# ChangeLog for net-dialup/itund # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/itund/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2006/10/01 20:44:01 sbriesen Exp $ 01 Oct 2006; Stefan Briesenick -files/itund-0.3-capiv3.patch, -itund-0.3.ebuild, itund-0.3.1.ebuild: removed old version, changed $HOMEPAGE/$SRC_URI. 28 May 2006; Stefan Briesenick itund-0.3.1.ebuild: stable on amd64 and x86. *itund-0.3.1 (10 Feb 2006) 10 Feb 2006; Stefan Briesenick +itund-0.3.1.ebuild: version bump. 09 Sep 2005; Stefan Briesenick itund-0.3.ebuild: stable on x86. 31 Jul 2005; David Holm itund-0.3.ebuild: Added to ~ppc. *itund-0.3 (29 Jul 2005) 29 Jul 2005; Stefan Briesenick +files/itund-0.3-capiv3.patch, +metadata.xml, +itund-0.3.ebuild: initial commit. Includes CAPI 2.0 V3 patches.