the uaescsi.device app-emulation/uae:sdl-sound - Use libsdl for audio output app-emulation/uae:ui - Build User Interface (could be gtk or ncurses based, depending on sdl, dga, svga, and aalib USE flags) app-emulation/vice:resid - Enable support for ReSID app-emulation/virtualbox-bin:additions - Install Guest System Tools ISO app-emulation/virtualbox-bin:nowrapper - Disable the VirtualBox XPCom Server autostart wrapper app-emulation/virtualbox-bin:sdk - Enable building of SDK app-emulation/virtualbox:additions - Install Guest System Tools ISO app-emulation/virtualbox:alsa - Enable support for ALSA instead of OSS app-emulation/virtualbox:nowrapper - Disable the VirtualBox XPCom Server autostart wrapper app-emulation/virtualbox:sdk - Enable building of SDK app-emulation/virtualbox:vboxbfe - Install simple SDL frontend useful for debugging purposes app-emulation/virtualbox:vditool - Install the Virtual Disk Image Manager vditool app-emulation/xen-tools:custom-cflags - Use CFLAGS from /etc/make.conf rather than the default Xen CFLAGS (not supported) app-emulation/xen-tools:hvm - Enable support for hardware based virtualization (VT-x, AMD-v) app-emulation/xen-tools:pygrub - Install the pygrub boot loader app-emulation/xen-tools:screen - Enable support for running domain U consoles in a screen session app-emulation/xen-tools:ioemu - Enable support for emulated io devices including video via VNC for domainUs app-emulation/xen:custom-cflags - Use CFLAGS from /etc/make.conf rather than the default Xen CFLAGS (not supported) app-emulation/xen:pae - Enable support for PAE kernels (usually x86-32 with >4GB memory) app-forensics/aide:xattr - if you want extended attributes enabled app-forensics/samhain:login-watch - Compile in the module to watch for login/logout events app-forensics/samhain:mounts-check - Compile in the module to check for correct mount options app-forensics/samhain:netclient - Compile a client, rather than a standalone version app-forensics/samhain:netserver - Compile a server, rather than a standalone version app-forensics/samhain:suidcheck - Compile in the module to check file system for SUID/SGID binaries app-forensics/samhain:userfiles - Compile in the module to check for files in user home directories app-forensics/sleuthkit:dbtool - Add patch for dbtool interface from PyFlag app-i18n/anthy:ucs4 - Enable ucs4 support app-i18n/atokx2:ext-iiimf - Link with the system IIIMF, rather than the bundled version app-i18n/im-ja:anthy - Support for Anthy input method app-i18n/im-ja:skk - Support for SKK input method app-i18n/kimera:anthy - Support for Anthy input method app-i18n/scim-cvs:immqt - Enable immodule for Qt support (binary incompatible) app-i18n/scim-cvs:immqt-bc - Enable immodule for Qt support (binary compatible) app-i18n/tomoe:hyperestraier - Enable hyperestraier support app-i18n/tomoe:subversion - Enable subversion support app-i18n/uim-svn:anthy - Enable anthy support app-i18n/uim-svn:dict - Build uim-dict (a dictionary utility for uim) app-i18n/uim-svn:eb - Enable EB support app-i18n/uim-svn:fep - Build uim-fep app-i18n/uim-svn:immqt - Enable immodule for Qt support app-i18n/uim:anthy - Support for Anthy input method app-i18n/uim:eb - Enable EB support app-i18n/uim:prime - Enable PRIME support app-laptop/pbbuttonsd:ibam - Enable support for Intelligent Battery Monitoring app-laptop/pbbuttonsd:macbook - Enable support for the Macbook and Macbook Pro app-laptop/tp_smapi:hdaps - Install a compatible HDAPS module app-laptop/tpctl:tpctlir - enable support for thinkpad models 760 and 765 app-misc/beagle:chm - Enable indexing of MS HTML Help files (.chm) app-misc/beagle:galago - Enable desktop presence via galago app-misc/beagle:ole - Enable ole support app-misc/beagle:thunderbird - Enable Mozilla Thunderbird indexing app-misc/booh:transcode - Use transcode to extract video thumbnails app-misc/digitemp:ds2490 - Build support for the ds2490 sensor app-misc/digitemp:ds9097 - Build support for the ds9097 sensor app-misc/digitemp:ds9097u - Build support for the ds9097u sensor app-misc/g15composer:amarok - Enable display of titles played in Amarok app-misc/gpsdrive:garmin - Adds specific support for Garmin GPS receivers app-misc/graphlcd-base:g15 - Add support for g15daemon driver ( e.g Logitech G15 Keybord ) app-misc/lcd-stuff:mpd - Add support for display of mpd controlled music app-misc/lcd-stuff:rss - Add support for display of RSS feeds app-misc/lcd4linux:mpd - Add support for display of mpd controlled music app-misc/lcdproc:irman - Enable support for IRMan app-misc/lcdproc:nfs - Adds support for NFS file system app-misc/lcdproc:seamless-hbars - Try to avoid gaps in horizontal bars app-misc/lirc:hardware-carrier - The transmitter device generates its clock signal in hardware app-misc/lirc:transmitter - add transmitter support to some lirc-drivers (e.g. serial) app-misc/mc:7zip - add support for 7zip archives app-misc/note:general - add support for ascii flatfile backend app-misc/note:text - add support for text backend app-misc/pal:ical - Add support for converting ical format to pal app-misc/roadnav:festival - Enable festival support app-misc/roadnav:openstreetmap - Enable openstreetmap support app-misc/roadnav:scripting - Enable scripting support app-misc/screen:multiuser - Enable multiuser support (by setting correct permissions) app-misc/screen:nethack - Express error messages in nethack style app-misc/tablix:pvm - Add support for parallel virtual machine (http://www.epm.ornl.gov/pvm/pvm_home.html) app-misc/tomboy:galago - Add support for the galago desktop presence framework app-misc/towitoko:moneyplex - Makes libtowitoko work for the moneyplex home banking software app-misc/tracker:applet - Enable deskbar applet support app-misc/tracker:gsf - Enable libgsf based data extractor app-misc/tracker:thumbnailing - Enable thumbnail generation app-misc/worker:avfs - Enable avfs support app-misc/workrave:distribution - Enable networking. See http://www.workrave.org/features/ app-mobilephone/gammu:irda - Enable infrared support app-mobilephone/gnokii:ical - Enable libical support app-mobilephone/gnokii:irda - Enable infrared support app-mobilephone/gnokii:sms - Enable SMS support (build smsd) app-mobilephone/kmobiletools:gammu - Enable the Gammu backend. app-mobilephone/kmobiletools:obex - Enable obex transports. app-mobilephone/obexftp:swig - Enable rebuild of swig bindings app-mobilephone/smstools:stats - Enable statistic reporting app-mobilephone/yaps:capi - Enable CAPI support app-office/abiword-plugins:grammar - Enable grammar checking via grammar-link app-office/abiword-plugins:math - Enable gtkmathview support app-office/abiword-plugins:ots - Enable Text Summarizer plugin app-office/abiword-plugins:thesaurus - Enable thesaurus support app-office/abiword-plugins:wordperfect - Enable wordperfect file support via libwpd app-office/dia:gnome-print - Gnome-Print support app-office/gnucash:chipcard - Enable support for chipcard reading and processing. app-office/gnucash:hbci - Enable HBCI support, for connecting to some internet banks app-office/gnucash:quotes - Enable Online Stock Quote retrieval. app-office/grisbi:print - Enable TeX and printing support app-office/imposter:iksemel - Enable externel iksemel parsing support. app-office/kmymoney2:hbci - Adds HBCI online banking support app-office/ledger:gnuplot - Enable gnuplot support app-office/mozilla-sunbird:moznopango - Disable pango during runtime app-office/openoffice:binfilter - Enable support for legacy StarOffice 5.x and earlier file formats app-office/openoffice:branding - Enable Gentoo branded splash screen app-office/openoffice:odk - Build the Office Development Kit app-office/openoffice:sound - Enable sound support through portaudio and libsndfile app-office/openoffice:webdav - Enable webdav support app-office/rabbit:enscript - enscript support app-office/rabbit:gnome-print - Gnome-Print support app-office/rabbit:gs - Ghostscript support app-office/rabbit:tgif - tgif support app-office/tpp:figlet - Installs app-misc/figlet to support the --huge command app-pda/libopensync-plugin-irmc:irda - Enable IrDA support. app-pda/libopensync-plugin-syncml:http - Enable http transports. app-pda/libopensync-plugin-syncml:obex - Enable obex transports. app-pda/libsyncml:http - Enable http transports. app-pda/libsyncml:obex - Enable obex transports. app-pda/multisync:gnokii - Address synchronization with mobile phones via Gnokii. app-pda/multisync:irmc - Adds support for Mobile Client synchronization via IrDa/IrMC/Bluetooth (eg: SonyEricsson T39/T68i) app-pda/multisync:kdepim - Adds support for KDEPIM sync. app-pda/multisync:nokia6600 - Adds support for Nokia 6600. app-pda/synce-kde:avantgo - Adds support for syncing Avantgo accounts. app-portage/conf-update:colordiff - Use colors when displaying diffs app-portage/portato:userpriv - Allow emerge processes as normal user app-shells/bash:bashlogger - Log ALL commands typed into bash; should ONLY be used in restricted environments such as honeypots app-shells/bash:plugins - Add support for loading builtin's at runtime via `enable` app-shells/pdsh:rsh - This allows the use of rsh (remote shell) and rcp (remote copy) for authoring websites. sftp is a much more secure protocol and is preferred. app-shells/scsh-install-lib:scsh - Use a non-FHS directory layout. app-shells/scsh:scsh - Use a non-FHS directory layout. app-shells/shish:diet - Use dietlibc app-shells/tcsh:catalogs - Adds support for NLS catalogs app-shells/zsh:cap - Adds POSIX.1e (formerly POSIX 6) capabilities for zsh app-text/crm114:mew - Add support for using the mewdecode mime decoder. app-text/crm114:mimencode - Adds support for using the mimencode mime app-text/crm114:normalizemime - Add support for using the normalizemime app-text/estraier:kakasi - Enable kakasi support for Estraier app-text/estraier:mecab - Enable mecab support for Estraier app-text/evince:djvu - Enable djvu viewer support for Evince app-text/evince:dvi - Enable the built-in DVI viewer for Evince app-text/evince:nautilus - Enable the nautilus plugin app-text/evince:t1lib - Enable the Type-1 fonts for the built-in DVI viewer for Evince app-text/ghostscript-esp:djvu - Enable gsdjvu support app-text/ghostscript-gpl:djvu - Enable gsdjvu support app-text/hyperestraier:mecab - Enable mecab support for Estraier app-text/namazu:kakasi - Enable kakasi support for namazu app-text/noweb:icon - Enable icon language support for noweb app-text/pdftk:nodrm - Decrypt a document with the user_pw even if it has an owner_pw set app-text/sword-modules:intl - Enable different languages app-text/sword:icu - Enable icu support for sword app-text/sword:lucene - Enable lucene support for faster searching app-text/webgen:markdown - Markdown support app-text/webgen:textile - Textile support app-text/webgen:thumbnail - Thumbnail creation support using rmagick app-text/xpdf:nodrm - Disable the drm feature decoder. app-vim/gentoo-syntax:ignore-glep31 - Remove GLEP 31 (UTF-8 file encodings) settings app-vim/vcscommand:cvs - Enable CVS support app-vim/vcscommand:subversion - Enable subversion support app-vim/vcscommand:svk - Enable SVK support dev-cpp/sptk:excel - Enable Excel support dev-db/libpq:pg-intdatetime - Enables --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage. dev-db/mysql-community:big-tables - Make tables contain up to 1.844E+19 rows dev-db/mysql-community:cluster - Add support for NDB clustering. dev-db/mysql-community:embedded - Build embedded server (libmysqld) dev-db/mysql-community:extraengine - Add support for alternative storage engines. dev-db/mysql-community:latin1 - Use LATIN1 encoding instead of UTF8. dev-db/mysql-community:max-idx-128 - Raise the max index per table limit from 64 to 128 dev-db/mysql-community:minimal - Install client programs only, no server dev-db/mysql-community:pbxt - Add experimental support for pbxt storage engine dev-db/mysql-gui-tools:administrator - Build and install MySQL Administrator dev-db/mysql-gui-tools:query-browser - Build and install MySQL Query Browser dev-db/mysql-gui-tools:workbench - Build and install MySQL Workbench dev-db/mysql:big-tables - Make tables contain up to 1.844E+19 rows dev-db/mysql:cluster - Add support for NDB clustering. dev-db/mysql:embedded - Build embedded server (libmysqld) dev-db/mysql:extraengine - Add support for alternative storage engines. dev-db/mysql:latin1 - Use LATIN1 encoding instead of UTF8. dev-db/mysql:max-idx-128 - Raise the max index per table limit from 64 to 128 dev-db/mysql:minimal - Install client programs only, no server dev-db/mysql:raid - deprecated option, removed in the 5.0 series dev-db/pgcluster:pg-intdatetime - Enables --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage. dev-db/postgis:geos - Add the GEOS library for exact topological tests. dev-db/postgis:proj - Add the Proj library for reprojection features. dev-db/postgresql:pg-intdatetime - Enables --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage. dev-db/rekall:xbase - Support for the Xbase db family, covering dBase, Clipper, FoxPro, Visual dBase/Objects/FoxPro plus some older products. dev-db/sqlite:nothreadsafe - turn off thread safe operation of sqlite dev-db/sqlite:soundex - Enable the soundex function to compute soundex encodings of strings dev-db/tora:oci8-instant-client - Use dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic as Oracle provider instead of requiring a full Oracle server install dev-embedded/ponyprog:epiphany - Enable epiphany support dev-games/cegui:devil - image loading support with DevIL dev-games/cegui:xerces-c - use external Xerces-C++ XML parser instead of tiny embedded XML parser dev-games/crystalspace:3ds - Enables support for .3DS files in CrystalSpace dev-games/crystalspace:cal3d - include support for skeleton animation dev-games/crystalspace:cegui - include support for Crazy Eddie GUI dev-games/crystalspace:cg - NVIDIA toolkit plugin dev-games/crystalspace:ode - include support for Open Dynamics Engine dev-games/guichan:allegro - Build the Allegro frontend dev-games/ode:double-precision - more precise calculations at the expense of speed dev-games/ode:nogyroscopic - disable gyroscopic term maybe improving stability dev-games/ode:noopcode - disable OPCODE (trimesh support) dev-games/ogre:cegui - build the CEGUI samples dev-games/ogre:cg - NVIDIA toolkit plugin dev-games/ogre:devil - image loading support with DevIL dev-games/ogre:double-precision - more precise calculations at the expense of speed dev-haskell/gtk2hs:glade - Enable libglade bindings compilation dev-java/ant-tasks:jai - Enable JAI (Java Imaging) Ant task dev-java/ant-tasks:javamail - Enable JavaMail Ant task dev-java/ant-tasks:noantlr - Disable ANTLR Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nobcel - Disable bcel Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nobeanutils - Disable beanutils Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nobsf - Disable bsf Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nobsh - Disable bsh Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nocommonslogging - Disable commons-logging Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nocommonsnet - Disable commons-net Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nojdepend - Disable Jdepend Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nojmf - Disable JMF (Java Media Framework) Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nojsch - Disable Jsch Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nojython - Disable Jython Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nolog4j - Disable Apache log4j Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:nooro - Disable Oro Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:noregexp - Disable Apache Regexp Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:noresolver - Disable Apache Resolver Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:norhino - Disable Rhino Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:noswing - Disable Swing Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:noxalan - Disable Xalan Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/ant-tasks:noxerces - Disable Xerces Ant task -- Warning: Enabling this could break some of the Java packages!! dev-java/antlr:nojava - Disable support for Java code backend dev-java/antlr:script - Install a script to run antlr dev-java/aspectwerkz:java5 - Enable Java 5 specific features dev-java/avalon-logkit:javamail - Enable support for javamail dev-java/avalon-logkit:jms - Enable support for JMS (Java Message Service) dev-java/backport-util-concurrent:java5 - Enable also the 1.6 > 1.5 backport. dev-java/bsf:jython - Enable Jython support dev-java/bsf:rhino - Enable Rhino support dev-java/bsh:bsf - Enable support for Apache Bean Scripting Framework dev-java/commons-collections:test-framework - Install the test framework dev-java/commons-logging:avalon-framework - Add optional support for avalon-framework dev-java/commons-logging:avalon-logkit - Add optional support for avalon-logkit dev-java/commons-logging:log4j - Add optional support for log4j dev-java/commons-logging:servletapi - Add optional support for servletapi dev-java/commons-modeler:commons-digester - Add support for the commons-digester based Mbeans Descriptor source dev-java/diablo-jdk:jce - Enable Java Cryptographic Extension Unlimited Strength Policy files dev-java/fop:hyphenation - Precompile hyphenation patterns from the dev-java/offo-hyphenation package and install them as fop-hyph.jar dev-java/fop:jai - Enable jai support dev-java/fop:jimi - Enable jimi support dev-java/gjdoc:xmldoclet - Also build support for the xml doclet that generates output in xml instead of the traditional html javadoc. dev-java/gnu-classpath:dssi - Enable the DSSI midi synthesizer provider dev-java/gnu-classpath:gconf - Enable the GConf based util.peers backend dev-java/groovy:bsf - Enable support for Apache Bean Scripting Framework dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin:javacomm - Enable Java Communications API support dev-java/jamvm:ffi - use dev-libs/libffi to call native methods dev-java/jcs:admin - Enable JCS Admin servlets dev-java/jdbc-jaybird:jni - Build/Install JDBC Type 2 native components dev-java/jdbc-mysql:c3p0 - Enable c3p0 support dev-java/jdbc-mysql:log4j - Enable log4 support dev-java/jdbc-oracle-bin:dms - Enable support for the Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service