# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/games.eclass,v 1.45 2003/07/18 21:09:26 wolf31o2 Exp $ # # devlist: {vapier,wolf31o2,msterret}@gentoo.org # # This is the games ebuild for standardizing the install of games ... # you better have a *good* reason why you're *not* using games.eclass # in an ebuild in app-games inherit eutils ECLASS=games INHERITED="$INHERITED $ECLASS" EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_postinst src_compile pkg_setup DESCRIPTION="Based on the ${ECLASS} eclass" IUSE="dedicated" export GAMES_PREFIX="/usr/games" export GAMES_PREFIX_OPT="/opt" export GAMES_DATADIR="/usr/share/games" export GAMES_DATADIR_BASE="/usr/share" # some packages auto append 'games' export GAMES_SYSCONFDIR="/etc/games" export GAMES_STATEDIR="/var/games" export GAMES_LIBDIR="/usr/games/lib" export GAMES_BINDIR="/usr/games/bin" export GAMES_ENVD="90games" # if you want to use a different user/group than games.games, # just add these two variables to your environment (aka /etc/profile) export GAMES_USER="${GAMES_USER:-games}" export GAMES_USER_DED="${GAMES_USER_DED:-games-ded}" export GAMES_GROUP="${GAMES_GROUP:-games}" egamesconf() { if [ -x ./configure ] ; then ./configure \ --prefix=${GAMES_PREFIX} \ --host=${CHOST} \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --datadir=${GAMES_DATADIR} \ --sysconfdir=${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR} \ --localstatedir=${GAMES_STATEDIR} \ "$@" || die "egamesconf failed" else die "no configure script found" fi } egamesinstall() { if [ -f ./[mM]akefile -o -f ./GNUmakefile ] ; then make prefix=${D}${GAMES_PREFIX} \ mandir=${D}/usr/share/man \ infodir=${D}/usr/share/info \ datadir=${D}${GAMES_DATADIR} \ sysconfdir=${D}${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR} \ localstatedir=${D}${GAMES_STATEDIR} \ "$@" install || die "einstall failed" else die "no Makefile found" fi } gameswrapper() { local oldtree=${DESTTREE} into ${GAMES_PREFIX} local cmd=$1; shift ${cmd} $@ into ${oldtree} } dogamesbin() { gameswrapper ${FUNCNAME/games} $@; } dogamessbin() { gameswrapper ${FUNCNAME/games} $@; } dogameslib() { gameswrapper ${FUNCNAME/games} $@; } dogameslib.a() { gameswrapper ${FUNCNAME/games} $@; } dogameslib.so() { gameswrapper ${FUNCNAME/games} $@; } newgamesbin() { gameswrapper ${FUNCNAME/games} $@; } newgamessbin() { gameswrapper ${FUNCNAME/games} $@; } gamesowners() { chown ${GAMES_USER}.${GAMES_GROUP} $@; } gamesperms() { chmod u+rw,g+r-w,o-rwx $@; } prepgamesdirs() { for dir in ${GAMES_PREFIX} ${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT} ${GAMES_DATADIR} ${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR} \ ${GAMES_STATEDIR} ${GAMES_LIBDIR} ${GAMES_BINDIR} $@ ; do ( gamesowners -R ${D}/${dir} find ${D}/${dir} -type d -print0 | xargs --null chmod 750 find ${D}/${dir} -type f -print0 | xargs --null chmod o-rwx,g+r ) >& /dev/null done } gamesenv() { echo "LDPATH=\"${GAMES_LIBDIR}\"" > /etc/env.d/${GAMES_ENVD} echo "PATH=\"${GAMES_BINDIR}\"" >> /etc/env.d/${GAMES_ENVD} } games_pkg_setup() { enewgroup ${GAMES_GROUP} 35 enewuser ${GAMES_USER} 35 /bin/false /usr/games ${GAMES_GROUP} enewuser ${GAMES_USER_DED} 36 /bin/bash /usr/games ${GAMES_GROUP} } games_src_compile() { [ -x ./configure ] && { egamesconf || die "egamesconf failed"; } [ -e [Mm]akefile ] && { emake || die "emake failed"; } } # pkg_postinst function ... create env.d entry and warn about games group games_pkg_postinst() { gamesenv echo ewarn "Remember, in order to play games, you have to" ewarn "be in the '${GAMES_GROUP}' group." einfo "See the usermod(8) manpage for more information." echo } # some games require cdrom's to install datafiles ... # $1: directory or file to check for on cdrom # after function call, cdrom should be in ${GAMES_CD} games_get_cd() { export GAMES_CD=${GAMES_CDROM} if [ -z "${GAMES_CD}" ] ; then for mline in `mount | egrep -e '(iso|cdrom)' | awk '{print $3}'` ; do [ -d ${mline}/${1} ] && GAMES_CD=${mline} || [ -f ${mline}/${1} ] && GAMES_CD=${mline} done fi [ ! -z "${GAMES_CD}" ] && einfo "Using ${GAMES_CD} as the data source" } # Pass a description of the cd to the function games_verify_cd() { if [ -z "${GAMES_CD}" ] ; then echo eerror "You must mount the $* CD first!" echo ewarn "If you do not have the CD, but have the data files" ewarn "mounted somewhere on your filesystem, just export" ewarn "the variable GAMES_CDROM so that it points to the" ewarn "directory containing the files." echo die "You must provide the $* data before running the install" fi } # Unpack .uz(2) files for UT/UT2003 # $1: directory or file to unpack games_ut_unpack() { local ut_unpack="$1" export UT_DATA_PATH="${Ddir}/System" cd "${UT_DATA_PATH}" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:${UT2003_DATA_PATH}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} if [ -z "${ut_unpack}" ]; then die "You must provide an argument to games_ut_unpack" fi if [ -f "${ut_unpack}" ]; then ./ucc-bin decompress ${ut_unpack} --nohomedir || die "uncompressing file ${ut_unpack}" fi if [ -d "${ut_unpack}" ]; then for f in `find ${ut_unpack} -name '*.uz*' -printf '%f '` ; do ./ucc-bin decompress ${ut_unpack}/${f} --nohomedir || die "uncompressing file ${f}" #mv System/${f:0:${#f}-3} ${ut_unpack} || die "moving file ${f} rm ${ut_unpack}/${f} || die "deleting compressed file ${f}" done #for f in `find ${ut_unpack} -name '*.uz' -printf '%f '` ; do # ./ucc-bin decompress ${ut_unpack}/${f} --nohomedir || die "uncompressing file ${f}" # mv System/${f:0:${#f}-4} ${ut_unpack} || die "moving file ${f}" # rm ${ut_unpack}/${f} || die "deleting compressed file ${f}" #done fi }