VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL)

Version 1.1, 2007-01-07

InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH, Werkstrasse 24, 71384 Weinstadt,
Germany grants you the right to use the software product as defined
in 1. according to the following provisions. If you do not agree
to all conditions set forth by this license, you may not use the
product, because only InnoTek as the product's owner can give
you permission to use it.

1. SUBJECT OF LICENSE.  "Product", as referred to in this License,
shall be the binary software package "VirtualBox", which allows for
creating multiple virtual computers, each with different operating
systems ("Guest Computers"), on a physical computer with a specific
operating system ("Host Computer"), to allow for installing and
executing these Guest Computers simultaneously. The Product consists
of executable files in machine code for the Windows 2000/XP and Linux
operating systems as well as other data files as required by the
executable files at run-time and documentation in electronic form.

2. GRANT OF LICENSE.  InnoTek grants you a personal right to install
and execute the Product on a Host Computer for  Personal Use or
Educational Use or for Evaluation. "Personal Use" requires that you
use the product on the same Host Computer where you installed it
yourself and that no more than one client connect to Guest Computers
on that Host Computer remotely at a time. "Educational use" is any
use in an academic institution (schools, colleges and universities,
by teachers and students). "Evaluation" means testing the product for
a reasonable period (that is, normally for a few weeks); after expiry
of that term, you are no longer permitted to evaluate the Product.

3. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS.  Any use beyond the provisions of 2. is
prohibited. InnoTek reserves all copyrights and other intellectual
property rights. This includes, but is not limited to, the right to
modify, make available or public, rent out, lease, lend or otherwise
distribute the Product. This does not apply as far as applicable
law may require it or InnoTek grants you additional rights of use
in a separate license in writing.

4. TERMINATION.  This License shall be valid infinitely. InnoTek may
terminate the License only for material causes. In particular, such
a material cause can be a violation of the usage terms or a breach
of other essential duties from this contract. After termination,
you are required to delete and destroy all remaining copies of the
Product. This includes, but is not limited to, installed copies
and backups.

5. NO WARRANTIES.  Since you have not paid for the use of the Product,
there is no warranty for it, to the extent permitted by applicable
law. InnoTek provides the Product "as is" without warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the
Product is with you. Should it prove defective, you assume the cost
of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. In addition,
InnoTek shall be allowed to provide updates to the Product in
urgent cases. You are then obliged to install such updates. Such
an urgent case includes, but is not limited to, a claim of rights
to the Product by a third party.

6. MISCELLANEOUS.  There are no license terms beyond the written
ones in this agreement. Amendments of, additions to and the joint
revocation of this agreement shall require the written form. The same
shall apply to the preceding written form requirement. Standard
business conditions of the parties shall not apply. Place of
performance and legal venue shall be Weinstadt, the domicile of
InnoTek. Solely German law shall apply to this agreement.