dev-java/jdbc-oracle-bin:ons - Enable support for the Oracle Notification Services (ONS) deamon dev-java/jdbc-postgresql:java5 - Enable Java 5 specific features dev-java/jruby:bsf - Enable support for Apache Bean Scripting Framework dev-java/log4j:javamail - Build the SMTPAppender dev-java/log4j:jms - Build the JMSAppender dev-java/log4j:jmx - Build org.apace.log4j.jmx dev-java/quartz:dbcp - Enable dbcp support dev-java/quartz:jboss - Enable JBoss support dev-java/quartz:jmx - Enable jmx support dev-java/quartz:jta - Enable jta support dev-java/quartz:servlet-2_3 - Enable servlet-2.3 support dev-java/quartz:servlet-2_4 - Enable servlet-2.4 support dev-java/quartz:struts - Enable struts support dev-java/rxtx:lfd - Installs and uses LockFileServer daemon (lfd) dev-java/sun-jaxp-bin:dom4j - Enable dom4j dev-java/sun-jdk:jce - Enable Java Cryptographic Extension Unlimited Strength Policy files dev-java/tomcat-servlet-api:java5 - Use Java 1.5 source/target for compilation dev-java/xstream:java5 - Enable Java 5 specific features dev-lang/erlang:hipe - HIgh Performance Erlang extension dev-lang/erlang:kpoll - Enable kernel polling support dev-lang/erlang:smp - Enable support for multiprocessors dev-lang/gdl:hdf - Adds support for the Hierarchical Data Format dev-lang/gdl:hdf5 - Adds support for the Hierarchical Data Format v 5 dev-lang/gdl:proj - Adds proj library support (geographic projections) dev-lang/gforth:force-reg - Enable a possibly unstable GCC flag for possibly large performance gains dev-lang/ghc:binary - Install the binary version directly, rather than using it to build the source version. dev-lang/ghc:ghcbootstrap - Internal: Bootstrap GHC from an existing GHC installation. dev-lang/icon:iplsrc - install the icon programming library source dev-lang/ocaml:latex - Add ocamldoc support for latex dev-lang/perl:ithreads - Enable Perl threads, has some compatibility problems dev-lang/perl:perlsuid - Enable Perl SUID install. Has some risks associated. dev-lang/php:cgi - Enable CGI SAPI dev-lang/php:cli - Enable CLI SAPI dev-lang/php:concurrentmodphp - Make it possible to load both mod_php4 and mod_php5 into the same Apache2 instance (experimental) dev-lang/php:discard-path - Switch on common security setting for CGI SAPI dev-lang/php:fastbuild - Build PHP quicker (experimental) dev-lang/php:fdftk - Add supports for Adobe's FDF toolkit. dev-lang/php:filter - Add filter extension support dev-lang/php:force-cgi-redirect - Switch on common security setting for CGI SAPI dev-lang/php:hash - Enable the hash extension dev-lang/php:java-external - Use the external java extension rather than the bundled one dev-lang/php:java-internal - Use the bundled java extension in PHP4 dev-lang/php:json - Enable JSON support dev-lang/php:ldap-sasl - Add SASL support for the PHP LDAP extension dev-lang/php:ming - Adds support for creating SWF files using Ming dev-lang/php:oci8-instant-client - Use dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic as Oracle provider instead of requiring a full Oracle server install dev-lang/php:overload - Enable the overload extension dev-lang/php:pdo - Enable the bundled PDO extensions dev-lang/php:pdo-external - Use the external pecl-pdo extension rather than the bundled one dev-lang/php:reflection - Enable the reflection extension (Reflection API) dev-lang/php:suhosin - Add Suhosin support (patch and extension from http://www.suhosin.org/) dev-lang/php:xmlreader - Enable XMLReader support dev-lang/php:xmlwriter - Enable XMLWriter support dev-lang/php:zip - Enable ZIP file support dev-lang/php:zip-external - Enable ZIP file support (external PECL extension) dev-lang/python:nothreads - Disable threads (DON'T USE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING) dev-lang/python:ucs2 - Enable byte size 2 unicode (DON'T USE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING) dev-lang/smarteiffel:tcc - use tcc instead of gcc for build (g++ is still used for c++ code) dev-lang/spidermonkey:threadsafe - Build a threadsafe version of spidermonkey dev-lang/ruby:rubytests - Install ruby tests that can only be run after ruby is installed dev-lang/swig:pike - Enable Pike scripting support dev-libs/DirectFB-extra:flash - Adds support for creating SWF files using Ming dev-libs/DirectFB:fusion - add Multi Application support (fusion kernel device) dev-libs/DirectFB:sysfs - Add support for the sysfs filesystem (requires Linux-2.6+) dev-libs/DirectFB:v4l2 - Enables video4linux2 support dev-libs/STLport:boost - Enable the usage of boost dev-libs/ace:tao - include the ACE ORB (CORBA stuff) (called tao) into the build of ace dev-libs/ace:ciao -include Component Intergraced Ace ORB into the build of ace dev-libs/apr:urandom - Use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random dev-libs/boost:bcp - Install the bcp tool http://www.boost.org/tools/bcp/bcp.html dev-libs/boost:bjam - Install the BoostJam tool http://www.boost.org/tools/build/jam_src/index.html dev-libs/boost:icu - Add unicode support to boost.regex using dev-libs/icu dev-libs/boost:pyste - Add support for the pyste frontend dev-libs/boost:threadsonly - Only build multithreaded libs dev-libs/boost:tools - Build and install the boost tools (bcp,quickbook,inspect,wave) dev-libs/cyberjack:noudev - disable installation of udev rules dev-libs/cyberjack:pcsc-lite - enable installation of pcsc-lite driver dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:authdaemond - Enable Courier-IMAP authdaemond's unix socket support. dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:ntlm_unsupported_patch - Adds NTLM samba NOT supported patch dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:sample - Build sample client and server dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:srp - Enables SRP in cyrus-sasl dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:urandom - Use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random dev-libs/fcgi:html - Adds HTML documentation. dev-libs/ferrisloki:stlport - Include support for STLport dev-libs/klibc:n32 - Force klibc to 32bit if on mips64 if not n32 userland. dev-libs/libgcrypt:idea - Use the patented IDEA algorithm dev-libs/libjit:interpreter - Enable the libjit interpreter dev-libs/libjit:long-double - Enable the use of long double for jit_nfloat dev-libs/libjit:new-reg-alloc - Enable new register allocator dev-libs/libmix:no-net2 - disable libpcap and libnet support dev-libs/libprelude:swig - Enable rebuild of swig bindings dev-libs/libpreludedb:swig - Enable rebuild of swig bindings dev-libs/libproccpuinfo:sender - Build a utility for sending the author your /proc/cpuinfo file. dev-libs/libsqlora8:orathreads - specifies use of Oracle threads dev-libs/libtomcrypt:libtommath - Use the portable math library dev-libs/libtomcrypt:tomsfastmath - Use the optimized math library dev-libs/libwbxml:nokia6600 - Add support for Nokia 6600 mobile phone dev-libs/log4cxx:smtp - offer SMTP support via libsmtp dev-libs/nss:utils - Install utilities included with the library dev-libs/opencryptoki:tpmtok - offer support for TPM token dev-libs/openobex:irda - enable IrDA support dev-libs/openobex:syslog - enable syslog support dev-libs/opensc:openct - build using dev-libs/openct compatibility dev-libs/opensc:pcsc-lite - build with pcsc-lite dev-libs/pwlib:v4l2 - Enable video4linux2 support dev-libs/qsa:ide - enable the qsa ide dev-libs/wx-xmingw:gdb - Enable gdb debugging dev-libs/wx-xmingw:monolithic - Build a monolithic lib dev-libs/wx-xmingw:mslu - Enable mslu support dev-libs/wx-xmingw:shared - Enable shared libs dev-lisp/abcl-cvs:jpty - Enable PTY support dev-lisp/abcl-cvs:libabcl - Enable ^C handler (from JNI) dev-lisp/abcl:clisp - Build Armed Bear Common Lisp using GNU CLISP dev-lisp/abcl:cmucl - Build Armed Bear Common Lisp using CMU Common Lisp dev-lisp/abcl:jad - Enable support for disassembling compiled code using JAD dev-lisp/cl-araneida:standalone - tired of waiting for the lisp team to add this dev-lisp/cl-tbnl:standalone - use TBNL without a front-end (ie. no Apache dependency) dev-lisp/clisp:new-clx - Build CLISP with support for the NEW-CLX module which is a C binding to the Xorg libraries dev-lisp/cmucl:nosource - don't include source code for CMUCL in installation dev-lisp/ecls:c++ - Build ECL with a C++ compiler dev-lisp/gcl-cvs:custreloc - build a GCL which uses custom GCL code for linking dev-lisp/gcl-cvs:dlopen - build a GCL which uses dlopen for linking dev-lisp/gcl-cvs:gprof - build a GCL with profiling support dev-lisp/gcl:ansi - build a GCL with ANSI support (else build a traditional CLtL1 image) dev-lisp/gcl:custreloc - build a GCL which uses custom GCL code for linking dev-lisp/gcl:dlopen - build a GCL which uses dlopen for linking dev-lisp/gcl:gprof - build a GCL with profiling support dev-lisp/sbcl:ldb - include support for the SBCL low level debugger dev-lisp/sbcl:cobalt - mips only: use mipsel binary instead of mips big endian binary to bootstrap dev-ml/lablgtk:glade - Enable libglade bindings compilation. dev-ml/lablgtk:gnomecanvas - Enable libgnomecanvas bindings compilation. dev-ml/ocamlnet:httpd - Enables nethttpd web server component dev-perl/Eidetic:auth - Enables Apache-AuthTicket based cookie authentication dev-perl/GD:animgif - Enable animated gif support dev-perl/HTML-Mason:modperl - Enable modperl support dev-perl/PDL:badval - Enable badval support in PDL dev-perl/RPC-XML:modperl - Enable modperl support dev-perl/Template-Toolkit:latex - Enable latex support dev-php/PEAR-MDB2:oci8-instant-client - Use dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic as Oracle provider instead of requiring a full Oracle server install dev-php4/eaccelerator:contentcache - Enable content caching dev-php4/eaccelerator:disassembler - Enable the eA disassembler dev-php4/eaccelerator:inode - Use inode-based caching dev-php5/eaccelerator:contentcache - Enable content caching dev-php5/eaccelerator:disassembler - Enable the eA disassembler dev-php5/eaccelerator:inode - Use inode-based caching dev-php5/pecl-pdo-oci:oci8-instant-client - Use dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic as Oracle provider instead of requiring a full Oracle server install dev-php5/pecl-pdo:oci8-instant-client - Use dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic as Oracle provider instead of requiring a full Oracle server install dev-php5/php-gtk:extra - Enable GtkExtra support dev-php5/php-gtk:html - Enable GtkHTML2 support dev-php5/php-gtk:mozembed - Enable GtkMozembed support dev-php5/php-gtk:sourceview - Enable GtkSourceView support dev-php5/php-gtk:libsexy - Enable libsexy support dev-php5/php-gtk:scintilla - Enable Scintilla support dev-php5/php-gtk:nolibglade - Disable support for libglade dev-python/cgkit:3ds - enable support for importing 3D Studio models dev-python/cgkit:ogre - enable support for Ogre rendering dev-python/docutils:glep - Install support for GLEPs dev-python/ipython:gnuplot - enable gnuplot support dev-python/kaa-metadata:css - Enables ripping/reading of encrypted dvds dev-python/ldaptor:web - enable the web front end for ldaptor (uses dev-python/nevow) dev-python/nose:twisted - install nose.twistedtools to integrate tests with twisted dev-python/paste:flup - enable support for flup (and therefore for various wgsi servers and middleware) dev-python/paste:openid - enable OpenID support dev-python/psycopg:mxdatetime - choose MX DateTime support instead of built-in datetime dev-python/pycairo:numeric - enable Numeric support dev-python/pyzor:pyzord - enable support for pyzord dev-python/soya:ode - include support for Open Dynamics Engine dev-python/twisted:serial - include serial port support dev-python/visual:numarray - enable support for numarray dev-python/visual:numeric - enable support for numeric dev-ruby/nitro:lighttpd - install lighttpd dev-ruby/nitro:xslt - enable xslt support dev-ruby/og:kirbybase - enable Kirbybase support dev-ruby/ruby-sdl:image - enable sdl-image support dev-ruby/ruby-sdl:mixer - enable sdl-mixer support dev-ruby/ruby-sdl:sge - enable sdl-sge support dev-ruby/rubygems:server - rubygems server support dev-ruby/sqlite3-ruby:swig - Use swig to generate binding dev-scheme/drscheme:3m - compile drscheme3m binary that uses the 3m GC instead of the Boehm GC dev-scheme/drscheme:backtrace - support GC backtrace dumps dev-scheme/drscheme:cgc - compile and install additional executables which use the conservative garbage collector dev-scheme/drscheme:llvm - add support for compiling to the low-level virtual machine (llvm) dev-scheme/drscheme:xft - add support for xft dev-scheme/drscheme:xrender - add support for xrender dev-scheme/gambit:big-iron - use expensive GCC optimizations and compile syntax-case macro system, try only if you have more than 2GB RAM dev-scheme/gauche-gl:cg - enable NVidia Cg binding dev-scheme/gauche-gtk:glgd - enable GL graph draw dev-scheme/guile:debug-freelist - include garbage collector freelist debugging code dev-scheme/guile:debug-malloc - include malloc debugging code dev-scheme/guile:deprecated - enable deprecated features dev-scheme/guile:discouraged - (implied by deprecated) enable merely discouraged features dev-scheme/guile:elisp - enable Emacs Lisp support dev-scheme/guile:networking - include networking interfaces dev-scheme/guile:regex - include regular expression interfaces dev-tex/latex-beamer:lyx - Install with LyX layouts dev-util/anjuta:devhelp - Enable devhelp integration dev-util/anjuta:glade - Build glade plugin for anjuta dev-util/anjuta:inherit-graph - Build inheritance graphing plugin for anjuta dev-util/anjuta:sourceview - Build sourceview editing plugin for anjuta dev-util/anjuta:subversion - Build subversion plugin for anjuta dev-util/anjuta:valgrind - Build valgrind plugin for anjuta dev-util/buildbot:irc - Add support for status delivery through an ircbot. dev-util/buildbot:mail - Add support for watching a maildir for commits. dev-util/buildbot:web - Add a web interface ("waterfall" page). dev-util/catalyst:ccache - Enables ccache support dev-util/ctags:ada - Enable Ada support dev-util/codeblocks:contrib - Build additional contrib components dev-util/cvs:server - Enable server support dev-util/debootstrap:nodpkg - Don't install dpkg (useful for building a non-debian system) dev-util/eclipse-sdk:branding - Enable Gentoo branded splash screen dev-util/eric:idl - Enable omniorb support dev-util/git:mozsha1 - makes git use an optimized SHA1 routine from Mozilla that should be fast on non-x86 machines dev-util/git:ppcsha1 - Make use of a bundled routine that is optimized for the PPC arch dev-util/git:webdav - Adds support for push'ing to HTTP repositories via DAV dev-util/glade:devhelp - Enable help support through devhelp dev-util/global:vim - vim funny stuff for global dev-util/kdevelop:ada - Support for the Ada programming language. dev-util/kdevelop:clearcase - Support for the ClearCase version control system. dev-util/kdevelop:cvs - Support for CVS via kde-base/cervisia. dev-util/kdevelop:haskell - Support for the Haskell programming language. dev-util/kdevelop:pascal - Support for the Pascal programming language. dev-util/kdevelop:perforce - Support for the Perforce version control system. dev-util/kdevelop:sql - Support for the Structured Query Language (SQL). dev-util/kdevelop:subversion - Support for the Subversion version control system. dev-util/mercurial:zsh-completion - Install zsh command completion for hg dev-util/monodevelop:aspnet - Enable ASP.NET support dev-util/monodevelop:aspnetedit - Enable ASP.NET visual designer support dev-util/monodevelop:boo - Enable support for the boo programming language dev-util/monodevelop:subversion - Enable subversion support dev-util/netbeans:c++ - Adds Netbeans C/C++ Pack dev-util/nsis:config-log - Enable the logging facility (useful in debugging installers) dev-util/pbuilder:uml - Enable pbuilder user mode linux support dev-util/strace:aio - Enable libaio support dev-util/subversion:extras - Install extras scripts (examples, tools, hooks) dev-util/subversion:nowebdav - Disables WebDAV support via neon library dev-util/svk:pager - Enable perl pager selection support dev-util/svk:patch - Enable patch creation, import support dev-util/svk:svn-mirror - Enable SVN-Mirror support games-action/d1x-rebirth:awe32 - Enable AWE32 support games-action/d1x-rebirth:demo - Use the demo data instead of the full game games-action/d1x-rebirth:mixer - Enable mixer support games-action/d1x-rebirth:mpu401 - Enable MPU401 music support games-action/d2x-rebirth:awe32 - Enable AWE32 support games-action/d2x-rebirth:mpu401 - Enable MPU401 music support games-action/xshipwars:yiff - Add support for the YIFF sound server games-arcade/bomns:editor - enables building the level editor games-arcade/lbreakout2:themes - Install additional themes games-arcade/stepmania:force-oss - force using OSS games-arcade/triplexinvaders:psyco - psyco python accelerator games-arcade/ultrastar-ng:novideo - Disable smpeg video support games-board/chessdb:tb4 - Install 4 pieces table bases games-board/crafty:no-opts - Don't try to enable crazy CFLAG options games-board/freedoko:altenburgcards - Use the Altenburg card set games-board/freedoko:kdecards - Use the KDE card set games-board/freedoko:net - Enable network game support games-board/freedoko:pysolcards - Use the PySol card set games-board/freedoko:xskatcards - Use the XSkat card set games-board/grhino:gtp - Install the GTP (Go/Game Text Protocol) frontend games-board/pysol:extra-cardsets - Install extra cardsets games-board/xboard:zippy - Enable experimental zippy client games-emulation/generator:sdlaudio - Enable SDL Audio games-emulation/mupen64-glN64:asm - Enable use of asm routines to improve performance games-emulation/xmame:net - Add network support games-emulation/xmess:net - Add network support games-emulation/zsnes:custom-cflags - Enables custom cflags (not supported) games-engines/exult:timidity - Add sound support (timidity) games-engines/scummvm:fluidsynth - compile with support for fluidsynth games-fps/alephone:smpeg - Enables use of smpeg games-fps/darkplaces:cdsound - Enables using CD audio in the engine games-fps/darkplaces:demo - Uses the demo data from quake1 (quake1-demodata) games-fps/darkplaces:dpmod - Sets up the darkplaces mod from icculus games-fps/darkplaces:lights - Install and setup the updated light maps games-fps/darkplaces:textures - Install