# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/vdr/vdr-1.3.36-r3.ebuild,v 1.12 2007/10/08 15:00:18 zzam Exp $ inherit eutils IUSE="aio bigpatch jumpplay lnbsharing sourcecaps yaepg setup-plugin subtitles" PATCHSET_V=0.2 PATCHSET_NAME=${P}-gentoo-patchset-${PATCHSET_V} DESCRIPTION="Video Disk Recorder - turns a pc into a powerful set top box for DVB" HOMEPAGE="http://www.cadsoft.de/vdr/" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.cadsoft.de/vdr/Developer/${P}.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/${PATCHSET_NAME}.tar.bz2" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc x86" SLOT="0" LICENSE="GPL-2" DEPEND="media-libs/jpeg sys-apps/gawk media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-headers" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} dev-lang/perl || ( >=media-tv/gentoo-vdr-scripts-0.4.2 media-tv/vdrplugin-rebuild ) >=media-tv/gentoo-vdr-scripts-0.2.2" # pull in vdr-setup to get the xml files, else menu will not work PDEPEND="setup-plugin? ( media-plugins/vdr-setup )" # Relevant Pathes for vdr on gentoo DVB_DIR=/usr/include VDR_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/vdr PLUGIN_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins CONF_DIR=/etc/vdr RC_DIR=/usr/lib/vdr/rcscript CAP_FILE=${S}/vdr-capabilities.sh CAPS="# Capabilities of the vdr-executable for use by startscript etc." add_cap() { while [ "$1" ]; do CAPS="${CAPS}\n$1=1" shift done } # works like use to check for active (and not active !abc) useflags # if more than one flag is given it returns that all flags are active # # "use_multi_and a b !c !d" # == # "use a && use b && use !c && use !d" # use_multi_and() { while [[ -n ${1} ]]; do use ${1} || return 1 shift done return 0 } # reads the line GENTOO_USE out of the beginning of the patch # example: GENTOO_USE: aio !bigpatch # and checks weather the useflags are set appropriate (via use_multi_and) # if check returns true the patch is applied # apply_vdr_patch() { local APPLY=1 local p="${1}" debug-print "PATCH:" debug-print " $(basename ${p})" local V1 local V2 while read V1 V2; do case ${V1} in GENTOO_USE:) APPLY=0 if use_multi_and ${V2}; then APPLY=1 break fi ;; +++|---|diff|@@) break; ;; *) ;; esac done < "${p}" [[ ${APPLY} == 0 ]] && return debug-print " --> applied" epatch "${p}" } # call apply_vdr_patch for all patchfiles in given directory apply_vdr_patchset() { local p for p in ${1}/*.{diff,patch}; do [[ -f "${p}" ]] || continue apply_vdr_patch "${p}" done } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} if [[ -n "${VDR_LOCAL_PATCHSET}" && -d "${VDR_LOCAL_PATCHSET}" ]]; then PATCHSET_DIR="${VDR_LOCAL_PATCHSET}" else PATCHSET_DIR=${WORKDIR}/${PATCHSET_NAME} fi cd "${S}" ebegin "Changing pathes for gentoo" sed -e 's-$(DVBDIR)/include-$(DVBDIR)-' -i Makefile sed \ -e 's-ConfigDirectory = VideoDirectory;-ConfigDirectory = CONFIGDIR;-' \ -i vdr.c cat > Make.config <<-EOT # # Generated by ebuild ${PF} # DVBDIR = ${DVB_DIR} PLUGINLIBDIR = ${PLUGIN_LIB_DIR} CONFIGDIR = ${CONF_DIR} DEFINES += -DCONFIGDIR=\"\$(CONFIGDIR)\" EOT eend 0 apply_vdr_patchset ${PATCHSET_DIR} # apply local patches defined by variable VDR_LOCAL_PATCHES_DIR if test -n "${VDR_LOCAL_PATCHES_DIR}"; then echo elog "Applying local patches" for LOCALPATCH in ${VDR_LOCAL_PATCHES_DIR}/${PV}/*.{diff,patch}; do test -f "${LOCALPATCH}" && epatch "${LOCALPATCH}" done fi if [[ -n "${VDRSOURCE_DIR}" ]]; then cp -r "${S}" "${T}"/source-tree fi add_cap CAP_IRCTRL_RUNTIME_PARAM \ CAP_VFAT_RUNTIME_PARAM \ CAP_SHUTDOWN_SVDRP echo -e ${CAPS} > "${CAP_FILE}" } src_install() { exeinto /usr/bin doexe vdr doexe svdrpsend.pl insinto ${VDR_INCLUDE_DIR} doins *.h doins Make.config insinto ${VDR_INCLUDE_DIR}/libsi doins libsi/*.h keepdir ${CONF_DIR}/plugins insinto ${CONF_DIR} doins *.conf channels.conf.* chown -R vdr:vdr "${D}"/${CONF_DIR} keepdir "${PLUGIN_LIB_DIR}" doman vdr.1 vdr.5 dohtml *.html dodoc MANUAL INSTALL README* HISTORY* dodoc TODO-enAIO-rm CONTRIBUTORS insinto ${RC_DIR} doins "${CAP_FILE}" if [[ -n "${VDRSOURCE_DIR}" ]]; then elog "Installing sources" insinto "${VDRSOURCE_DIR}"/${P} doins -r "${T}"/source-tree/* keepdir "${VDRSOURCE_DIR}"/${P}/PLUGINS/lib fi if use setup-plugin; then insinto /usr/share/vdr/setup doins "${S}"/menu.c fi } pkg_postinst() { elog "It is a good idea to run vdrplugin-rebuild now" if has_version "