# ChangeLog for net-fs/coda-client # Copyright 2002-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/coda-client/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2004/09/09 18:15:13 griffon26 Exp $ *coda-client-6.0.6 (04 Sep 2004) 04 Sep 2004; Maurice van der Pot metadata.xml, +coda-client-6.0.3.ebuild, +coda-client-6.0.6.ebuild: Took over maintenance from Daniel Black Prepared coda-client ebuild for removal from portage because it has been superseded by the coda ebuild. For now the new versions of the coda-client ebuild will merge coda as a dependency. 26 Apr 2004; Daniel Black coda-client-5.3.19.ebuild: Changed sys-libs/db depend to sys-libs/db-1* as per bug #48902. Thanks Nils Ohlmeier 27 Mar 2004; Daniel Black coda-client-5.3.19.ebuild: Added inherit eutils 24 Mar 2004; Daniel Black coda-client-5.3.19.ebuild, metadata.xml, files/coda-client-5.3.19-gentoo3.patch: Patch added to fix bug #41321 *coda-client-5.3.19 (23 Jul 2002) 06 Nov 2002; Brandon Low coda-client-5.3.19.ebuild : Make not db4 compliant, and take the auto adding and removing from startup level default out of the ebuild. 23 Oct 2002; Brandon Low coda-client-5.3.19.ebuild, coda-client-5.3.19-gentoo.patch, coda-client-5.3.19-gentoo2.patch: This took forever to make it work, but it does now, gcc-3 compile fixes are in gentoo2.patch and there is some sedfu in the ebuild. This is this the initial portage commit of this ebuild. 15 Jul 2002; Greg Briggs coda-client-5.3.19.ebuild, coda-client-5.3.19-gentoo.patch: Created ebuild for this package. * To test out coda in a hurry, do (as root of course): emerge coda-client venus-setup testserver.coda.cs.cmu.edu /etc/init.d/venus.init start Okay, now watch your 11th console until it says "/coda now mounted". Now look in /coda for some files; you have connected to the testserver! * Notes: You need kernel support for Coda enabled. You definitely need to read the docs to use Coda, at least http://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/doc/html/coda-howto-5.html The initscript that gets added to your system is "/etc/init.d/venus.init". This will also mount coda -- no changes to fstab. By the way, you can test with the public Coda server "testserver.coda.cs.cmu.edu". * Bugs (these are in other packages I think; it is SAFE TO IGNORE them) "cat: write error" during ebuild: a problem in depscan.sh "mv: cannot move `cfs0-' to `cfs0': Operation not permitted" during venus-setup: a problem in "( cd /dev ; ./MAKEDEV cfs )"