and setup the updated textures games-fps/doom-data:doomsday - Add wrapper to run it within doomsday games-fps/doom3:roe - Adds support for the Resurrection of Evil expansion games-fps/duke3d:demo - Install the demo files games-fps/freedoom:doomsday - Add wrapper to run it within doomsday games-fps/nexuiz:maps - Install the community map pack games-fps/quake2-icculus:demo - Install the demo files (quake2-demodata) and configure for use games-fps/quake2-icculus:noqmax - Do not build the pretty version (quake max) games-fps/quake2-icculus:qmax - Build the pretty version (quake max) games-fps/quake2-icculus:rogue - Build support for the 'Ground Zero' Mission Pack (rogue) games-fps/quake2-icculus:xatrix - Build support for the 'The Reckoning' Mission Pack (xatrix) games-fps/quake3-bin:teamarena - Adds support for Team Arena expansion pack games-fps/quake3:teamarena - Adds support for Team Arena expansion pack games-fps/qudos:demo - Install the demo files (quake2-demodata) and configure for use games-fps/qudos:mods - Build support for the quake2 mission packs games-fps/qudos:qmax - Build the pretty version (quake max) games-fps/qudos:textures - Install the enhanced textures (quake2-textures) games-fps/rott:demo - Install the shareware version games-fps/unreal-tournament-goty:S3TC - Add the extra fancy textures to UT ... only works on certain cards (nvidia/ati/s3) games-fps/warsow:irc - Enable IRC support games-kids/gcompris:gnet - will let GCompris fetch content from a web server games-mud/mmucl:mccp - adds support for the Mud Client Compression Protocol games-roguelike/scourge:editor - Install Scourge Data Editor (scourge-tools) games-rpg/eternal-lands-data:music - Install optional music files (extra 30 meg) games-rpg/galaxymage:psyco - psyco python accelerator games-rpg/nwn-cep:hou - Adds support for the Hordes of the Underdark expansion pack games-rpg/nwn-cep:sou - Adds support for the Shadows of Undrentide expension pack games-rpg/nwn-data:hou - Install the Hordes of the Underdark expansion pack games-rpg/nwn-data:nowin - For those people who cant grab the 1.2 gigs of data files from a windows partition games-rpg/nwn-data:sou - Installs the Shadows of Undrentide expension pack games-rpg/nwn:hou - Install the Hordes of the Underdark expansion pack games-rpg/nwn:sou - Installs the Shadows of Undrentide expension pack games-simulation/openttd:scenarios - Install additional contributed scenarios games-simulation/openttd:timidity - Add sound support (timidity) games-sports/xmoto:editor - Depend on inkscape, scripts to convert svg to level (svg2lvl) games-strategy/dark-oberon:fmod - Add sound support (fmod) games-strategy/freeciv:auth - Add authentication capability games-strategy/freelords:editor - Installs optional map editor games-strategy/heroes3:maps - Installs optional map data games-strategy/heroes3:music - Installs optional music data games-strategy/heroes3:sounds - Installs optional sound data games-strategy/ufo-ai:master - Enable building master server games-strategy/ufo-ai:paranoid - Enable paranoid debugging code games-strategy/uqm:music - download and install music files (large) games-strategy/uqm:remix - download and install music remix files (large) games-strategy/uqm:voice - download and install voice files (large) games-strategy/wesnoth:editor - Enable compilation of map editor games-strategy/wesnoth:lite - Lite install games-strategy/wesnoth:server - Enable compilation of server games-strategy/wesnoth:tools - Enable compilation of translation tools games-strategy/x2:bonusscripts - Add bonus scripts games-strategy/x2:dynamic - Use dynamic binaries instead of static games-strategy/x2:german - Enable German as default language games-strategy/x2:langpacks - Install additional language packs games-strategy/x2:modkit - Install the modkit gnome-base/gdm:branding - Enable a custom gentoo branded artwork gnome-base/gnome-session:branding - Enable a custom gentoo branded splashscreen gnome-base/nautilus:beagle - Enable support for beagle searching gnome-base/nautilus:tracker - Enable support for tracker searching gnome-extra/evolution-data-server:keyring - Use gnome-keyring for password storage gnome-extra/gnome-games:artworkextra - Add extra Artwork to gnome-games gnome-extra/libgda:mdb - Enable Microsoft Access DB support for GnomeDB. gnome-extra/libgda:xbase - Enable support for xbase databases (dBase, FoxPro, etc) gnome-extra/nautilus-sendto:gaim - Build a gaim plugin for nautilus-sendto gnome-extra/nautilus-sendto:gajim - Enable support for gajim client gnome-extra/nautilus-sendto:pidgin - Enable support for pidgin gnome-extra/nautilus-sendto:sylpheed - Enable support for sylpheed mail client gnome-extra/nautilus-sendto:thunderbird - Enable support for thunderbird gnome-extra/sensors-applet:hddtemp - Enable support the hddtemp daemon gnome-extra/sensors-applet:nvidia - Enable support for nvidia sensors gnome-extra/yelp:beagle - Enable beagle support gnome-extra/zim:trayicon - Enable support for trayicon gnustep-apps/cynthiune:modplug - Build with modplug support gnustep-apps/cynthiune:timidity - Build with Timidity++ (MIDI sequencer) support gnustep-apps/gnumail:emoticon - Enable extra Emoticon Bundle to see smiley's in e-mail messages. gnustep-base/gnustep-back-art:xim - Enable X11 XiM input method gnustep-base/gnustep-back-cairo:glitz - Build with glitz support gnustep-base/gnustep-back-cairo:xim - Enable X11 XiM input method gnustep-base/gnustep-back-xlib:xim - Enable X11 XiM input method gnustep-base/gnustep-base:gcc-libffi - Offers a migration path away from the ill fated dev-libs/libffi; gcc-3.* will generally have to be compiled with 'gcj' on, >=gcc-3.4.3-r1 can be used with only 'objc' turned on (this will reduce compile time). gnustep-base/gnustep-gui:gsnd - Enable GNUstep sound server gnustep-base/gnustep-make:layout-from-conf-file - Layout GNUstep according to /etc/conf.d/gnustep.env; GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT, GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT, GNUSTEP_NETWORK_ROOT, and GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT (use '~' or '~/whatever' -- SURROUNDED BY SINGLE QUOTES -- for the user root); the only required entry is GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT; GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT must end with "System". gnustep-base/gnustep-make:layout-osx-like - Layout GNUstep FHS like OSX's (violates Linux FHS, but arguably more NeXT-like); User, Local, Network, and System are set to (in order): "~", "/", "/Network", "/System" gnustep-base/gnustep-make:non-flattened - do not flatten launch and library paths for GNUstep packages allowing executable within a .app to be launched based on processor type kde-base/arts:artswrappersuid - Set artswrapper suid for realtime playing, which is a security hazard. kde-base/juk:akode - Support for the aKode audio-decoding frame-work. kde-base/kaddressbook:gnokii - Address synchronization with mobile phones via Gnokii. kde-base/kbugbuster:kcal - Support for kcal (calendar) format. kde-base/kcontrol:logitech-mouse - Build the Control Center module to configure logitech mice. kde-base/kdebase:branding - Gentoo specific web shortcuts. kde-base/kdebase:logitech-mouse - Build the Control Center module to configure logitech mice kde-base/kdebase:zeroconf - Support for DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD). kde-base/kdeedu:kig-scripting - Support Python scripting in kig. kde-base/kdegraphics-meta:povray - Install KPovModeler, which needs POV-Ray. kde-base/kdegraphics:povray - Install KPovModeler, which needs POV-Ray. kde-base/kdelibs:branding - Gentoo branded KHTML user agent. kde-base/kdelibs:legacyssl - Support for some deprecated ciphers. Don't use this flag unless you really need it. kde-base/kdelibs:utempter - Records everytime a user logins in. Useful on multi-user systems. kde-base/kdelibs:zeroconf - Support for DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD). kde-base/kdemultimedia:akode - Support for the aKode audio-decoding frame-work. kde-base/kdenetwork:jingle - Enables voice calls for jabber kde-base/kdenetwork:sametime - Support for the Sametime protocol for instant messaging. kde-base/kdepim:gnokii - Address synchronization with mobile phones via Gnokii. kde-base/kdesdk-meta:subversion - Support for the subversion ioslave. kde-base/kdesdk:subversion - Support for the subversion ioslave. kde-base/kdeutils:pbbuttonsd - Support for the Apple PMU daemon pbbuttonsd. kde-base/kig:kig-scripting - Support Python scripting. kde-base/kmilo:pbbuttonsd - Support for the Apple PMU daemon pbbuttonsd. kde-base/konqueror:branding - Gentoo specific web shortcuts. kde-base/kopete:addbookmarks - Builds Add Bookmarks plugin kde-base/kopete:alias - Builds Alias plugin kde-base/kopete:autoreplace - Builds Auto-Replace plugin kde-base/kopete:connectionstatus - Builds Connection Status plugin kde-base/kopete:contactnotes - Builds Contact Notes plugin kde-base/kopete:gadu - Builds GaduGadu protocol handler kde-base/kopete:groupwise - Builds Novell GroupWise protocol handler kde-base/kopete:highlight - Builds Highlight plugin kde-base/kopete:history - Builds history plugin kde-base/kopete:irc - Builds IRC protocol handler kde-base/kopete:jingle - Enables voice calls for jabber kde-base/kopete:latex - Builds LaTeX plugin kde-base/kopete:netmeeting - Builds netmeeting plugin (require gnomemeeting) kde-base/kopete:nowlistening - Builds Now Listening... plugin kde-base/kopete:sametime - Enables support for the Sametime protocol for instant messaging kde-base/kopete:sms - Builds SMS protocol handler kde-base/kopete:statistics - Builds statistics plugin kde-base/kopete:texteffect - Builds Text Effect plugin kde-base/kopete:translator - Builds Translator plugin kde-base/kopete:webpresence - Builds Web Presence plugin kde-base/kopete:winpopup - Builds WinPopUp protocol handler kde-base/ksysguard:zeroconf - Support for DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD). kde-base/kttsd:akode - Support for the aKode audio-decoding frame-work. kde-misc/knetworkmanager:cisco - Adds support for the Cisco VPN client (vpnc) kde-misc/knetworkmanager:dialup - Enables Dialup (PPP) support kde-misc/knetworkmanager:openvpn - Adds support for the OpenVPN client kde-misc/knetworkmanager:pptp - Adds support for the PPTP (PPP) VPN client kde-misc/ksensors:hddtemp - Enable monitoring of disk temperatures (app-admin/hddtemp) kde-misc/ksensors:ibmacpi - Enable monitoring of ACPI sensor data on IBM Thinkpad notebooks. mail-client/balsa:gtkspell - Use gtkspell for dictionary support mail-client/claws-mail:bogofilter - Build bogofilter plugin mail-client/claws-mail:dillo - Enables support for inline http email viewing with a plugin (which depends on the dillo browser) mail-client/claws-mail:spamassassin - Build spamassassin plugin mail-client/evolution:bogofilter - Use bogofilter instead of spamassassin mail-client/mail-notification:gmail - Enable Gmail mailbox checking mail-client/mail-notification:pop - Enable support for pop mail-client/mail-notification:sylpheed - Enable support for MH mailboxes used by sylpheed mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird:mozdom - Enable Mozilla's DOM inspector mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird:moznopango - Disable pango during runtime mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird:replytolist - Enable reply-to-list plugin mail-client/mutt:buffysize - Enables buffysize workaround, see bug 72422 mail-client/mutt:gpgme - Enable support for gpgme mail-client/mutt:pop - Enable support for pop mail-client/mutt:sidebar - Use the vanilla tree + sidebar patch mail-client/mutt:smime - Enable support for smime mail-client/mutt:smtp - Enable support for smtp mail-client/muttng:buffysize - Enables buffysize workaround, see bug 72422 mail-client/muttng:gpgme - Enable support for gpgme mail-client/muttng:pop - Enable support for pop mail-client/muttng:smime - Enable support for smime mail-client/muttng:smtp - Enable support for smtp mail-client/nail:net - Enable network support (thus enabling POP, IMAP and SMTP) mail-client/pine:largeterminal - Add support for large terminals by doubling the size of pine's internal display buffer mail-client/pine:passfile - Adds support for caching IMAP passwords into a file between sessions mail-client/squirrelmail:filter - Enable amavisd-new filtering mail-filter/amavisd-new:courier - Add support for usage with courierfilter mail-filter/amavisd-new:qmail - Add support for qmail mail-filter/ask:procmail - Adds support for procmail mail-filter/assp:spf - Adds support for Sender Policy Framework mail-filter/assp:srs - Adds support for Sender Rewriting Scheme mail-filter/bsfilter:mecab - Adds support for mecab mail-filter/clamassassin:clamd - Use the ClamAV daemon for virus checking. mail-filter/clamassassin:subject-rewrite - Adds support for subject rewriting. mail-filter/dcc:rrdtool - Enable rrdtool interface scripts mail-filter/dspam:daemon - Enable support for DSPAM to run in --daemon mode mail-filter/dspam:large-domain - Builds for large domain rather than for domain scale mail-filter/dspam:logrotate - Install support files for logrotate mail-filter/dspam:user-homedirs - Build with user homedir support mail-filter/dspam:virtual-users - Build with virtual-users support mail-filter/maildrop:authlib - Add courier-authlib suport mail-filter/qmail-scanner:spamassassin - Build faster spamassassin checks into qmail-scanner mail-filter/simscan:attachment - Enable attachment scanning mail-filter/simscan:dropmsg - Drop messages in case of virus/spam mail-filter/simscan:passthru - Passthru messages in case of virus/spam mail-filter/simscan:per-domain - Enable support for per-domain settings mail-filter/simscan:quarantine - Enable quarantine support mail-filter/simscan:regex - Enable regular expression matching mail-filter/simscan:received - Add Received: line to mail headers mail-filter/simscan:spamassassin - Use spamassassin for spam checking mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:amavis - Enable support for amavis mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:gocr - Enable support for the gocr OCR engine mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:logrotate - Install support files for logrotate mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:ocrad - Enable support for the ocrad OCR engine mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:tesseract - Enable support for the tesseract OCR engine mail-filter/spamassassin:qmail - Build qmail functionality and docs mail-filter/spamassassin:tools - Enables tools for spamassassin mail-mta/courier:fax - Enables fax support in the courier mail server mail-mta/courier:norewrite - Prevents courier mail server from mangling virtual user addresses when sending mail-mta/exim:dnsdb - Adds support for a DNS search for a record whose domain name is the supplied query mail-mta/exim:domainkeys - Adds support for Yahoo!'s Domainkey sender verification system mail-mta/exim:dovecot-sasl - Adds support for Dovecot's authentication mail-mta/exim:exiscan - Patch providing support for content scanning backward-compatibility mail-mta/exim:exiscan-acl - Patch providing support for content scanning mail-mta/exim:lmtp - Adds support for lmtp mail-mta/exim:mbx - Adds support for UW's mbx format mail-mta/exim:spf - Adds support for Sender Policy Framework mail-mta/exim:srs - Adds support for Sender Rewriting Scheme mail-mta/exim:syslog - defines syslog as the default log path if none is specified in the conf file. mail-mta/netqmail:gencertdaily - Generate SSL certificates daily instead of hourly mail-mta/netqmail:highvolume - Prepare netqmail for high volume servers mail-mta/netqmail:noauthcram - If you do NOT want AUTHCRAM to be available mail-mta/netqmail:qmail-spp - Add support for the qmail SMTP plugin patch mail-mta/postfix:dovecot-sasl - Enable Dovecot protocol version 1 (server only) SASL implementation mail-mta/postfix:vda - Adds support for virtual delivery agent quota enforcing mail-mta/qmail-ldap:controldb - Add support for the QmailLDAP/Control patch (stores control files in ldap) mail-mta/qmail-ldap:gencertdaily - Generate SSL certificates daily instead of hourly mail-mta/qmail-ldap:highvolume - Prepare qmail for high volume servers mail-mta/qmail-ldap:cluster - Enable this if you want to have cluster support in qmail-ldap mail-mta/qmail-ldap:qmail-spp - Add support for the qmail SMTP plugin patch mail-mta/qmail-ldap:rfc822 - Add support for RFC822 compliant mail attributes mail-mta/qmail-ldap:rfc2307 - Add support for RFC2307 compliant uid/gid attributes mail-mta/ssmtp:md5sum - Enables MD5 summing for ssmtp media-fonts/intlfonts:bdf - Installs BDF fonts in addition to PCF media-gfx/asymptote:boehm-gc - Enables using the Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector media-gfx/autotrace:flash - Adds support for creating SWF files using Ming media-gfx/blender:blender-game - Adds game engine support to blender media-gfx/blender:verse - Adds verse clustering features to blender media-gfx/comix:rar - Pulls app-arch/unrar for rar file support media-gfx/dcraw:gimp - Builds rawphoto plugin for the GIMP media-gfx/digikam:nfs - Create sqlite db within ~/.kde, instead in the albums base directory. media-gfx/gimp:gimpprint - Enable gimp-print printing support media-gfx/gimp:smp - Enable support for multiprocessors media-gfx/gimp-print:gimp - Build a plugin for the GIMP media-gfx/graphicsmagick:depth16 - use 16-bit color depth as default media-gfx/graphicsmagick:depth32 - use 32-bit color depth as default media-gfx/graphicsmagick:gs - enable ghostscript support media-gfx/graphicsmagick:lzw - enable LZW support media-gfx/graphviz:pango - Enables the rendering of the graphs using pango & cairo (with antialiasing support) media-gfx/gthumb:iptc - Add support for IPTC metadata media-gfx/gthumb:raw - Add support for raw image formats media-gfx/gtkam:gimp - GIMP plugin from gtkam media-gfx/gwenview:kipi - Support for the KDE Image Plugin Interface. media-gfx/hugin:enblend - Pull media-gfx/enblend as a dependency media-gfx/hugin:sift - Pull media-gfx/autopano-sift as a dependency media-gfx/imagemagick:fpx - enable libfpx support media-gfx/imagemagick:hdri - Enables High Dynamic Range Images formats media-gfx/imagemagick:gs - enable ghostscript support media-gfx/imagemagick:q32 - Set