graphics Luca Barbato Blender, the open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. Available for Windows, Linux, Irix, Sun Solaris, FreeBSD or Mac OS X. Adds support for space navigator devices through package dev-libs/libspnav. Adds Game Engine support to Blender (2.4* ebuilds). Adds Game Engine support to Blender (2.5* ebuilds). Install contrib scripts. Add support for Collada interchange format through media-libs/opencollada. Adds verse clustering features to Blender. Adds DDS textures support to Blender. Build the Blender Player. Adds surface fluid simulation to Blender using El'Beem library. Build GameEngine/Python/C API documentation directly from the source code using tools epydoc (dev-python/epydoc) and doxygen (app-doc/doxygen). This flag allows you to model without confirming each translation, in particular it lets you grab with left mouse button (LMB) and not having to confirm by another click. Blender 'Tweak Mode' is similar to the 'Tweak Mode' of the Wings modeller (media-gfx/wings). This flag add support for RED CODE camera digital format (5K HD images *.r3d) - EXPERIMENTAL.