# ChangeLog for dev-ruby/qt4-qtruby
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ruby/qt4-qtruby/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2006/06/21 16:35:29 fmccor Exp $

  21 Jun 2006; Ferris McCormick <fmccor@gentoo.org> qt4-qtruby-1.4.5.ebuild:
  Add ~amd64 keyword.  With the fixes noted for Bug #132584 this builds with
  qt-4.1.3 and runs the "ruboids" example just fine.

  21 Jun 2006; Caleb Tennis <caleb@gentoo.org> +files/kalyptus-fix.diff,
  -files/style-fix.diff, qt4-qtruby-1.4.5.ebuild:
  A fix for kalpytus to work with qt-4.1.3 and use -j1 per bug #132584

  13 Jun 2006; Caleb Tennis <caleb@gentoo.org> +files/style-fix.diff,
  Remove a couple of headers that weren't allowing it to build against Qt 4.1.3

  17 May 2006; Ferris McCormick <fmccor@gentoo.org> qt4-qtruby-1.4.5.ebuild:
  Add ~sparc keyword.  Can be built and runs examples.  NOTE:  On SMP systems,
  you must build with MAKEOPTS="-j1" until Bug #132584 is resolved, because
  parallel make wil fail early in autotools. (Same is true on amd64.)

*qt4-qtruby-1.4.5 (05 May 2006)

  05 May 2006; Caleb Tennis <caleb@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
  Initial import