quantum depth to 32 media-gfx/imagemagick:q8 - Set quantum depth to 8 media-gfx/inkscape:boost - use external boost media-gfx/inkscape:dia - Pull in app-office/dia for dia import extension media-gfx/inkscape:inkjar - enables inkjar support media-gfx/inkscape:plugin - enables extra plugins media-gfx/inkscape:postscript - Pull in dependencies needed for the postscript import extension media-gfx/iscan:gimp - Build a plugin for the GIMP media-gfx/k3d:plib - build plib-based import/export library media-gfx/maya:bundled-libs - Use the bundled versions of libs rather than system ones (libstdc++, libgcc_s, libqt, and libXm) media-gfx/maya:maya-shaderlibrary - Install the maya shader library media-gfx/pstoedit:emf - enables media-libs/libemf support media-gfx/sane-frontends:gimp - Build a plugin for the GIMP media-gfx/showimg:kipi - Support for the KDE Image Plugin Interface. media-gfx/ufraw:gimp - Build a plugin for the GIMP media-gfx/xsane:gimp - Build a plugin for the GIMP media-libs/a52dec:djbfft - Prefer D.J. Bernstein's library for fourier transforms media-libs/allegro:vga - Enables the VGA graphics driver media-libs/alsa-lib:alisp - Enable support for ALISP (ALSA LISP) interpreter for advanced features. media-libs/alsa-lib:midi - Enables MIDI output support (both Hardware and Software) media-libs/cal3d:16bit-indices - Enables use of 16bit indices media-libs/coin:fontconfig - Support for managing custom fonts via fontconfig. media-libs/devil:allegro - Add support for Allegro media-libs/farsight:jingle - Enables voice calls for jabber media-libs/gd:fontconfig - Support for managing custom fonts via fontconfig. media-libs/giflib:rle - Build converters for RLE format (utah raster toolkit) media-libs/glide-v3:voodoo1 - Support 3DFX Voodoo1 video cards media-libs/glide-v3:voodoo2 - Support 3DFX Voodoo2 video cards media-libs/glide-v3:voodoo5 - Support 3DFX Voodoo4 and Voodoo5 video cards media-libs/libggi:vis - Enables sparc vis support for libggi media-libs/libifp:module - Build kernel module for non-root usage media-libs/libkarma:mono - Build with mono support media-libs/libquicktime:lame - Support LAME mp3 encoding media-libs/libsdl:noaudio - Allow users to disable audio support completely (at their own risk) media-libs/libsdl:noflagstrip - Allow users to use any CFLAGS they like completely (at their own risk) media-libs/libsdl:nojoystick - Allow users to disable joystick support completely (at their own risk) media-libs/libsdl:novideo - Allow users to disable video support completely (at their own risk) media-libs/libvorbis:aotuv - Allow users to enable aoTuV encoder enhancements media-libs/mesa:xcb - Support the X C-language Binding, a replacement for Xlib media-libs/mlt:lame - Support LAME mp3 encoding media-libs/netpbm:rle - Build converters for the RLE format (utah raster toolkit) media-libs/panda3d:fmod - Enables support for using mod files for audio support media-libs/panda3d:nspr - Enables support for the Netscape Portable Runtime, used in network interface functionality (ie. multiplayer online game networking). media-libs/ploticus:cpulimit - Limit cpu usage when generating graphics media-libs/ploticus:flash - Adds support for creating SWF files using Ming media-libs/ploticus:svgz - Compressed svg graphics support media-libs/sdif:ftruncate - Enables usage of ftruncate v. truncate media-libs/sdl-mixer:timidity - Add support for timidity media-libs/sdl-sound:physfs - Enable physfs support media-libs/sge:image - enable sdl-image support media-libs/speex:vorbis-psy - Enable Vorbis-style psychoacoustics media-libs/speex:wideband - Enable Wideband codec media-libs/svgalib:no-helper - Do not build the helper kernel module media-libs/urt:gs - Add support for postscript media-libs/win32codecs:real - Installs the real video codecs media-libs/x264-svn:mp4 - Enables mp4 encoding support media-libs/xine-lib:dxr3 - Support for DXR3 mpeg accelleration cards media-libs/xine-lib:modplug - Build with modplug support media-libs/xine-lib:real - Adds real video support media-libs/xine-lib:vidix - Support for vidix video output media-libs/xine-lib:wavpack - Build with WavPack support media-libs/xine-lib:xcb - Support the X C-language Binding, a replacement for Xlib media-libs/xine-lib:xvmc - Support for XVideo Motion Compensation (accelerated mpeg playback) media-plugins/audacious-plugins-ugly:cube - Build with CUBE input plugin (supports formats such as ADX) media-plugins/audacious-plugins-ugly:iris - Build with Iris 3D visual plugin media-plugins/audacious-plugins:adplug - Build with AdPlug (Adlib sound card emulation) support media-plugins/audacious-plugins:chardet - Try to handle non-UTF8 chinese/japanese/korean ID3 tags media-plugins/audacious-plugins:modplug - Build with modplug support media-plugins/audacious-plugins:sid - Build with SID (Commodore 64 Audio) support media-plugins/audacious-plugins:timidity - Build with Timidity++ (MIDI sequencer) support media-plugins/audacious-plugins:tta - Build with TTA (True-Audio lossless) support media-plugins/audacious-plugins:wavpack - Build with WavPack support media-plugins/audacious-plugins:wma - Build with WMA (Windows Media Audio) support media-plugins/gst-plugins-farsight:gsm - Support for the gsm lossy speech compression library media-plugins/gst-plugins-farsight:jingle - Enables voice calls for jabber media-plugins/gst-plugins-farsight:jrtplib - Support for the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) library media-plugins/mythdvd:transcode - Enable DVD ripping and transcoding media-plugins/mythmusic:libvisual - Enables libvisual support for effects media-plugins/mythphone:festival - Enable festival support media-plugins/vdr-burn:projectx - Enables support fur projectx media-plugins/vdr-dvdconvert:projectx - Enables support for projectx media-plugins/vdr-pvr350:yaepg - Enables full support for the ouput format of vdr-yaepg media-plugins/vdr-softdevice:mmxext - enables mmx2 support media-plugins/vdr-text2skin:direct_blit - not buffer picture, faster, but only for modified skins media-plugins/vdr-weatherng:dxr3 - enables lower osd color deep for dxr3 cards media-sound/abcde:id3 - Support ID3, ID3v2 tagging of audio files media-sound/abcde:lame - Support LAME mp3 encoding media-sound/abcde:replaygain - Support for Replay Gain metadata, for relative volume adjustment media-sound/alsa-driver:midi - Build the sequencer (midi) modules media-sound/alsa-tools:midi - Build the sequencer (midi) utilities media-sound/alsa-utils:midi - Build the sequencer (midi) utilities media-sound/amarok:daap - Enable support for DAAP Music Sharing media-sound/amarok:ifp - Enable support for iRiver devices access through libifp media-sound/amarok:mp4 - Enable write support for tags in MP4 files (M4A). The resulting Amarok copy is not redistributable. media-sound/amarok:mtp - Enable support for libMTP (Plays4Sure) devices access through libmtp media-sound/amarok:njb - Enable support for NJB (Creative) devices access through libnjb media-sound/amarok:noamazon - Disable support for downloading covers from amazon.com media-sound/amarok:real - Build with real/helix player support media-sound/amarok:visualization - Support visualization plugins through media-libs/libvisual media-sound/audacious:chardet - Try to handle non-UTF8 chinese/japanese/korean ID3 tags media-sound/audacious:modplug - Build with modplug support media-sound/audacious:sid - Build with SID (Commodore 64 Audio) support media-sound/audacious:timidity - Build with Timidity++ (MIDI sequencer) support media-sound/audacious:wma - Build with WMA (Windows Media Audio) support media-sound/banshee:boo - Use external Boo instead of the bundled one media-sound/banshee:daap - Build with Daap support media-sound/banshee:njb - Build with njb audio player support media-sound/bmpx:modplug - Build with modplug support media-sound/bmpx:networkmanager - Enable networkmanager support media-sound/bmpx:ofa - Build with ofa/PUID checking support for MusicBrainz metadata media-sound/bmpx:p2p - Enable support for downloading songs from the SoulSeek p2p network with museekd/mooseekd media-sound/bmpx:sid - Build with SID (Commodore 64 Audio) support media-sound/cmus:modplug - Build with modplug support media-sound/cmus:mp4 - enable mp4 decoding media-sound/cmus:pidgin - install support script for net-im/pidgin media-sound/cmus:wavpack - add support for wavpack media-sound/cmus:wma - add support for Windows Media Audio media-sound/cmus:zsh-completion - enable zsh completion support media-sound/darkice:twolame - Build with twolame support media-sound/dir2ogg:wma - Add support for wma files through mplayer media-sound/easytag:wavpack - Add support for wavpack media-sound/exaile:equalizer - Enable equalizer support media-sound/exaile:libsexy - Enable libsexy support media-sound/ezstream:taglib - Enable tagging support with taglib media-sound/freewheeling:fluidsynth - compile with support for fluidsynth media-sound/gnusound:cpudetection - Enables runtime cpu detection media-sound/gnusound:lame - Enable lame support media-sound/herrie:http - Enable http streaming media-sound/herrie:modplug - Build with modplug support media-sound/herrie:xspf - Enable support for reading and saving XSPF playlists media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit:coreaudio - Build the CoreAudio driver on Mac OS X systems media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit:cpudetection - Enables runtime cpudetection media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit:jack-tmpfs - Compile in a tmpf path media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit:netjack - Build with support for Realtime Audio Transport over generic IP media-sound/kid3:taglib - Enable tagging support with taglib media-sound/lame:mp3rtp - Build the mp3-to-RTP streaming utility. **UNSUPPORTED** media-sound/lastfm-ripper:amazon - Enable advanced tagging using amazon webservices media-sound/lastfm-ripper:tagwriting - Enable MP3 tagging media-sound/lilypond:vim - Enable installation of lilypond vim plugins media-sound/listen:libsexy - Enable libsexy support media-sound/moc:modplug - Add support for modplug media-sound/moc:sid - Build with SID (Commodore 64 Audio) support media-sound/moc:timidity - Add support for timidity media-sound/moc:wavpack - Add support for wavpack media-sound/mp3blaster:sid - Build with SID (Commodore 64 Audio) support media-sound/mpd:icecast - Enable support for Icecast2 media-sound/mpfc:cdaudio - Enable cd audio playback support media-sound/mpfc:wav - Enable wav audio codec support media-sound/mpg123:3dnowext - Enable 3dnowext cpu instructions media-sound/mt-daapd:upnp - Enables support for Intel UPnP stack. media-sound/murmur:pch - Enable precompiled header support for faster compilation times (gcc >3.4 only) media-sound/musepack-tools:16bit - Higher quality sound output using dithering and noise-shaping media-sound/museseq:fluidsynth - compile with support for fluidsynth media-sound/ncmpc:clock-screen - Enable clock screen media-sound/ncmpc:key-screen - Enable key editor screen media-sound/ncmpc:mouse - Enable curses getmouse support media-sound/ncmpc:raw-mode - raw terminal mode media-sound/ncmpc:search-screen - Enable search screen (EXPERIMENTAL) media-sound/noteedit:kmid - Use KDE's kmid to play sound media-sound/noteedit:tse3 - Use tse3 library to play/export sound media-sound/picard:cdaudio - Enable support for CD Index Lookups. media-sound/podcatcher:bittorrent - Enable support for bittorrent downloads media-sound/prokyon3:taglib - Enable tagging support with taglib media-sound/quodlibet:mmkeys - Enable support for special keys on multimedia keyboards media-sound/quodlibet:trayicon - Enable support for trayicon media-sound/radiomixer:hwmixer - Use hardware mixer instead of internal mixer routines media-sound/radiomixer:songdb - Enable usage of SongDB backend media-sound/rezound:16bittmp - Use 16bit temporary files (default 32bit float), usefull for slower computers media-sound/rezound:soundtouch - compile with support for soundtouch media-sound/rhythmbox:daap - support for daap media-sound/rhythmbox:keyring - gnome-keyring support for daap share passwords media-sound/rhythmbox:tagwriting - support for tag writing in certain audio files media-sound/rosegarden:dssi - Enable support for DSSI Soft Synth Interface media-sound/shntool:wavpack - Add support for wavpack media-sound/slimserver:alac - Enable support for alac media-sound/sonata:lyrics - Support for lyrics fetching media-sound/sonata:taglib - Enable tagging support with taglib media-sound/transkode:amarok - Build Amarok script media-sound/transkode:wavpack - Add support for wavpack decoding/encoding media-sound/traverso:lv2 - Add support for Ladspa V2 media-tv/freevo:mixer - Enable support for adjusting volume via media-sound/aumix media-tv/freevo:tv - Enable support for the tv guide plugin media-tv/gentoo-vdr-scripts:nvram - Add support for using nvram-wakeup to set wakeup time in bios media-tv/kdetv:zvbi - Enable VBI Decoding Library for Zapping media-tv/mythtv:autostart - Controls whether settings are installed for autostarting MythFrontend on boot media-tv/mythtv:backendonly - Builds only the backend component rather then the whole suite media-tv/mythtv:crciprec - Enable support for Network Recorder media-tv/mythtv:dbox2 - Enable support for Nokia DBOX2 DVB boxes media-tv/mythtv:directv - Install DirecTV channel changer script media-tv/mythtv:freebox - Enable support for Freebox media-tv/mythtv:frontendonly - Only builds the Frontend component rather then the whole suite media-tv/mythtv:hdhomerun - Enable support for HDHomeRun boxes media-tv/mythtv:iptv - Enables support for IP TV based devices media-tv/mythtv:ivtv - Enables ivtv support media-tv/mythtv:lcd - Enable LCD display support using lcdproc media-tv/mythtv:opengl - Use OpenGL for vsync media-tv/mythtv:xvmc - Support for XVideo Motion Compensation (accelerated mpeg playback) media-tv/tvbrowser:themes - Install extra theme packs media-tv/xawtv:xext - Enable use of XFree extensions (DGA,VidMode,DPMS) media-tv/xawtv:zvbi - Enable VBI Decoding Library for Zapping media-tv/xdtv:aqua_theme - Enable graphic theme Aqua-style media-tv/xdtv:carbone_theme - Adds the Carbone pixmaps theme for the GUI media-tv/xdtv:schedule - Adds the possibility to schedule tv recording via xdtv_record.sh media-tv/xdtv:zvbi - Enable VBI Decoding Library for Zapping media-tv/xmltv:ar - Argentina tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:be - Belgium and Luxemburg tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:br - Brazil tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:brnet - Brazil cable tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:ch - Switzerland bluewin tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:de_tvtoday - Germany tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:dk - Denmark tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:dtvla - Latin America digital tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:ee - Estonia tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:es - Spain tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:es_laguiatv - Spain alternative grabber media-tv/xmltv:fi - Finland tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:fr - France tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:hr - Croatia tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:huro - Hungarian tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:il - Israel tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:is - Iceland tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:it - Italy tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:jp - Japan tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:na_dd - North America tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:na_icons - option for na_dd to download icons media-tv/xmltv:nc - Caledonie Island tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:nl - Netherlands tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:nl_wolf - Netherlands alternative tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:no - Norway tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:no_gf - Norway Gfeed tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:pt - Portugal tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:re - Reunion Island (France) tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:se_swedb - Sweden tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:tv_check - enable GUI checking media-tv/xmltv:tv_combiner - enable grabbers combiner media-tv/xmltv:tv_pick_cgi - enable CGI support media-tv/xmltv:uk_bleb - Britain tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:uk_rt - Britain alternative tv listing grabber media-tv/xmltv:za - South Africa tv listing grabber media-tv/zapping:vdr - Enable Real Time Encoding support (librte) media-tv/zapping:zvbi - Enable VBI Decoding Library media-video/chaplin:transcode - Enable DVD ripping and transcoding media-video/cinelerra-cvs:css - Enable support for encrypted files through libmpeg3 media-video/cinepaint:gimpprint - Enable support for gimp-print (gutenprint) media-video/devede:psyco - psyco python accelerator media-video/dvd-slideshow:themes - Install theme pack media-video/dvdrip:fping - Enables fping support for cluster rendering media-video/dvdrip:subtitles - Enables support for subtitle ripping media-video/dxr3player:3dnowext - Enable 3dnowext cpu instructions media-video/dxr3player:mmxext - Enables mmxext instructions media-video/ffmpeg:amr - Enables Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio support media-video/ffmpeg:network - Enables network streaming support media-video/gpac:amr - Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio support (commonly used in telephony) media-video/kaffeine:xcb - Support the X C-language Binding, a replacement for Xlib media-video/kino:gpac - Enable GPAC support when exporting to 3GPP format media-video/kmplayer:cairo - Support cairo vector graphics library with cross-device output support media-video/linux-uvc:isight - Apply patch to work _only_ with the Apple iSight media-video/lives:libvisual - Enable libvisual support media-video/mjpegtools:yv12 - Enables support for the YV12 pixel format media-video/mkvtoolnix:lzo - Enables support for lzo compression media-video/mmsv2:dxr3 - Support for DXR3 mpeg acceleration cards media-video/motiontrack:multiprocess - Enables multi-process support (SMP/cluster) for motiontrack programs media-video/mpeg4ip:id3 - Support ID3 in the player media-video/mpeg4ip:lame - Support LAME mp3 encoding in the server/mp4live media-video/mpeg4ip:mp4live - Build the live streaming/encoding software media-video/mpeg4ip:mpeg2 - Support mpeg2 in the player media-video/mpeg4ip:player - Build the player media-video/mpeg4ip:v4l2 - Enable video4linux2 support for mp4live media-video/mplayer:3dnowext - Enable 3dnowext cpu instructions media-video/mplayer:amrnb - Enables Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio support (Narrow Band) media-video/mplayer:amrwb - Enables Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio support (Wide Band) media-video/mplayer:bl - Enables Blinkenlights support in mplayer media-video/mplayer:cdio - Use libcdio for CD support (instead of cdparanoia) media-video/mplayer:cpudetection - Enables runtime cpudetection media-video/mplayer:custom-cflags - Enables custom cflags (not supported) media-video/mplayer:dvdnav - DVD menu navigation support (not supported) media-video/mplayer:enca - Enables support for charset discovery and conversion media-video/mplayer:ivtv - Enable IVTV TV-Out video output media-video/mplayer:live - Enables live.com streaming media support media-video/mplayer:lzo - Enables support for lzo compression media-video/mplayer:md5sum - Enables md5sum video output media-video/mplayer:mmxext - Enables mmx2 support media-video/mplayer:mp2 - Enables support for twolame, an MP2 audio library media-video/mplayer:nemesi - Enable Nemesi Streaming Media support media-video/mplayer:pnm - Add PNM video output option, to create PPM/PGM/PGMYUV images media-video/mplayer:pvr - Video4Linux2 MPEG PVR support media-video/mplayer:radio - Enable V4L2 radio interface and support media-video/mplayer:rar - Enable Unique RAR File Library media-video/mplayer:real - Adds real video support media-video/mplayer:rtc - Enables usage of the linux real time clock. The alternative is software emulation of rtc media-video/mplayer:srt - Internal SRT/SSA/ASS (SubRip / SubStation Alpha) subtitle support media-video/mplayer:ssse3 - faster floating point optimization for SSSE3 capable chips (Intel Core 2 and later chips) media-video/mplayer:teletext - Support for TV teletext interface media-video/mplayer:tga - Enables Targa video output media-video/mplayer:tivo - Enables TiVo vstream client support media-video/mplayer:v4l2 - Enables video4linux2 support media-video/mplayer:vidix - Support for vidix video output media-video/mplayer:xanim - Enables support for xanim based codecs media-video/mplayer:xvmc - Enables X-Video Motion Compensation support media-video/mplayer:zoran - Enables ZR360[56]7/ZR36060 video output media-video/ogmrip:srt - Support for SRT subtitle format media-video/oxine:polling - Enables support to automatically check the drive for a new disc media-video/totem:nvtv - Support for nvtv to use tv in on nvidia cards media-video/transcode:extrafilters - Install some filters only if we ask for them media-video/transcode:fame - Enables libfame support media-video/transcode:lzo - Enables support for lzo compression media-video/transcode:mjpeg - Enables mjpegtools support media-video/transcode:network - Enables network streaming support media-video/transcode:nuv - NuppelVideo container format demuxing media-video/transcode:postproc - Build with ffmpeg libpostproc support media-video/transcode:v4l2 - Enable video4linux2 support media-video/vdr:aio - Use "all in one" patch (or its successor "liemikuutio") with much additional features media-video/vdr:bigpatch - Enables almost all additional features flying around on the net (including aio) media-video/vdr:child-protection - Enable support for the plugin vdr-pin (Protecting some recordings / channels with a PIN) media-video/vdr:cmdctrl - allows switching remote control on/off media-video/vdr:cmdsubmenu - Allows the creation of submenus in the commands menu media-video/vdr:cutterlimit - Limit IO bandwith used for cutting media-video/vdr:cutterqueue - Adds a queue of recordings to be cutted media-video/vdr:ddepgentry - remove duplicate EPG entries media-video/vdr:cuttime - Adjust starttime of cutted recording by length of cut out parts media-video/vdr:dolbyinrec - add a dedicated switch to control recording of dolby digital media-video/vdr:dolby-record-switch - Allows to control separately to record / to replay dolby digital media-video/vdr:dvbplayer - Use some special mpeg-repacker features. Most usable for old recordings or software output devices. media-video/vdr:dvbsetup - Setup for AC3 transfer, disable primary tuner media-video/vdr:dvdarchive - DMH DVD - Archiv ( used by vdr-burn-0.1.0_* ) media-video/vdr:dvdchapjump - Jump on capitels on DMH DVD - Archiv media-video/vdr:dvlfriendlyfnames - filter file names on recording media-video/vdr:dvlrecscriptaddon - enhancement for record-script media-video/vdr:dvlvidprefer - controls video-dir choice on recording media-video/vdr:dxr3-audio-denoise - Mutes audio noise occurring with dxr3-cards using analog audio-out when e.g. cutting media-video/vdr:graphtft - support for grapftft plugin up from vdr-graphtft-0.1.7 media-video/vdr:hardlinkcutter - Speed up cutting by hardlinking unchanged files media-video/vdr:jumpplay - Enables automatic jumping over cut marks while watching a recording media-video/vdr:liemikuutio - Formerly known as AIO (all-in-one) patch, adds some nice must haves media-video/vdr:livebuffer - does timeshifting/background recording all the time, allows to rewind live TV media-video/vdr:lnbshare - Enables support for two or more dvb cards sharing the same cable to the lnb media-video/vdr:lnbsharing - Enables support for two or more dvb cards sharing the cable to the lnb media-video/vdr:mainmenuhooks - Allows to replace main menu entries by some special plugins (like epgsearch, extrecmenu, ...) media-video/vdr:noepg - Adds code to selectively disable epg-reception for specific channels media-video/vdr:osdmaxitems - Support for text2skin media-video/vdr:pinplugin - Support for pin plugin media-video/vdr:rotor - Enable support for plugin vdr-rotor for dish-positioner. media-video/vdr:settime - set system time per script instead of via syscal media-video/vdr:setup - Enable support for the plugin vdr-setup media-video/vdr:setup-plugin - Enable support for the plugin vdr-setup media-video/vdr:sourcecaps - Adds the ability to define capabilities of dvb-cards (e.g. card1 can receive Sat @28.2E) media-video/vdr:sortrecords - allows to change sort order of recordings media-video/vdr:switchtimer - support for timer that do not record but only switch to a channel media-video/vdr:submenu - Enable support for the plugin vdr-submenu. media-video/vdr:subtitles - Enable support for the subtitles-plugin media-video/vdr:syncearly - start live display as soon as possible, not waiting for sync of audio and video media-video/vdr:timercmd - Adds submenu for user defined commands in timer menu media-video/vdr:timerinfo - Show with chars +/- if space on HD will suffice for a timer media-video/vdr:validinput - Signal if it is possible to go left/right in lists with chars < > media-video/vdr:wareagleicon - Replace original icon set in menu media-video/vdr:yaepg - Enables support for the plugin vdr-yaepg media-video/vlc:cdda - Enables libcdda cd audio playback support. media-video/vlc:corba - Enables corba interface support. media-video/vlc:daap - Enables DAAP shares services discovery support. media-video/vlc:dc1394 - Enables IIDC cameras support. media-video/vlc:httpd - Enables a web based interface for vlc. media-video/vlc:live - Enables LIVE.com support. media-video/vlc:mod - Enables Mod demux support. media-video/vlc:optimisememory - Enable optimisation for memory rather than performance. media-video/vlc:rtsp - Enables real audio and RTSP modules. media-video/vlc:sdl-image - Enables sdl image video decoder (depends on sdl) media-video/vlc:shout - Enables libshout output. media-video/vlc:skins - Enables support for the skins2 interface. media-video/vlc:stream - Enables vlc to stream video. media-video/vlc:upnp - Enables support for Intel UPnP stack. media-video/vlc:vlm - New videolan (media) manager (vlm), a little manager designed to launch and manage multiple streams from within one instance of VLC. media-video/winki:css - Enables ripping of encrypted DVDs media-video/winki:mjpeg - Enables mjpegtools support media-video/x264-svn-encoder:mp4 - Enables mp4 encoding support media-video/xine-ui:vdr - Enables Video Disk Recorder support net-analyzer/aimsniff:http - Install the WAS (Web AIM Sniff) frontend net-analyzer/barnyard:sguil - Enable sguil (The Analyst Console for Network Security Monitoring) support net-analyzer/base:signatures - Install community signatures from snort net-analyzer/bmon:dbi - Enables libdbi support net-analyzer/bmon:rrdtool - Enables librrd support net-analyzer/bwm-ng:csv - enable csv output net-analyzer/bwm-ng:html - enable html output net-analyzer/cacti:bundled-adodb - use adodb bundled with web-application instead of system wide net-analyzer/echoping:http - enable support for http protocol. net-analyzer/echoping:icp - enable support for ICP (used to monitor proxies). net-analyzer/echoping:priority - enable socket priority support. net-analyzer/echoping:smtp - enable support for SMTP protocol. net-analyzer/echoping:tos - enable support for TOS (TYpe Of Service). net-analyzer/fprobe:messages - enable console messages net-analyzer/iptraf:suid - Allow app to be run with suid root net-analyzer/metasploit:httpd - Enable web interface net-analyzer/munin:munin-apache - installs deps for monitoring apache net-analyzer/munin:munin-dhcp - installs deps for monitoring DHCP net-analyzer/munin:munin-irc - installs deps for monitoring IRC net-analyzer/munin:munin-squid - installs deps for monitoring squid net-analyzer/munin:munin-surfboard - installs deps for monitoring a Motoro Surfboard Cable modem net-analyzer/nagios-core:noweb - disable web interface net-analyzer/nagios-nrpe:command-args - allow clients to specify command arguments net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-dns - installs deps for dns monitoring net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-game - installs deps for monitoring games-util/qstat net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-ntp - installs deps for ntp monitoring net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-ping - installs deps for fancy ping monitoring net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-ssh - installs deps for monitoring ssh net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:ups - installs deps for monitoring Network-UPS (sys-power/nut) net-analyzer/net-snmp:diskio - Enable the use of diskio mibs net-analyzer/net-snmp:elf - Enable the use of elf utils to check uptime on some sytems net-analyzer/net-snmp:mfd-rewrites - Use MFD rewrites of mib modules where available net-analyzer/net-snmp:rpm - Enable the rpm snmp probing net-analyzer/net-snmp:sendmail - Enable sendmail statistics monitoring net-analyzer/net-snmp:smux - Enable the smux MIBS module net-analyzer/pchar:pcap - Use the pcap library net-analyzer/pmacct:64bit - Use 64bit counters instead of 32bit ones net-analyzer/rrdtool:rrdcgi - Build rrdcgi support net-analyzer/sancp:sguil - Enable sguil (The Analyst Console for Network Security Monitoring) support net-analyzer/scanlogd:nids - Use libnids for package capturing net-analyzer/scanlogd:pcap - Use libpcap for package capturing net-analyzer/scapy:gnuplot - Enable gnuplot support net-analyzer/scapy:pyx - Enable pyx support for psdump/pdfdump commands net-analyzer/scapy:visual - Enable visual support for 3d graphs net-analyzer/snort:dynamicplugin - Enable ability to dynamically load preprocessors, detection engine, and rules library net-analyzer/snort:flexresp - Enable connection tearing (not recommended) net-analyzer/snort:flexresp2 - Enable new connection tearing net-analyzer/snort:gre - Enable GRE support net-analyzer/snort:inline - Enable snort-inline for accepting packets from iptables, via libipq, rather than libpcap. net-analyzer/snort:linux-smp-stats - Enable statistics reporting through proc on smp systems net-analyzer/snort:perfprofiling - Enable preprocessor and rule performance profiling net-analyzer/snort:react - Enable interception and termination of offending HTTP accesses net-analyzer/snort:sguil - Enable sguil (The Analyst Console for Network Security Monitoring) support net-analyzer/snort:snortsam - patches snort for use with snortsam net-analyzer/snort:timestats - Enable TimeStats functionality net-analyzer/tcpreplay:pcapnav - Enable if you want the jump to byte offset feature via libpcapnav net-analyzer/zabbix:agent - Enable zabbix agent (for to-be-monitored machines) net-analyzer/zabbix:frontend - Enable zabbix web frontend net-analyzer/zabbix:server - Enable zabbix server net-dialup/bewan-adsl:kt400 - Enable workaround for KT400 motherboards net-dialup/bewan-adsl:pcitimer - Use 2ms PCI hardware timer net-dialup/bewan-adsl:slowpcibridge - Enable workaround for low performance PCI bridges net-dialup/capi4k-utils:fax - Installs capi-fax demo programs net-dialup/capi4k-utils:pppd - Installs pppdcapiplugin modules net-dialup/freeradius:edirectory - Enables Novell eDirectory integration net-dialup/freeradius:frascend - Enables Ascend binary mode net-dialup/freeradius:frnothreads - Disables thread support net-dialup/freeradius:frxp - Enables experimental modules net-dialup/freeradius:udpfromto - Compile in UDPFROMTO support net-dialup/isdn4k-utils:activefilter - Enable activefilter support for ipppd net-dialup/isdn4k-utils:eurofile - Support for EUROFILE Transfer Protocol net-dialup/isdn4k-utils:ipppd - Build the (ISDN) PPP daemon for synchronous PPP for ISDN connections net-dialup/isdn4k-utils:isdnlog - Install the isdn log system net-dialup/isdn4k-utils:mschap - Enable Microsoft chap authentication for ipppd net-dialup/ivcall:softfax - Enables soft fax support net-dialup/mgetty:fidonet - Enables FidoNet support net-dialup/misdn:ecaggressive - Make the selected echo canceller a little more aggressive net-dialup/misdn:eckb1 - Use the KB1 echo canceller net-dialup/misdn:ecmark2 - Use the MARK2 echo canceller net-dialup/misdn:ecmg2 - Use the MG2 echo canceller (default) net-dialup/ppp:activefilter - Enables activefilter support net-dialup/ppp:atm - Enables support for PPP over ATM (PPPoA) net-dialup/ppp:dhcp - Enables the DHCP plugin net-dialup/ppp:eap-tls - Enables support for Extensible Authentication Protocol and Transport Level Security (EAP-TLS) net-dialup/ppp:mppe-mppc - Enables support for MPPE-MPPC net-dialup/pptpd:gre-extreme-debug - Log all GRE accepted packages when in debug mode (required if you want upstream support) net-dns/avahi:autoipd - Build and install the IPv4LL (RFC3927) network address configuration daemon net-dns/avahi:bookmarks - Install the avahi-bookmarks application (requires dev-python/twisted) net-dns/avahi:howl-compat - Enable compat libraries for howl net-dns/avahi:mdnsresponder-compat - Enable compat libraries for mDNSResponder net-dns/bind:bind-mysql - enables mysql support for bind (non-dlz) net-dns/bind:dlz - enables dynamic loaded zones, 3rd party extension net-dns/bind:resolvconf - enable support for net-dns/resolvconf net-dns/bind:urandom - Use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random net-dns/djbdns:aliaschain - enables a fix for the truncation of alias chains net-dns/djbdns:cnamefix - changes the CNAME behavior of dnscache net-dns/djbdns:datadir - enables tinydns-data to read a directory with multiple data files net-dns/djbdns:fwdonly - enable JBP's dnscache-strict-forwardonly patch net-dns/djbdns:fwdzone - enables forward zone patch net-dns/djbdns:multidata - enables command line parameters for tinydns-data to specify the data file(s) net-dns/djbdns:multipleip - enables multi-IP patch net-dns/djbdns:roundrobin - enables round robin patch net-dns/djbdns:semanticfix - makes tinydns-data handle more semantic errors net-dns/dnsmasq:isc - enable support for reading ISC DHCPd lease files net-dns/dnsmasq:resolvconf - enable support for net-dns/resolvconf net-dns/dnsmasq:tftp - enables built in TFTP server for netbooting net-dns/pdns:opendbx - Enable the OpenDBX backend net-dns/pdns:tdb - Enable the Trivial Database (xdb) backend net-dns/pdnsd:isdn - Enable ISDN features net-dns/pdnsd:underscores - Enable support for domain names containing underscores net-firewall/ipsec-tools:hybrid - Makes available both mode-cfg and xauth support net-firewall/ipsec-tools:idea - Enable support for the patented IDEA algorithm net-firewall/ipsec-tools:nat - Enable NAT-Traversal net-firewall/ipsec-tools:rc5 - Enable support for the patented RC5 algorithm net-firewall/iptables:extensions - Enable support for 3rd patch-o-matic extensions net-firewall/iptables:imq - Enable support for intermediate queueing devices (http://www.linuximq.net) net-firewall/iptables:l7filter - Enable support for layer 7 filtering (http://l7-filter.sourceforge.net) net-firewall/nufw:ident - Add support ident for users authentication net-firewall/nufw:nfconntrack - Use netfilter_conntrack net-firewall/nufw:nfqueue - Use NFQUEUE instead of QUEUE net-firewall/nufw:pam_nuauth - Add support for pam nufw from PAM net-firewall/nufw:plaintext - Add support for authentication with plaintext file net-firewall/nufw:syslog - Add support user activity logging in syslog net-fs/netatalk:xfs - Enable support for XFS Quota net-fs/nfs-utils:nonfsv4 - Disable support for NFSv4 net-fs/samba:ads - Enable Active Directory support net-fs/samba:async - Enables asynchronous input/output net-fs/samba:automount - Enables automount support net-fs/samba:oav - Enables support for anti-virus from the openantivirus.org project net-fs/samba:quotas - Enables support for user quotas net-fs/samba:swat - Enables support for swat configuration gui net-fs/samba:syslog - Enables support for syslog net-fs/samba:winbind - Enables support for the winbind auth daemon net-fs/shfs:amd - Enable automounter support net-ftp/ftpcube:sftp - Enable sftp connection support net-ftp/proftpd:authfile - Enable support for auth-file module net-ftp/proftpd:ifsession - Enable support for the ifsession module net-ftp/proftpd:noauthunix - Disable support for auth-unix module net-ftp/proftpd:opensslcrypt - Enable support