dev-tools java Miroslav Ć ulc William L. Thomson Jr. NetBeans is dedicated to providing rock solid software development products (NetBeans IDE, NetBeans Platform) that address the needs of developers, users and the businesses who rely on NetBeans as a basis for their products. NetBeans is also a vibrant community where people from just about any country you can think of, have the ability ask questions, give advice, make a wide variety of contributions and ultimately share in the success of our products. You will find students on our mailing list, developers from top companies and individuals looking to sharpen their skills. In June of 2000 NetBeans was made Open Source by Sun Microsystems who remains the project sponsor. Today two products exist: the NetBeans IDE and NetBeans Platform. Both products are free for commercial and noncommercial use. The source code to both are available to anyone, to reuse as they see fit, under the terms of use. Adds Netbeans C/C++ Pack