# ChangeLog for games-server/ut2004-ded # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-server/ut2004-ded/ChangeLog,v 1.9 2006/01/06 18:50:06 wolf31o2 Exp $ 06 Jan 2006; Chris Gianelloni ut2004-ded-3369.ebuild: Added 2 more mirrors. Thanks to SonicLux on #gentoo-games. *ut2004-ded-3369 (03 Jan 2006) 03 Jan 2006; Chris Gianelloni +ut2004-ded-3369.ebuild: Version bumped to 3369.2 for all you dedicated server monkeys out there in Unreal Tournament land. 21 Sep 2005; Chris Gianelloni ut2004-ded-3355.ebuild: Changed check_license to explicitly list license to check. 30 Aug 2005; Chris Gianelloni -ut2004-ded-3339.ebuild, ut2004-ded-3355.ebuild: Marking 3355 stable on x86 and amd64 and removing old version. 30 Aug 2005; Chris Gianelloni ut2004-ded-3355.ebuild: Changed to match new 3dgamers mirrors structure in thirdpartymirrors. *ut2004-ded-3355 (16 May 2005) 16 May 2005; Chris Gianelloni +ut2004-ded-3355.ebuild: Added 3355 version for testing. *ut2004-ded-3339 (26 Nov 2004) 26 Nov 2004; Chris Gianelloni -ut2004-ded-3323.ebuild, +ut2004-ded-3339.ebuild: Updated to latest version and closing bug #67105. *ut2004-ded-3323 (14 Sep 2004) 14 Sep 2004; Chris Gianelloni -ut2004-ded-3236.ebuild, +ut2004-ded-3323.ebuild: Removing old versions and updating to newest patch. *ut2004-ded-3236 (03 Jul 2004) 03 Jul 2004; Chris Gianelloni +metadata.xml, +files/ut2004-ded.rc, +ut2004-ded-3236.ebuild: Initial import. Original ebuild submitted by James Jones with an init script submitted by Ken Smith . Updated to 3236-1 patch by Davin Boling with some modifications by me. Closing bug #46057.