for openssly crypto net-ftp/proftpd:rewrite - Enable support for rewrite module net-ftp/proftpd:shaper - Enable support for the mod_shaper net-ftp/proftpd:sitemisc - Enable support for sitemisc module net-ftp/proftpd:softquota - Enable support for the mod_quotatab net-ftp/proftpd:vroot - Enable support for virtual root module net-ftp/pure-ftpd:charconv - Enables charset conversion net-ftp/pure-ftpd:noiplog - Disables logging of IP addresses net-ftp/pure-ftpd:paranoidmsg - Display paranoid messages instead of normal ones net-ftp/pure-ftpd:vchroot - Enable support for virtual chroot (possible security risk) net-ftp/vsftpd:logrotate - Use logrotate for rotating logs net-im/bitlbee:msnextras - Enables extra MSN patches not supported by upstream net-im/bitlbee:nss - Use NSS for SSL support in MSN and Jabber. net-im/bitlbee:openssl - Use OpenSSL for SSL support in MSN and Jabber. net-im/centericq:irc - Enable support for the IRC protocol net-im/centericq:lj - Enable support for the LiveJournal weblog system net-im/centericq:rss - Enable support for RSS/RDF feeds net-im/centerim:gadu - Enable support for the Gadu-Gadu protocol net-im/centerim:irc - Enable support for the IRC protocol net-im/centerim:lj - Enable support for the LiveJournal weblog system net-im/centerim:rss - Enable support for RSS/RDF feeds net-im/ejabberd:mod_irc - Irc support in ejabberd net-im/ejabberd:mod_muc - Multi user chat support in ejabberd net-im/ejabberd:mod_pubsub - Pubsub support in ejabberd net-im/ejabberd:sname - Use -sname instead of -name to launch the ejabberd beam net-im/ejabberd:statsdx - Collect (much) more detailed statistics net-im/ejabberd:web - Web support in ejabberd net-im/ekg2:gsm - Enable gsm plugin net-im/ekg2:nogg - Disable Gadu-Gadu plugin net-im/gaim:bonjour - Enable bonjour support net-im/gaim:console - Enable gaim-text net-im/gaim:custom-cflags - Disables stripping of "unsafe C[XX]FLAGS" net-im/gaim:gadu - Enable Gadu Gadu protocol support. net-im/gaim:groupwise - Enable Novell Groupwise protocol support. net-im/gaim:meanwhile - Enable meanwhile support for Sametime protocol. net-im/gaim:qq - Enable QQ protocol support. net-im/gaim:silc - Enable SILC protocol support net-im/gajim:idle - Enable idle module net-im/gajim:srv - SRV capabilities net-im/gajim:trayicon - Enable support for trayicon net-im/gajim:xhtml - Enable XHTML support net-im/gnugadu:tlen - Enable Tlen.pl protocol support net-im/gossip:galago - Enable desktop presence with galago net-im/jabberd:memdebug - Enable nad and pool debug net-im/jabberd:pipe - Enable pipe auth net-im/kadu:amarok - Enables amarok support in kadu net-im/kadu:config_wizard - Enables configuration wizard module net-im/kadu:extraicons - Enables extra icon sets net-im/kadu:extramodules - Enables extra module in kadu net-im/kadu:mail - Enables mail module in kadu net-im/kadu:speech - Enables speech module in kadu net-im/kadu:voice - Enables voice chat in kadu net-im/naim:screen - Enable screen support net-im/pidgin:bonjour - Enable bonjour support net-im/pidgin:gadu - Enable Gadu Gadu protocol support. net-im/pidgin:groupwise - Enable Novell Groupwise protocol support. net-im/pidgin:meanwhile - Enable meanwhile support for Sametime protocol. net-im/pidgin:networkmanager - Enable networkmanager support net-im/pidgin:prediction - Enable Contact Availability Prediction plugin. net-im/pidgin:qq - Enable QQ protocol support. net-im/pidgin:silc - Enable SILC protocol support net-im/pidgin:zephyr - Enable Zephyr protocol support net-im/psi:audacious - Enable monitoring of audio tracks that are played in (media-sound/audacious) net-im/psi:extras - Enables extra non official patches net-im/psi:insecure-patches - Enables extra non official patches that may pose as a security risk net-im/psi:jingle - Enables voice calls for jabber net-im/psi:plugins - Enables plugins support in psi net-im/pyaim-t:webinterface - Install dependencies needed for the web interface net-im/pyicq-t:webinterface - Install dependencies needed for the web interface net-im/skype:qt-static - Installs binaries statically linked to Qt net-im/tkabber:extras - Enables extra non official patches net-im/tkabber:plugins - Enables instalation the extra plugins net-im/tmsnc:talkfilters - Enables Talkfilters support on tmsnc net-im/twinkle:ilbc - Enables use of ilbc (RFC3951) audio encoding net-im/twinkle:zrtp - Enables use of secure rtp using the zrtp extension of GNU RTP stack developed by Phil Zimmermen net-irc/atheme:largenet - Enable support/tweaks for large networks net-irc/charybdis:smallnet - Enables support for smaller IRC networks net-irc/eiwic:rss - Enables support for RSS feeds net-irc/inspircd:openssl - Build OpenSSL module net-irc/ircd-hybrid:contrib - Build contrib modules (eg. cloaking) net-irc/ngircd:ident - Enables support for libident net-irc/srvx:bahamut - Choose bahamut protocol over p10 protocol net-irc/unrealircd:hub - Enable hub support net-irc/unrealircd:prefixaq - Enable chanadmin and chanowner prefixes net-irc/unrealircd:showlistmodes - support displaying channel modes during compilation net-irc/xchat-gnome:libsexy - Enable libsexy support net-irc/xchat-xsys:audacious - Enables Audacious (media player) integration net-irc/xchat-xsys:buttons - Enables the buttons near the nickname list net-irc/xchat:xchatdccserver - Enables support for the /dccserver command via a patch net-irc/xchat:xchatnogtk - Disables building the GTK front end to XChat net-irc/znc:nomodules - Don't build modules net-libs/aqbanking:chipcard - Enable support for DDV/RSA-chipcards net-libs/aqbanking:dtaus - Enable dtaus backend net-libs/aqbanking:geldkarte - Enable geldkarte backend net-libs/aqbanking:hbci - Enable support for HBCI net-libs/aqbanking:yellownet - Enable support for Yellownet net-libs/courier-authlib:vpopmail - Enable vpopmail support net-libs/gnutls:lzo - Enables support for lzo compression net-libs/libetpan:liblockfile - Enable support for liblockfile library net-libs/libfwbuilder:stlport - Enagle support for STLport net-libs/libpri:bri - Enable ISDN BRI support (bristuff) net-libs/libssh2:libgcrypt - Use libgcrypt for crypto net-libs/libvncserver:no24bpp - disable 24bpp support net-libs/libvncserver:nobackchannel - disable backchannel support net-libs/opal:noaudio - Disable audio codecs net-libs/opal:novideo - Disable video codecs net-libs/openh323:noaudio - Disable audio codecs net-libs/openh323:novideo - Disable video codecs net-mail/cyrus-imapd:autocreate - Enable not supported (by upstream) patch from University of Athens for automatic creation of user mailboxes net-mail/cyrus-imapd:autosieve - Enable not supported (by upstream) patch from University of Athens for "on demand" creation of any folder requested by a sieve filter net-mail/cyrus-imapd:drac - Enable dynamic relay support in the cyrus imap server net-mail/cyrus-imapd:idled - Enable idled vs poll IMAP IDLE method net-mail/cyrus-imapd:unsupported_8bit - Enable 8bit not supported patch net-mail/cyrus-imapd:replication - Enable replication support in the cyrus imap server net-mail/dbmail:sieve - Enable sieve filter support net-mail/dovecot:pop3d - Build pop3d support net-mail/dovecot:sieve - Build the sieve plugin net-mail/dovecot:suid - Install the deliver binary suid, acknowledging the usual risks net-mail/dovecot:vpopmail - Add vpopmail support net-mail/fetchmail:hesiod - Enable support for hesiod net-mail/gnubiff:password - Enable save passwords to connect mail servers in user space net-mail/hotwayd:smtp - Build SMTP proxy (hotsmtpd) net-mail/lbdb:abook - Enables app-misc/abook support net-mail/lbdb:finger - Enables finger support net-mail/mailgraph:logrotate - Install logrotate script for clamav logs net-mail/mailman:courier - Build with delivery options for courier net-mail/mailman:exim - Build with delivery options for exim net-mail/mailman:postfix - Build with delivery options for postfix net-mail/mailman:qmail - Build with delivery options for qmail net-mail/mailman:sendmail - Build with delivery options for sendmail net-mail/mailman:xmail - Build with delivery options for xmail net-mail/qmailadmin:maildrop - Filter spam using maildrop net-mail/qpopper:mailbox - Enables mail spool file is in home directory ~/Mailbox net-mail/teapop:virtual - Enable teapop's virtual domain support. net-mail/uw-imap:clearpasswd - Enables cleartext logins outside of SSL sessions net-mail/vimap:clearpasswd - Enables cleartext logins outside of SSL sessions net-mail/vpopmail:clearpasswd - Enables cleartext password storage in the vpasswd files net-mail/vpopmail:ipalias - Enables enable-ip-alias-domains net-mail/vpopmail:maildrop - Enables maildrop support in vdelivermail net-misc/aria2:ares - Enables support for asynchronous DNS using the c-ares library net-misc/aria2:bittorrent - Enables support for the bittorrent protocol net-misc/aria2:metalink - Enables support for metalink net-misc/asterisk-addons:h323 - Build the chan_ooh323c H.323 channel driver net-misc/asterisk-chan_capi:fax - Build chan_capi with fax support net-misc/asterisk:bri - Enable ISDN BRI support (bristuff) net-misc/asterisk:genericjb - Enable experimental generic jitter buffer net-misc/asterisk:h323 - Build the H.323 channel driver bundled with Asterisk net-misc/asterisk:lowmem - Build Asterisk for environments with low amounts of memory (embedded devices) net-misc/asterisk:mysqlfriends - Enable MySQL friends support in chan_sip net-misc/asterisk:nosamples - Don't install sample sound and configuration files net-misc/asterisk:osp - Enable support for the Open Settlement Protocol net-misc/asterisk:pri - Enables pri support (>=asterisk-1.0.1) net-misc/asterisk:resperl - Enables support for embedded perl in extensions.conf net-misc/asterisk:ukcid - Enable UK callerid support net-misc/asterisk:vmdbmysql - Enable mysql db support in voicemail application net-misc/asterisk:vmdbpostgres - Enable postgres db support in voicemail application net-misc/asterisk:zaptel - Enables zaptel support (>=asterisk-1.0.1) net-misc/bird:client - Enables the BIRD client net-misc/bird:ipv6only - Builds with only IPv6, note that this *disables* IPv4 entirely net-misc/bridge-utils:sysfs - Enable use of the sysfs filesystem (Linux-2.6+) via libsysfs net-misc/curl:ares - Enabled c-ares dns support net-misc/curl:libssh2 - Enabled SSH urls in curl using libssh2 net-misc/curl:nss - Use NSS as the crypto engine net-misc/dhcpcd:vram - Disable DUID due to volatile media, such as a LiveCD net-misc/directvnc:mouse - Adds mouse support net-misc/drivel:rhythmbox - Enables support for currently playing song in rhythmbox net-misc/dropbear:multicall - Build all the programs as one little binary (to save space) net-misc/gwget:epiphany - Build epiphany extensions net-misc/hamachi:pentium - Add support for older Pentium based systems net-misc/htbinit:esfq - Add support for Enhanced Stochastic Fairness queueing discipline. net-misc/hylafax:faxonly - Don't depend on mgetty-fax net-misc/hylafax:html - Adds HTML documentation net-misc/hylafax:mgetty - Adds support for mgetty and vgetty net-misc/icecast:yp - Build support for yp public directory listings net-misc/kvpnc:cisco - Adds support for Cisco client net-misc/ntp:zeroconf - Add support for multicast dns net-misc/ntp:openntpd - Allow ntp to be installed alongside openntpd net-misc/ntp:parse-clocks - Add support for PARSE clocks net-misc/nx:vnc - Add support for vnc to remote servers net-misc/nxnode:vnc - Add support for vnc to remote servers net-misc/nxserver-2xterminalserver:vnc - Add support for vnc to remote servers net-misc/nxserver-freenx:nxclient - Add support for the commercial nxclient net-misc/oidentd:masquerade - Enable support for masqueraded/NAT connections net-misc/openssh:X509 - Adds support for X.509 certificate authentication net-misc/openssh:chroot - Enable chrooting support net-misc/openssh:hpn - Enable high performance ssh net-misc/openswan:extra-algorithms - Include additional algorithms such as Blowfish, Twofish and Serpent net-misc/openswan:weak-algorithms - Include weak algorithms such as DH1 and 1DES net-misc/openvpn:iproute2 - Enabled iproute2 support instead of net-tools net-misc/openvpn:passwordsave - Enables openvpn to save passwords net-misc/partysip:syslog - Enable syslog support net-misc/quagga:bgpas4 - Enable support for 32-bit AS numbers net-misc/quagga:bgpclassless - Enable classless prefixes for BGP net-misc/quagga:fix-connected-rt - Remove interface connected routes from kernel table on link loss so that no packets get routed to downed interface net-misc/quagga:multipath - Enable multipath routes support for any number of routes net-misc/quagga:ospfapi - Enable OSPFAPI support for client applications accessing the OSPF link state database net-misc/quagga:realms - Enable realms support (see http://vcalinus.gemenii.ro/quaggarealms.html) net-misc/quagga:tcp-zebra - Enable TCP zserv interface on port 2600 for Zebra/protocol-daemon communication. Unix domain sockets are choosen otherwise. net-misc/quagga:tcpmd5 - Enable TCP MD5 checksumming net-misc/scponly:subversion - Enable support for the subversion version control system net-misc/sitecopy:gssapi - Enables GSSAPI (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface). This is a client-server authentication method that promotes a standard API for authentication systems. This is included in kerbos distributions and allows vendors to define a specific system with a more generic API layer to coordinate with other authentication systems. net-misc/sitecopy:rsh - This allows the use of rsh (remote shell) and rcp (remote copy) for authoring websites. sftp is a much more secure protocol and is prefered. net-misc/sitecopy:sftp - Enables use of sftp for secure ftp transfers. net-misc/sitecopy:webdav - Enable WebDav (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) support. This system allows users to collaborate on websites using a web based interface. See the ebuild for an FAQ page. Enables neon as well to handle webdav support. net-misc/ssh:openssh - Allow ssh and openssh to be installed side by side net-misc/streamtuner:shout - Enable shoutcast plug-in. net-misc/streamtuner:xiph - Enable xiph.org plug-in. net-misc/strongswan:nat - Enable NAT-Traversal on Transport Mode (insecure) net-misc/tightvnc:server - Build vncserver. Allows us to only build server on one machine if set, build only viewer otherwise. net-misc/tsclient:vnc - Adds vncviewer support. net-misc/vino:keyring - Enable gnome-keyring support for storing passwords net-misc/vnc:server - Build VNC server net-misc/vpnc:hybrid-auth - Enable hybrid authentication (certificates), only if not redistributed as compiled binary net-misc/vtun:lzo - Enables support for lzo compression net-misc/wanpipe:adsl - Build with adsl support net-misc/xf4vnc:vncviewer - Install the vncviewer binary net-misc/xf4vnc:xvnc - Install the Xvnc binary net-misc/xsupplicant:gsm - Add support for EAP-SIM authentication algorithm net-misc/zaptel:astribank - Install Xorcom Astribank utilities net-misc/zaptel:bri - Enable ISDN BRI support (bristuff) net-misc/zaptel:devfs26 - Devfs support for Linux-2.6 net-misc/zaptel:ecaggressive - Make the mark2 echo canceller a little more aggressive net-misc/zaptel:eckb1 - Use the KB1 echo canceller net-misc/zaptel:ecmark - Use the MARK echo canceller net-misc/zaptel:ecmark2 - Use the MARK2 echo canceller (default) net-misc/zaptel:ecmark3 - Use the MARK3 echo canceller net-misc/zaptel:ecmg2 - Use the MG2 echo canceller net-misc/zaptel:ecoslec - Use the OSLEC echo canceller (http://www.rowetel.com/ucasterisk/oslec.html) net-misc/zaptel:ecsteve - Use the STEVE echo canceller net-misc/zaptel:ecsteve2 - Use the STEVE2 echo canceller net-misc/zaptel:florz - Enable florz enhancement patches for ISDN BRI net-misc/zaptel:rtc - Use the realtime clock on x86 and amd64 systems instead of kernel timers net-misc/zaptel:ukcid - Enable UK callerid support net-misc/zaptel:watchdog - Enable the watchdog to monitor unresponsive and misbehaving interfaces net-misc/zaptel:zapnet - Enable SyncPPP, CiscoHDLC and Frame-Relay support net-misc/zaptel:zapras - Enable PPP support for Remote-Access-Service net-nds/openldap:overlays - Enable contributed OpenLDAP overlays net-nds/openldap:smbkrb5passwd - Enable overlay for syncing ldap, unix and lanman passwords net-nds/tac_plus:finger - Adds support for checking user counts via fingering the NAS net-news/liferea:networkmanager - Enable networkmanager support net-nntp/inn:innkeywords - Enable automatic keyword generation support net-nntp/inn:inntaggedhash - Use tagged hash table for history (disables large file support) net-nntp/slrn:uudeview - Add support for yEnc coding and more using dev-libs/uulib net-p2p/amule:amuled - enable amule daemon net-p2p/amule:remote - enable remote controlling of the client net-p2p/amule:stats - enable statistic reporting net-p2p/gift:ares - pull in Ares plugin net-p2p/gift:fasttrack - pull in FastTrack plugin net-p2p/gift:gnutella - pull in Gnutella plugin net-p2p/gift:openft - pull in OpenFT plugin net-p2p/linkage:upnp - Enables support for Intel UPnP stack. net-p2p/linkage:xfce - Adds Xfce4 support net-p2p/mldonkey:fasttrack - enable fasttrack support net-p2p/mldonkey:gnutella - enable gnutella and gnutella2 support net-p2p/mldonkey:guionly - enable client build only net-p2p/mldonkey:magic - enable use of libmagic net-p2p/museek+:qsa - Enable QSA scripting for museeq net-p2p/museek+:trayicon - Enable support for trayicon net-p2p/transmission:daemon - Enable data collection daemon net-print/hplip:fax - Enable fax support net-print/hplip:parport - Enable parallel port support net-print/omni:epson - include the epson drivers net-print/pkpgcounter:psyco - psyco python accelerator net-proxy/dansguardian:kaspersky - Adds support for Kaspersky AntiVirus software net-proxy/dansguardian:ntlm - Enable support for the NTLM auth plugin net-proxy/squid:ipf-transparent - Adds transparent proxy support for systems using IP-Filter (only for *bsd) net-proxy/squid:logrotate - Use logrotate for rotating logs net-proxy/squid:pf-transparent - Adds transparent proxy support for systems using PF (only for *bsd) net-proxy/squid:qos - Adds tcp_outgoing_priority for setting the Qdisc priority net-proxy/squid:zero-penalty-hit - Adds Zero Penalty Hit patch (http://zph.bratcheda.org/) net-proxy/sshproxy:client-only - Install only the client wrappers net-proxy/tinyproxy:transparent-proxy - Enables