Andrzej Pauli Maintainer. Assign bugs to him. Amadeusz Żołnowski Proxy maintainer. CC him on bugs. MJPG-streamer takes JPGs from Linux-UVC compatible webcams, filesystem or other input plugins and streams them as M-JPEG via HTTP to webbrowsers, VLC and other software. It is the successor of uvc-streamer, a Linux-UVC streaming application with Pan/Tilt Plugin for sending compiled in, test pictures Plugin giving ability to control camera movement (only specific cameras) Plugin that watches given directory and send it's content Plugin that sends video stream from UVC compatible camera Plugin that saves received content under given location Plugin receiving content over UDP and storing to a directory Small HTTP server plugin which sends WWW directory content and streams image content Auto focusing plugin Plugin which provides a mechanism to take snapshots with a trigger from a UDP packet Installs WWW content Uses media-libs/libv4l function mapping for input_uvc plugin