--- RWCP Omni Compiler Software License Agreement ---

Tsukuba Research Center, Real World Computing Partnership, Japan
(hereinafter referred to as RWCP) and your site (hereinafter referred
to as LICENSEE) agree as follows:

1. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms of the Omni Compiler
   software and associated documentation (hereinafter called "the
   Software"), with or without modification, are permitted provided that
   the following conditions are met:

   - Redistributions of all documents must retain the RWCP credit
     notice appeared in them.
   - Redistributions of source code must retain this LICENSE.
   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this LICENSE.

2. RWCP makes no representations about the suitability of the
  Software for any purpose. The Software is provided "as is" without
  express or implied warranty.

3. RWCP retains ownership of all rights in the Software.

4. If any of the contents described here are violated, RWCP cancels
   the LICENSEE's right to use the Software. Should this happen,
   LICENSEE must immediately stop using the Software and delete all of
   the Software. Conversely, LICENSEE may cancel rights to use at any
   time by abandoning the Software.

5. RWCP shall not be responsible for the Software in any sense. 
   RWCP shall not be liable for fixing any errors in the Software. 
   RWCP shall not be liable for compensation for any losses incurred by
   the use of the Software.