support for transparent proxies net-proxy/tsocks:tordns - Apply tordns patch which allows transparent TORification of the DNS queries net-voip/linphone:console - Build console interface net-voip/linphone:ilbc - Build ILBC codec plugin net-voip/linphone:novideo - Disable video support net-voip/yate:gsm - Build gsm codec plugin net-voip/yate:h323 - Build H.323 Channel plugin net-voip/yate:ilbc - Build ILBC codec plugin net-voip/yate:zaptel - Build zaptel Channel plugin net-wireless/bluez-utils:old-daemons - Install old daemons like hidd and sdpd that are deprecated by the new Service framework net-wireless/bluez-utils:test-programs - Install l2test and rctest net-wireless/hostapd:logwatch - Install support files for logwatch net-wireless/hostapd:madwifi - Add support for madwifi (Atheros chipset) net-wireless/iwlwifi:ipw3945 - Add support for the IPW3945 wireless card net-wireless/iwlwifi:ipw4965 - Add support for the IPW4965 wireless card net-wireless/kdebluetooth:irmc - Enable the kitchensync(Multisynk)'s IrMCSync konnector net-wireless/madwifi-ng:injection - Adds support for aircrack-ng aireplay-ng packet-injection net-wireless/madwifi-old:amrr - Use Adaptive Multi Rate Retry bit rate control algorithm net-wireless/madwifi-old:onoe - Use Atsushi Onoe's bit rate control algorithm net-wireless/rt2x00:asm - Build ASM files net-wireless/rt2x00:rfkill - Enable radio button support net-wireless/rt2x00:rt2400pci - Build rt2400pci driver net-wireless/rt2x00:rt2500pci - Build rt2500pci driver net-wireless/rt2x00:rt2500usb - Build rt2500usb driver net-wireless/rt2x00:rt61pci - Build rt61pci driver net-wireless/rt2x00:rt73usb - Build rt73usb driver net-wireless/wepattack:john - Build with johntheripper support net-wireless/wifiscanner:wireshark - use wireshark's wtap library net-wireless/wireless-tools:multicall - Build the most commonly used tools as one binary net-wireless/wpa_supplicant:gsm - Add support for EAP-SIM authentication algorithm net-wireless/wpa_supplicant:madwifi - Add support for madwifi (Atheros chipset) net-www/gnash:agg - Rendering based on the Anti-Grain Geometry Rendering Engine library net-www/mplayerplug-in:divx - Divx Playback Support net-www/mplayerplug-in:gmedia - Google Media Playback Support net-www/mplayerplug-in:mplayer-bin - Use binary mplayer for 32 bit codecs on amd64 net-www/mplayerplug-in:realmedia - Real Media Playback Support net-www/mplayerplug-in:wmp - Windows Media Playback Support rox-extra/archive:ace - Enable .ace support via unace package rox-extra/archive:compress - Enable tar.Z and *.Z via ncompress package rox-extra/archive:cpio - Enable .cpio extraction via cpio package rox-extra/archive:rar - Enable .rar support via rar package rox-extra/archive:rpm - Enable .rpm extraction via rpm2cpio from the rpm package rox-extra/archive:uuencode - Enable .uue compression/decompression via sharutils package rox-extra/archive:zip - Enable .zip support via zip and unzip packages rox-extra/comicthumb:rar - Enable support for rar-compressed archives rox-extra/magickthumbnail:xcf - Enable previews of .xcf files using the gimp sci-astronomy/orsa:cln - Use the Class Library for Numbers for calculations sci-astronomy/predict:xforms - Add a "map" client which uses the xforms library for its GUI sci-astronomy/predict:xplanet - Project predict data onto world maps generated by xplanet/xearth sci-astronomy/setiathome:server - Enable compilation of server sci-biology/biopython:kdtree - Do not build KDTree module and its dependencies (NeighborSearch) sci-biology/clustalw-mpi:mpi_njtree - Use MPI (as opposed to serial) code for computing neighbor-joining trees sci-biology/clustalw-mpi:static_pairalign - Use static (as opposed to dynamic) scheduling for pair alignments sci-biology/hmmer:pvm - Add support for parallel virtual machine. sci-biology/vienna-rna:no-readseq - Do not include the modified version of Don Gilbert's readseq program sci-biology/vienna-rna:no-utils - Do not include sequence format conversion and representation utilities sci-chemistry/caver:pymol - Install the PyMol plugin sci-chemistry/coot:new-interface - Build with the experimental GTK+-2 interface instead of GTK+-1 sci-chemistry/eden:double-precision - more precise calculations at the expense of speed sci-chemistry/ghemical:gamess - Add GAMESS interface for QM/MM. sci-chemistry/ghemical:mopac7 - Apply compilation fix for mopac7 support. sci-chemistry/ghemical:openbabel - Use the OpenBabel package for file conversions sci-chemistry/ghemical:toolbar - Build the shortcuts toolbar sci-chemistry/gromacs:double-precision - more precise calculations at the expense of speed sci-chemistry/jmol:client-only - Install the viewer only, no applet files for httpd. sci-chemistry/jmol:vhosts - Install jmol applet files into a virtual hosting environment. sci-chemistry/shelx:dosformat - Use CR/LF to end lines; useful in mixed Linux/Windows environments sci-electronics/gwave:gnuplot - Enable gnuplot support sci-geosciences/gmt:gmtfull - Full resolution bathymetry database sci-geosciences/gmt:gmthigh - Adds high resolution bathymetry database sci-geosciences/gmt:gmtsuppl - Supplement functions for GMT sci-geosciences/gmt:gmttria - Non GNU triangulation method, more efficient sci-geosciences/gpsd:italk - Enable iTalk protocol support sci-geosciences/gpsd:itrax - Enable iTrax hardware support sci-geosciences/gpsd:ntp - Enable NTP shared memory interface for GPS time sci-geosciences/gpsd:tntc - Enable True North Technologies support sci-geosciences/grass:gdal - Enables gdal support (Grass 6 only) sci-geosciences/grass:glw - Enables libGLw support (requires mesa) sci-geosciences/grass:gmath - Enables gmath wrapper for BLAS/Lapack sci-geosciences/grass:largefile - Enables LFS support for huge files sci-geosciences/mapserver:agg - Enables agg library support sci-geosciences/mapserver:flash - Adds support for creating SWF files using Ming sci-geosciences/mapserver:gdal - Enables gdal library support sci-geosciences/mapserver:geos - Enables geos library support sci-geosciences/mapserver:postgis - Enables postgis support sci-geosciences/mapserver:proj - Enables proj library support (geographic projections) sci-libs/acml:openmp - Install the OpenMP parallel computing library as well (needs ifc or gfortran-4.2!!) sci-libs/acml:int64 - Install the 64 bits integer library. sci-libs/fftw:float - Links default library to single precision instead of double (symlinks only) sci-libs/gdal:fits - Enables support for NASA's cfitsio library sci-libs/gdal:geos - Adds support for geometry engine sci-libs/gdal:gml - Enables support for xerces-c API sci-libs/gdal:hdf - Adds support for the Hierarchical Data Format sci-libs/gdal:hdf5 - Adds support for the Hierarchical Data Format v 5 sci-libs/gdal:ogdi - Enables support for the open geographic datastore interface sci-libs/gerris:dx - Enables support for opendx sci-libs/hdf5:cxx - Builds C++ library support (conflicts with mpi support) sci-libs/hdf5:f90 - Flag to override fortran for externel compilers sci-libs/hdf5:hlapi - Enables support for high-level library sci-libs/itpp:cblas - Adds support for the cblas numerical library sci-libs/libghemical:mopac7 - Use the MOPAC7 package for semi-empirical calculations sci-libs/libghemical:mpqc - Use the MPQC package for quantum-mechanical calculations sci-libs/mkl:fortran95 - Add support for a Fortran95 BLAS/LAPACK interface sci-libs/plplot:itcl - Support for itcl bindings. sci-libs/plplot:octave - Support for Octave bindings. sci-libs/scipy:sandbox - Installs experimental scipy sandbox modules (pull some dependencies) sci-libs/scipy:umfpack - Add support for sparse solving via UMFPACK sci-libs/vtk:patented - Builds patented classes. sci-mathematics/coq:ide - Build the Coq IDE, a clone of proof general using lablgtk2. sci-mathematics/coq:norealanalysis - Do not build real analysis modules (faster compilation). sci-mathematics/coq:translator - Install the translator script from coq-7.4 to coq-8.0, and its documentation if doc is set too. sci-mathematics/drgeo:no-helpbrowser - Do not install the default help browser sci-mathematics/freemat:arpack - Add sparse eigen value support via arpack sci-mathematics/freemat:ffcall - Enables uses of ffcall sci-mathematics/freemat:umfpack - Add sparse solving via umfpack sci-mathematics/geomview:avg - Enable experimental motion averaging technique sci-mathematics/geomview:netpbm - Add NetPBM support for external modules sci-mathematics/maxima:auctex - enable auctex in maxima sci-mathematics/maxima:clisp - adds clisp support to maxima sci-mathematics/maxima:cmucl - adds cmucl (lisp) support to maxima sci-mathematics/maxima:gcl - adds gcl (lisp) support to maxima sci-mathematics/maxima:sbcl - adds sbcl (lisp) support to maxima sci-mathematics/mupad:mupad-noscilab - Disable scilab that comes with MuPAD package. Use system-wide instead. sci-mathematics/nusmv:minisat - Enable support for MiniSat. sci-mathematics/octave-forge:qhull - Adds media-libs/qhull (geometric extensions) support sci-mathematics/octave:hdf5 - Adds support for the Hierarchical Data Format v5 to sci-mathematics/octave (may be merged with hdf when opendx is completed) sci-mathematics/singular:boost - Compile against external boost headers. sci-mathematics/yacas:server - Build the network server version. sci-misc/boinc:server - Enable compilation of server sci-misc/h5utils:octave - Build Octave plugins sci-misc/nco:ncap2 - Build next generation netcdf arithmetic processor (needs dev-java/antlr) sci-misc/nco:udunits - Add udunits files support sci-misc/ncview:udunits - Add udunits files support sci-physics/root:cern - Add cernlib i/o functionality to root sci-visualization/gnuplot:xemacs - Add support for XEmacs sci-visualization/hippodraw:fits - Add FITS support to hippodraw, via cfitsio sci-visualization/hippodraw:numarray - Add numarray python array support sci-visualization/hippodraw:root - Add root i/o, and minuit support sci-visualization/labplot:cdf - Adds cdf data exchange format support sci-visualization/labplot:kexi - Import and export data from/to MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. via Kexi (app-office/kexi). sci-visualization/opendx:cdf - Adds cdf data exchange format support sci-visualization/opendx:hdf - Adds support for the Hierarchical Data Format sci-visualization/paraview:hdf5 - Adds support for the Hierarchical Data Format v5 sec-policy/selinux-desktop:avahi - Add avahi SELinux policy. sys-apps/acl:nfs - add support for NFS acls sys-apps/busybox:make-symlinks - Create all the appropriate symlinks in /bin and /sbin sys-apps/busybox:savedconfig - Adds support to user defined configs sys-apps/coreutils:xattr - if you want extended attributes enabled sys-apps/hal:dell - Adds support for Dell laptop smbios via libsmbios sys-apps/hal:disk-partition - Add support for partition editing via libparted sys-apps/hal:dmi - Adds support for DMI (Desktop Management Interface) sys-apps/hwdata-gentoo:binary-drivers - Adds support for ATI/NVIDIA binary drivers sys-apps/iproute2:atm - Add support for ATM qdisc manager sys-apps/lm_sensors:sensord - Enable sensord - a daemon that can be used to periodically log sensor readings from hardware health-monitoring chips sys-apps/memtest86+:serial - Compile with serial console support sys-apps/memtest86:serial - Compile with serial console support sys-apps/paludis:contrarius - Build the contrarius client, for building cross toolchains. sys-apps/paludis:cran - Enable CRAN repository support. sys-apps/paludis:glsa - Enable parsing of GLSA files sys-apps/paludis:inquisitio - Enable inquisitio, the search client sys-apps/paludis:pink - Use a less boring colourscheme than the default sys-apps/paludis:portage - Enable experimental support for Portage configuration formats sys-apps/paludis:qa - Enable QA tools. sys-apps/paludis:zsh-completion - Enable zsh completion support sys-apps/parted:device-mapper - Enable device-mapper support in parted sys-apps/pciutils:network-cron - Monthly cronjob the update-pciids script sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-modules:cardbus - Enable 32bit CardBus support sys-apps/pcmcia-cs:trusted - Assume all users are trusted (Build unsafe user-space tools) sys-apps/pcmcia-cs:xforms - Enable building the xforms based cardinfo binary sys-apps/pcmciautils:staticsocket - Add support for static sockets sys-apps/portage:epydoc - Generate api documentation with epydoc. sys-apps/qingy:logrotate - Enable logrotate file installation sys-apps/qingy:opensslcrypt - Encrypt communications between qingy and its GUI using OpenSSL sys-apps/qtparted:jfs - Include JFS support sys-apps/qtparted:ntfs - Include NTFS support sys-apps/qtparted:reiserfs - Include ReiserFS support sys-apps/qtparted:xfs - Include XFS support sys-apps/shadow:nousuid - When nousuid is enabled only su from the shadow package will be installed with the setuid bit (mainly for single user systems) sys-apps/suspend2-userui:fbsplash - Add support for framebuffer splash sys-apps/tcng:tcsim - enable traffic simulator sys-apps/tinylogin:make-symlinks - Create all the appropriate symlinks in /bin and /sbin sys-apps/usbutils:network-cron - Monthly cronjob the update-usbids script sys-apps/util-linux:old-crypt - build support for the older cryptoapi that earlier util-linux's included sys-auth/pam_mysql:openssl - Use OpenSSL for md5 and sha1 support. sys-auth/pam_pkcs11:pcsc-lite - build with pcsc-lite instead of openct sys-block/gparted:fat - Include FAT16/FAT32 support sys-block/gparted:hfs - Include HFS support sys-block/gparted:jfs - Include JFS support sys-block/gparted:ntfs - Include NTFS support sys-block/gparted:reiser4 - Include ReiserFS4 support sys-block/gparted:reiserfs - Include ReiserFS support sys-block/gparted:xfs - Include XFS support sys-block/partimage:nologin - Do not include login support sys-block/scsiadd:suid - Install the binary suid, acknowledging the usual risks sys-block/unieject:pmount - Make use of pmount wrapper and pmount-like permissions sys-boot/arcboot:cobalt - Disables support for Cobalt Microserver hardware (Qube2/RaQ2) sys-boot/arcboot:ip27 - Disables support for SGI Origin (IP27) sys-boot/arcboot:ip28 - Disables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28) sys-boot/arcboot:ip30 - Disables support for SGI Octane (IP30) sys-boot/grub:custom-cflags - Enables custom cflags (not supported) sys-boot/lilo:device-mapper - Enable device-mapper support sys-boot/lilo:pxeserial - Avoid character echo on PXE serial console sys-cluster/charm:cmkopt - Enable CMK optimisation sys-cluster/charm:smp - Enable direct SMP support using shared memory sys-cluster/charm:tcp - Use TCP (instead of UPD) for socket communication sys-cluster/heartbeat:ldirectord - Adds support for ldiretord, use enabled because it has a lot of deps sys-cluster/heartbeat:management - Adds support for management GUI. sys-cluster/lam-mpi:pbs - Add support for PBS scheduling stuff sys-cluster/lam-mpi:xmpi - Build support for the external XMPI debugging GUI sys-cluster/mpich2:cxx - Add cxx headers sys-cluster/mpich2:fast - Enabling fast turns off error checking and timing collection sys-cluster/mpich2:mpe - Add mpe support sys-cluster/mpich2:mpe-sdk - Include additional SDK support, jar files sys-cluster/mpich2:romio - Enable romio, a high-performance portable MPI-IO implementation sys-cluster/ocfs:aio - Add aio support sys-cluster/openmpi:pbs - Add support for the Portable Batch System (PBS) sys-cluster/torque:server - Enable compilation of server sys-cluster/vzctl:logrotate - Enable logrotate file installation sys-devel/binutils-hppa64:multislot - Allow for multiple versions of binutils to be emerged at once for same CTARGET sys-devel/binutils-hppa64:multitarget - Adds support to binutils for cross compiling (does not work with gas) sys-devel/binutils-nios2:multislot - Allow for multiple versions of binutils to be emerged at once for same CTARGET sys-devel/binutils-nios2:multitarget - Adds support to binutils for cross compiling (does not work with gas) sys-devel/binutils:multislot - Allow for multiple versions of binutils to be emerged at once for same CTARGET sys-devel/binutils:multitarget - Adds support to binutils for cross compiling (does not work with gas) sys-devel/gcc-nios2:multislot - Allow for SLOTs to include minor version (3.3.4 instead of just 3.3) sys-devel/gcc:d - Enable support for the D programming language sys-devel/gcc:ip28 - Enable building a compiler capable of building a kernel for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28) sys-devel/gcc:ip32r10k - Enable building a compiler capable of building an experimental kernel for SGI O2 w/ R1x000 CPUs (IP32) sys-devel/gcc:mudflap - Add support for mudflap, a pointer use checking library sys-devel/gcc:multislot - Allow for SLOTs to include minor version (3.3.4 instead of just 3.3) sys-devel/gcc:n32 - Enable n32 ABI support on mips sys-devel/gcc:n64 - Enable n64 ABI support on mips sys-devel/gcc:nopie - Disable PIE support (NOT FOR GENERAL USE) sys-devel/gcc:nossp - Disable SSP support (NOT FOR GENERAL USE) sys-devel/gcc:objc - Build support for the Objective C code language sys-devel/gcc:objc++ - Build support for the Objective C++ language sys-devel/gcc:objc-gc - Build support for the Objective C code language Garbage Collector sys-devel/gcc:openmp - Build support for the OpenMP (support parallel computing) sys-devel/kgcc64:multislot - Allow for SLOTs to include minor version (3.3.4 instead of just 3.3) sys-devel/libperl:ithreads - Enable Perl threads, has some compatibility problems sys-freebsd/freebsd-lib:atm - Enable Asynchronous Transfer Mode protocol support sys-freebsd/freebsd-lib:gpib - Enable gpib support (TODO improve description) sys-freebsd/freebsd-rescue:atm - Enable Asynchronous Transfer Mode protocol support sys-freebsd/freebsd-sbin:atm - Enable Asynchronous Transfer Mode protocol support sys-freebsd/freebsd-sbin:ipfilter - Enable ipfilter firewall support sys-freebsd/freebsd-sbin:suid - Enable setuid root programs sys-freebsd/freebsd-sbin:vinum - Enable vinum support (TODO improve description) sys-freebsd/freebsd-share:isdn - Enable ISDN support sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin:atm - Enable Asynchronous Transfer Mode protocol support sys-freebsd/freebsd-usbin:atm - Enable Asynchronous Transfer Mode protocol support sys-freebsd/freebsd-usbin:ipfilter - Enable ipfilter firewall support