# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/mozconfig-3.eclass,v 1.19 2011/04/24 16:52:11 nirbheek Exp $ # # mozconfig.eclass: the new mozilla.eclass inherit multilib flag-o-matic mozcoreconf-2 # use-flags common among all mozilla ebuilds IUSE="+alsa +dbus debug libnotify startup-notification system-sqlite wifi" # XXX: GConf is used for setting the default browser # revisit to make it optional with GNOME 3 RDEPEND="app-arch/zip app-arch/unzip >=app-text/hunspell-1.2 dev-libs/expat >=dev-libs/libIDL-0.8.0 >=dev-libs/libevent-1.4.7 !=x11-libs/cairo-1.8[X] >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.6:2 >=x11-libs/pango-1.10.1 virtual/jpeg alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib ) dbus? ( >=dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.72 ) libnotify? ( >=x11-libs/libnotify-0.4 ) startup-notification? ( >=x11-libs/startup-notification-0.8 ) wifi? ( net-wireless/wireless-tools )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" mozconfig_config() { mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk2 if has bindist ${IUSE}; then mozconfig_use_enable !bindist official-branding fi mozconfig_use_enable alsa ogg mozconfig_use_enable alsa wave if has crashreporter ${IUSE} ; then mozconfig_use_enable crashreporter fi mozconfig_use_enable dbus mozconfig_use_enable debug mozconfig_use_enable debug tests mozconfig_use_enable debug debugger-info-modeules if has +ipc ${IUSE}; then mozconfig_use_enable ipc fi mozconfig_use_enable libnotify mozconfig_use_enable startup-notification mozconfig_use_enable system-sqlite if use system-sqlite; then mozconfig_annotate '' --with-sqlite-prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr fi mozconfig_use_enable wifi necko-wifi if [[ ${PN} == xulrunner ]] ; then mozconfig_annotate 'mozjs' --enable-shared-js fi if [[ ${PN} != thunderbird ]]; then if has +webm ${IUSE} && use webm; then if ! use alsa; then echo "Enabling alsa support due to webm request" mozconfig_annotate '+webm -alsa' --enable-ogg mozconfig_annotate '+webm -alsa' --enable-wave mozconfig_annotate '+webm' --enable-webm mozconfig_annotate '+webm' --with-system-libvpx="${EPREFIX}"/usr else mozconfig_use_enable webm mozconfig_use_with webm system-libvpx fi else mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-webm mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-system-libvpx fi if use amd64 || use x86 || use arm || use sparc; then mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-tracejit fi fi # These are enabled by default in all mozilla applications mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-nspr --with-nspr-prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-nss --with-nss-prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr mozconfig_annotate '' --x-includes="${EPREFIX}"/usr/include --x-libraries="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir) mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-libevent="${EPREFIX}"/usr mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-system-hunspell mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-gnomevfs mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-gnomeui mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-gio if [[ ${PN} != thunderbird ]] ; then mozconfig_annotate 'places' --enable-storage --enable-places --enable-places_bookmarks mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-oji --enable-mathml mozconfig_annotate 'broken' --disable-mochitest fi }