# ChangeLog for net-misc/sipsak # Copyright 2000-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/sipsak/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2004/10/23 02:19:12 weeve Exp $ 22 Oct 2004; Jason Wever sipsak-0.8.6.ebuild: Added ~sparc keyword. 08 Aug 2004; Tom Martin sipsak-0.8.6.ebuild: Typo in DESCRIPTION: comand -> command. Bug 59717. 01 Jul 2004; Jon Hood sipsak-0.8.6.ebuild: change virtual/glibc to virtual/libc *sipsak-0.8.6 (13 Oct 2003) 13 Oct 2003; Stefan Knoblich metadata.xml, sipsak-0.8.6.ebuild: initial import. ebuild submitted by Nils Ohlmeier