Open-Source Mod License v1.0 A mod (modification) may be placed under this license by or with written permission of the original author of a mod. Once placed under this license, users of the mod must accept terms (a) through (c), and distributors of the mod must accept terms (d) and (f). To submit code to be added to the official version, programmers must accept terms (g) and (h). By using source code taken or derived from a mod under the OSML in a non-derivative mod, you must accept terms (i) and (j). Derivative works of the open-source mod must also be placed under this license. Terms of Use By installing, compiling, or using in any way a mod placed under the Open-Source Mod License (OSML), you, the end user, agree to all of the following terms of this agreement: a. You are granted the right to use, modify for personal use, and study all binaries and source code part of the open-source mod. However, to distribute binaries and/or source code which constitute part of the mod placed under the OSML, this license requires you to agree additionally to terms (d) through (f). b. The mod authors, contributors, and distributors expressly disclaim any warranty, expressed or implied, and accepts no responsibility for the quality or reliability of any of its binary or source code components. They accept no responsibility for any damages to you, your computer, or any other property, person, or corporation which results, directly or indirectly, from the downloading of, installation of, compilation of, and use of the mod. c. You accept the right of server operators to disallow service to you or any other parties with or without justification. The mod authors and distributors are in no way obligated to resolve disputes between users and server administrators, but may choose to do so at their option. Terms of Distribution By distributing in any way the mod placed under this license, you, the end use, agree to these additional terms. d. Any distributions of the mod must be done purely on a non-commercial basis. All persons receiving said distributions must agree to terms (a) through (c) of this license, and must receive a copy of this license unmodified and in full. e. Any distributions of the open-source mod must include or make available all source code. Where said distributions are modified, the source code must be the modified source code which was used to produce the software being distributed, and changes made must be clearly labelled, and it must be clearly labelled as being modified. In cases where source code cannot be included due to constraints of media capacity, a written offer must be included redeemable for said source code. f. Redistributed versions must retain all notices of copyright, license, and authorship as they were when received. Terms of Contribution to Official Version By contributing code to the official version of the mod, you agree to these additional terms. g. Changes must be clearly labeled in code, along with the name or nickname of the person who made them, and what the purpose of the changes is. h. Code taken from tutorials not written by the contributing person must state clearly that it was taken from a tutorial and who the author of the tutorial is. Terms For Use of Code in Non-Derivative Works By using computer code taken or derived directly or indirectly from a mod under the OSML in a mod not derived from the mod the source code originated from, you agree to these additional terms. i. You may only use code taken from or derived from a mod under the OSML in mods also distributed under the OSML. j. You must credit the mod from which source code was taken or derived either in the contributors list (providing the source mod's name and URL), in credits embedded in the mod, or in the mod's readme or manual. In the event of a conflict between this license and the license, disclaimers in code, etc of the game being modified, the conflicting parts of this license do not apply. Amendments to this license may be made in the form of future versions. The users, distributors, and contributors may optionally accept such amendments, but are not required to do so.