# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/xnoise/xnoise-0.1.31.ebuild,v 1.3 2012/05/05 08:55:51 mgorny Exp $ EAPI=4 inherit fdo-mime gnome2-utils DESCRIPTION="A media player for Gtk+ with a slick GUI, great speed and lots of features" HOMEPAGE="http://www.xnoise-media-player.com/" SRC_URI="mirror://github/shuerhaaken/${PN}/${P}.tar.bz2" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="+lastfm libnotify +lyrics" RDEPEND="dev-db/sqlite:3 >=dev-libs/glib-2.28:2 dev-libs/libxml2:2 media-libs/gst-plugins-base:0.10 media-libs/gstreamer:0.10 media-libs/taglib x11-libs/cairo x11-libs/gtk+:3 lastfm? ( net-libs/libsoup:2.4 ) libnotify? ( x11-libs/libnotify ) lyrics? ( net-libs/libsoup:2.4 )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} dev-util/intltool virtual/pkgconfig sys-devel/gettext" DOCS=( AUTHORS README ) src_configure() { econf \ --enable-soundmenu2 \ $(use_enable lastfm) \ $(use_enable libnotify notifications) \ $(use_enable lyrics chartlyrics) \ $(use_enable lyrics leoslyrics) \ $(use_enable lyrics lyricsfly) \ $(use_enable lyrics lyricwiki) } src_install() { default find "${ED}" -type f -name "*.la" -delete || die rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/${PN}/license || die } pkg_preinst() { gnome2_icon_savelist } pkg_postinst() { fdo-mime_desktop_database_update gnome2_icon_cache_update } pkg_postrm() { fdo-mime_desktop_database_update gnome2_icon_cache_update }