# ChangeLog for net-ftp/netkit-tftp # Copyright 2002-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-ftp/netkit-tftp/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2007/07/19 13:27:18 pva Exp $ *netkit-tftp-0.17-r4 (19 Jul 2007) 19 Jul 2007; +files/netkit-tftp-0.17-tftp-connect-segfault.patch, +files/netkit-tftp-0.17-tftp-fix-put-zero-size.diff, +files/netkit-tftp-0.17-tftp-manpage-typo.patch, +files/tftp-dgram, +files/tftp-stream, metadata.xml, +netkit-tftp-0.17-r4.ebuild: Bunch of fixes reported and some fixed in debian: segfault during tftp connect (see debian bug #375365), manpage typo (debian #310347), and put command in tftp now works (debian #88286). Added example files for xinetd, and dodoc now installs README, ChangeLog and BUGS. Took maintenance. 15 May 2007; Thilo Bangert metadata.xml: add no-herd *netkit-tftp-0.17-r3 (21 Feb 2007) 21 Feb 2007; Anant Narayanan +files/man.patch, +files/memset.patch, -netkit-tftp-0.17-r2.ebuild, +netkit-tftp-0.17-r3.ebuild: Add two patches to install man pages in /usr/share/man instead of /usr/man and solve 2 QA warnings. Closes bugs #167800 and #167858 21 Sep 2004; Tom Gall netkit-tftp-0.17-r2.ebuild: stable on ppc64 *netkit-tftp-0.17-r2 (30 Oct 2003) 30 Oct 2003; Heinrich Wendel netkit-tftp-0.17.ebuild: virtual/tftp 06 Dec 2002; Rodney Rees : changed sparc ~sparc keywords *netkit-tftp-0.17-r1 (22 Apr 2002) 24 Feb 2003; Nicholas Wourms netkit-tftp-0.17-r1.ebuild : Added stable mips keyword to the ebuild. 20 Oct 2002; Calum Selkirk netkit-tftp-0.17.ebuild netkit-tftp-0.17-1.ebuild : Added ppc to KEYWORDS. 09 Jul 2002; phoen][x netkit-tftp-0.17-r1.ebuild: Added KEYWORDS, LICENSE, SLOT. 22 Apr 2002; Ryan Phillips netkit-tftp-0.17-r1.ebuild Patched netkit-tftp-0.17 to actually install in.tftpd and man pages. Fixes (#1997) *netkit-tftp-0.17 (18 Feb 2002) 24 Feb 2003; Nicholas Wourms netkit-tftp-0.17.ebuild : Added stable mips keyword to the ebuild. 09 Jul 2002; phoen][x netkit-tftp-0.17.ebuild: Added KEYWORDS, LICENSE, SLOT. 18 Feb 2002; F.Meyndert netkit-tftp-0.17.ebuild, New ebuild for netkit-tftp, ftp client and server.