sys-freebsd/freebsd-usbin:ipsec - Enable IP Sec support sys-freebsd/freebsd-usbin:isdn - Enable ISDN support sys-freebsd/freebsd-usbin:nat - Enable Network Address Translation support sys-freebsd/freebsd-usbin:suid - Enable setuid root programs sys-fs/clvm:nocman - Allow users to build clvm without cman support and with gulm support sys-fs/cryptsetup:dynamic - Build cryptsetup dynamically sys-fs/cryptsetup-luks:dynamic - Build cryptsetup-luks dynamically sys-fs/evms:hb - Enable support for heartbeat-1 sys-fs/evms:hb2 - Enable support for heartbeat-2 sys-fs/loop-aes:keyscrub - Protects the encryption key in memory but takes more cpu resources sys-fs/loop-aes:padlock - Use VIA padlock instructions, detected at run time, code still works on non-padlock processors sys-fs/lvm2:clvm - Allow users to build clustered lvm2 sys-fs/lvm2:cman - Cman support for clustered lvm sys-fs/lvm2:gulm - Gulm support for clustered lvm sys-fs/lvm2:nolvm1 - Allow users to build lvm2 without lvm1 support sys-fs/lvm2:nolvmstatic - Allow users to build lvm2 dynamically sys-fs/lvm2:nomirrors - Allow users to build lvm2 without mirror support sys-fs/lvm2:nosnapshots - Allow users to build lvm2 without snapshot support sys-fs/ntfs3g:suid - Install the binary SUID root, allowing users to mount ntfs-3g filesystems with potential security risks sys-fs/ntfsprogs:fuse - Build a FUSE module sys-fs/quota:rpc - Enable quota interaction via RPC sys-fs/unionfs:nfs - Adds support for NFS file system sys-kernel/ck-sources:ck-server - Tune the kernel for servers sys-kernel/gentoo-sources:ultra1 - If you have a SUN Ultra 1 with a HME interface sys-kernel/linux-docs:html - Install HTML documentation sys-kernel/mips-headers:cobalt - Enables support for Cobalt Microserver hardware (Qube2/RaQ2) sys-kernel/mips-headers:ip27 - Enables support for SGI Origin (IP27) sys-kernel/mips-headers:ip28 - Enables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28) sys-kernel/mips-headers:ip30 - Enables support for SGI Octane (IP30, 'Speedracer') sys-kernel/mips-sources:cobalt - Enables support for Cobalt Microserver hardware (Qube2/RaQ2) sys-kernel/mips-sources:ip27 - Enables support for SGI Origin (IP27) sys-kernel/mips-sources:ip28 - Enables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28) sys-kernel/mips-sources:ip30 - Enables support for SGI Octane (IP30, 'Speedracer') sys-kernel/mips-sources:ip32r10k - Enables experimental support for IP32 R10K kernels (SGI O2, 'Moosehead') sys-kernel/sparc-sources:ultra1 - If you have a SUN Ultra 1 with a HME interface sys-libs/glibc:erandom - Enable erandom/frandom support in glibc for ssp sys-libs/glibc:glibc-compat20 - Enable the glibc-compat addon. sys-libs/glibc:glibc-omitfp - Configure glibc with --enable-omitfp which lets the build system determine when it is safe to use -fomit-frame-pointer sys-libs/glibc:linuxthreads-tls - Configure the linuxthreads glibc with --with-__thread if supported by your system. --with-tls is always enabled if supported and is NOT controlled by this switch. So the glibc built will always support TLS binaries. This toggle chooses whether or not glibc itself uses TLS. If you're concerned about backwards compatibility with old binaries, leave this off. sys-libs/glibc:nptlonly - Disables building the linuxthreads fallback in glibc ebuilds that support building both linuxthreads and nptl. sys-libs/glibc:userlocales - build only the locales specified in /etc/locales.build sys-libs/libuser:quotas - Enables support for user quotas sys-libs/ncurses:trace - Enable test trace() support in ncurses calls sys-libs/pam:audit - Enable support for sys-process/audit sys-libs/pam:pam_chroot - Builds the pam_chroot module (enables per-user chroots at login) sys-libs/pam:pam_console - Builds the pam_console module (enables per-user device permissions for console user) sys-libs/pam:pam_timestamp - Builds the pam_timestamp module (enables recent successful attempt authentication) sys-libs/pam:pwdb - If you want pam_pwdb.so installed to use pwdb as passwd db sys-libs/uclibc:pregen - Use pregenerated locales sys-libs/uclibc:savedconfig - Adds support to user defined configs sys-libs/uclibc:uclibc-compat - build uclibc with backwards compatible options sys-libs/uclibc:userlocales - build only the locales specified in /etc/locales.build sys-libs/uclibc:wordexp - add support for word expansion (wordexp.h) sys-power/acpid:logrotate - Use logrotate for rotating logs sys-power/apcupsd:cgi - Add CGI script support sys-power/apcupsd:lighttpd - Enable support for lighttpd sys-power/cpufreqd:nforce2 - Enable for nforce2 voltage settings plug-in sys-power/cpufreqd:nvidia - Enable nvidia overclocking (nvclock) plug-in sys-power/cpufreqd:pmu - Enable Power Management Unit plug-in sys-power/hibernate-script:logrotate - Use logrotate for rotating logs sys-power/nut:cgi - Add CGI script support sys-power/powersave:pam_console - Adds support for pam console from PAM sys-power/suspend:fbsplash - Add support for framebuffer splash sys-process/daemontools-scripts:withsamplescripts - Installs sample supervise scripts sys-process/procps:n32 - Enable n32 ABI support on mips www-apache/anyterm:opera - Enable workaround for bug in Opera web browser www-apache/mod_ftpd:dbi - Enables libdbi support www-apache/mod_log_sql:dbi - Enables libdbi support www-apache/mod_mono:aspnet2 - Handle all applications using ASP.NET 2.0 engine by default www-apache/mod_suphp:checkpath - Check if script resides in DOCUMENT_ROOT www-apache/mod_suphp:mode-force - Run scripts with UID/GID specified in Apache configuration www-apache/mod_suphp:mode-owner - Run scripts with owner UID/GID www-apache/mod_suphp:mode-paranoid - Run scripts with owner UID/GID but also check if they match the UID/GID specified in the Apache configuration www-apache/mod_vhs:suphp - Enable mod_suphp support www-apache/pwauth:domain-aware - Ignore leading domain names in username (Windows compat) www-apache/pwauth:faillog - Log failed login attempts www-apache/pwauth:ignore-case - Ignore string case in username (mostly Windows compat) www-apps/Embperl:modperl - Enable modperl support www-apps/Embperl:xalan - Enable xalan support www-apps/bugzilla:extras - optional Perl modules www-apps/bugzilla:modperl - Enable modperl support www-apps/egroupware:ical - Add ical support www-apps/egroupware:jpgraph - Add jpgraph support www-apps/gallery:raw - Add support for raw image formats www-apps/gallery:netpbm - Add NetPBM support www-apps/gallery:unzip - Add unzip support for the archive upload module www-apps/gallery:zip - Add zip support for the zip download module www-apps/horde-passwd:clearpasswd - Enables cleartext password storage in the vpopmail files www-apps/knowledgetree:office - Allow to search in MSOffice documents www-apps/knowledgetree:opendoc - Allow to search in opendoc documents www-apps/knowledgetree:ps - Allow to search in postscript documents www-apps/lxr:cvs - Adds support for indexing CVS www-apps/lxr:freetext - Adds support for freetext search using swish-e www-apps/mantisbt:bundled-adodb - use adodb bundled with web-application instead of system wide www-apps/mediawiki:math - Adds math rendering support www-apps/mediawiki:restrict - Initial setup will only allow sysop user to create new accounts, read and edit any pages www-apps/moinmoin:rss - Add RSS support www-apps/open-xchange:sieve - Install Smartsieve-OX www-apps/open-xchange:webdav - Enable WebDav (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) support. www-apps/rt:lighttpd - Add lighttpd support www-apps/trac:cgi - Add CGI script support www-apps/trac:enscript - Add enscript support to colourize code stored in the repository www-apps/trac:silvercity - Add SilverCity support to colourize code stored in the repository www-apps/viewcvs:cvsgraph - Add cvsgraph support to show graphical views of revisions and branches www-apps/viewcvs:enscript - Add enscript support to colourize code stored in the repository www-apps/viewcvs:mod_python - Add mod_python support www-apps/viewcvs:standalone - Install the standalone client www-apps/viewvc:cvs - Add cvs support www-apps/viewvc:cvsgraph - Add cvsgraph support to show graphical views of revisions and branches www-apps/viewvc:enscript - Add enscript support to colourize code stored in the repository www-apps/viewvc:highlight - Add highlight support to colourize code stored in the repository www-apps/viewvc:mod_python - Add mod_python support www-apps/viewvc:subversion - Add subversion support www-apps/websvn:enscript - Add enscript support to colourize code stored in the repository www-client/elinks:bittorrent - Enable support for the BitTorrent protocol www-client/elinks:finger - Enable support for the finger protocol www-client/elinks:gopher - Enable support for the gopher protocol www-client/kazehakase:hyperestraier - enable hyperestraier support for full-text search in history. www-client/mozilla-firefox:filepicker - enable old gtkfilepicker from 1.0.x firefox www-client/mozilla-firefox:mozdevelop - Enable features for web developers (e.g. Venkman) www-client/mozilla-firefox:moznopango - Disable pango during runtime www-client/mozilla-firefox:restrict-javascript - Pull in noscript extension to disable javascript globally, putting user fully in control of the sites he/she visits www-client/mozilla-firefox:xforms - XForms is a standard to split up XHTML into XForms, instance data, and user interface www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin:restrict-javascript - Pull in noscript extension to disable javascript globally, putting user fully in control of the sites he/she visits www-client/opera:qt-static - Installs binaries statically linked to Qt www-client/seamonkey:mozdevelop - Enable features for web developers (e.g. Venkman) www-client/seamonkey:moznocompose - Disable building of mozilla's HTML editor component www-client/seamonkey:moznoirc - Disable building of mozilla's IRC client www-client/seamonkey:moznomail - Disable building mozilla's mail client www-client/seamonkey:moznopango - Disable pango during runtime www-client/seamonkey:moznoroaming - sroaming extension support www-client/seamonkey:xforms - XForms is a standard to split up XHTML into XForms, instance data, and user interface www-client/w3m:async - Enables asynchronous fetch www-client/w3m:lynxkeymap - If you prefer Lynx-like key binding www-misc/nsxml:xslt - Enables xslt support www-servers/apache:mpm-event - (experimental) Event MPM - a variant of the worker MPM that tries to solve the keep alive problem - requires epoll support and kernel 2.6 www-servers/apache:mpm-itk - (experimental) Itk MPM - child processes have separate user/group ids www-servers/apache:mpm-leader - (experimental) Leader MPM - leaders/followers variant of worker MPM www-servers/apache:mpm-peruser - (experimental) Peruser MPM - child processes have separate user/group ids www-servers/apache:mpm-prefork - Prefork MPM - non-threaded, forking MPM - similar manner to Apache 1.3 www-servers/apache:mpm-threadpool - (experimental) Threadpool MPM - keeps pool of idle threads to handle requests www-servers/apache:mpm-worker - Worker MPM - hybrid multi-process multi-thread MPM www-servers/apache:no-suexec - Don't install suexec with apache www-servers/apache:static-modules - Build modules into apache instead of having them load at run time www-servers/cherokee:coverpage - Installs the default cherokee coverpage www-servers/fnord:auth - Enable HTTP authentication support www-servers/lighttpd:memcache - Enable memcache support for mod_cml and mod_trigger_b4_dl www-servers/lighttpd:rrdtool - Enable rrdtool support via mod_rrdtool www-servers/lighttpd:webdav - Enables webdev properties www-servers/lighttpd:xattr - if you want extended attributes enabled www-servers/nginx:flv - Enables special processing module for flv files www-servers/nginx:status - Enables stub_status module www-servers/nginx:webdav - Enables webdav support www-servers/ocsigen:logrotate - Install support files for logrotate www-servers/ocsigen:ocamlduce - Enables ocamlduce XML typechecking for generated web pages www-servers/pound:dynscaler - enable dynamic rescaling of back-end priorities www-servers/pound:msdav - if you want the Microsoft DAV extensions enabled www-servers/pound:unsafe - if you want the 'unsafe' characters passed through to the web servers www-servers/resin:admin - Enable Resin admin webapp www-servers/shttpd:cgi - Enable CGI script support www-servers/shttpd:dmalloc - Enable debugging with the dmalloc library www-servers/tomcat:admin - Enable Tomcat admin webapp www-servers/tomcat:java5 - Use Java 1.5 source/target for compilation x11-apps/xdpyinfo:dmx - Builds support for Distributed Multiheaded X x11-base/kdrive:fbdev - Enables framebuffer kdrive server x11-base/kdrive:font-server - Enables font server support x11-base/kdrive:speedo - Enables Speedo font support x11-base/kdrive:type1 - Enables Type1 font support x11-base/xorg-server:dmx - Build the Distributed Multiheaded X server x11-base/xorg-server:kdrive - Build the kdrive X servers x11-base/xorg-server:xorg - Build the Xorg X server (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) x11-libs/cairo:glitz - Build with glitz support x11-libs/cairo:opengl - When used along with USE=glitz, enables glitz-glx usage. Requires hardware opengl support x11-libs/cairo:xcb - Support the X C-language Binding, a replacement for Xlib x11-libs/fltk:noxft - Disables fltk; use for non-english characters x11-libs/gtkmathview:t1lib - Enable t1lib support x11-libs/libX11:xcb - Support the X C-language Binding, a replacement for Xlib (can break proprietary binaries, for example Sun Java) x11-libs/libmatchbox:pango - Enable pango support x11-libs/libmatchbox:xsettings - Enable the use of xsettings for settings management. x11-libs/openmotif:xft - Build OpenMotif with support for XFT font renderer x11-libs/qt:glib - Enable glib eventloop support x11-libs/qt:immqt - Enable binary incompatible version of immodule for Qt x11-libs/qt:immqt-bc - Enable binary compatible version of immodule for Qt x11-libs/qt:pch - Enable precompiled header support for faster compilation times (gcc >3.4 only) x11-libs/qt:qt3support - Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4 x11-misc/adesklets:ctrlmenu - force CTRL to be pressed to fire context menu x11-misc/adesklets:fontconfig - Support for managing custom fonts via fontconfig x11-misc/dmenu:savedconfig - Add support to user defined configs x11-misc/openclipart:gzip - Compresses clip art using gzip x11-misc/vnc2swf:x11vnc - Install script that depends on x11vnc x11-misc/xlockmore:xlockrc - Enables xlockrc for people without PAM x11-misc/x11vnc:system-libvncserver - Build x11vnc against the system libvncserver (experimental) x11-misc/xscreensaver:insecure-savers - Installs some screensaver modules as setuid root to enable cooler effects x11-misc/xscreensaver:new-login - Enables users to create new logins even if the X screen is locked by someone else x11-plugins/gkrellm-plugins:audacious - Install the audacious plugin x11-plugins/gkrellmbups:nut - Enables monitoring Network-UPS (sys-power/nut) x11-plugins/purple-plugin_pack:talkfilters - Enable support for app-text/talkfilters x11-plugins/wmhdplop:gkrellm - Enable build of gkrellm module x11-plugins/wmspaceclock:stlport - Enable support for STLport, greatly reducing CPU usage x11-plugins/wmsysmon:high-ints - Enable support for monitoring 24 interrupts, useful on SMP machines x11-terms/aterm:background - Enable background image support via libAfterImage x11-terms/aterm:xgetdefault - Enable resources via X instead of aterm small version x11-terms/eterm:escreen - enable built in screen support x11-terms/eterm:etwin - enable twin support x11-terms/hanterm:utempter - Records everytime a user logins in. Useful on multi-user systems. x11-terms/mlterm:scim - Enable scim support x11-terms/mlterm:uim - Enable uim support x11-terms/mrxvt:menubar - Enable mrxvt menubar x11-terms/mrxvt:utempter - Records everytime a user logins in. Useful on multi-user systems. x11-terms/rxvt-unicode:iso14755 - Enable ISO-14755 support x11-terms/rxvt:linuxkeys - Define LINUX_KEYS (changes Home/End key) x11-terms/rxvt:xgetdefault - Enable resources via X instead of rxvt small version x11-terms/xterm:paste64 - Enable support for bracketed paste mode x11-terms/xterm:toolbar - Enable the xterm toolbar to be built. x11-themes/redhat-artwork:audacious - Install Audacious theme x11-themes/redhat-artwork:cursors - Install Bluecurve cursors x11-themes/redhat-artwork:gdm - Install Bluecurve GDM theme x11-themes/redhat-artwork:icons - Install Bluecurve icons x11-themes/redhat-artwork:kdm - Install Bluecurve KDM theme x11-themes/redhat-artwork:nautilus - Install Bluecurve Nautilus icons x11-themes/skinenigmang-logos:dxr3 - install logos for lower osd color deep on dxr3 cards x11-wm/beryl:emerald - Add support for one of the three decorators for Beryl x11-wm/dwm:savedconfig - Add support to user defined configs x11-wm/enlightenment:xrandr - Enable support for the X xrandr extension x11-wm/fluxbox:disableslit - Disable the silt. Works around bug 122380. x11-wm/fluxbox:disabletoolbar - Disable the toolbar. x11-wm/fvwm:rplay - Enable rplay support x11-wm/fvwm:stroke - Mouse Gesture support x11-wm/ion3:ion3-voidupstreamsupport-truetype - Enable TrueType support, note this will *void* upstream support for your ion3 installation x11-wm/matchbox-desktop:dnotify - Use the linux kernel directory notification feature. x11-wm/matchbox-panel:dnotify - Use the linux kernel directory notification feature. x11-wm/matchbox-panel:lowres - Optimize for low resolution screens. x11-wm/sawfish:pango - Enable pango support x11-wm/stumpwm-cvs:clisp - Use CLISP for the runtime x11-wm/stumpwm-cvs:sbcl - Use SBCL for the runtime x11-wm/vtwm:rplay - Enable rplay support, needed for sound. x11-wm/windowmaker:modelock - Enable XKB language status lock support. README says: "If you don't know what it is you probably don't need it." xfce-base/thunar:plugins - Enable trash panel plugin. xfce-base/xfce4-extras:battery - Meta pulls in xfce4-battery dependency. xfce-base/xfce4-extras:cpufreq - Meta pulls in xfce4-cpu-freq dependency. xfce-extra/thunar-thumbnailers:grace - Enable .agr thumbnailers, grace support. xfce-extra/thunar-thumbnailers:raw - Add support for raw image formats xfce-extra/xfce4-sensors:hddtemp - Enable monitoring of disk temperatures (app-admin/hddtemp)