# ChangeLog for dev-ml/camlzip # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ml/camlzip/ChangeLog,v 1.14 2008/09/25 12:36:29 aballier Exp $ 25 Sep 2008; Alexis Ballier camlzip-1.03-r1.ebuild: keyword ~x86-fbsd 06 Apr 2008; Alexis Ballier -files/camlzip-1.01-Makefile-findlib.patch, -camlzip-1.01-r1.ebuild: remove old 06 Apr 2008; Markus Meier camlzip-1.03-r1.ebuild: x86 stable, bug #215748 03 Apr 2008; Brent Baude camlzip-1.03-r1.ebuild: stable ppc, bug 215748 02 Jan 2008; Alexis Ballier camlzip-1.03-r1.ebuild: Add support to not build with ocamlopt 10 Nov 2007; Alexis Ballier files/camlzip-1.03-Makefile-findlib.patch: dont install intermediate objects 10 Nov 2007; Alexis Ballier camlzip-1.01-r1.ebuild: quote dir variables 10 Nov 2007; Alexis Ballier -camlzip-1.03.ebuild: cleanup unused version *camlzip-1.03-r1 (10 Nov 2007) 10 Nov 2007; Alexis Ballier +files/camlzip-1.03-Makefile-findlib.patch, +camlzip-1.03-r1.ebuild: also install zlib support, thanks to Pierre Clairambault , bug #198466 *camlzip-1.03 (26 May 2007) 26 May 2007; Alexis Ballier +camlzip-1.03.ebuild: Version bump, ~amd64, closes bug #147523 09 Feb 2007; Diego Pettenò ChangeLog: Regenerate digest in Manifest2 format. 26 Aug 2004; Matthieu Sozeau camlzip-1.01-r1.ebuild, -camlzip-1.01.ebuild: Move to stable (not depended on), remove old version. *camlzip-1.01-r1 (25 Aug 2004) 25 Aug 2004; Matthieu Sozeau files/META, +files/camlzip-1.01-Makefile-findlib.patch, +camlzip-1.01-r1.ebuild: Move to findlib eclass, ebuild cleanup. *camlzip-1.01 (18 Aug 2004) 18 Aug 2004; Matthieu Sozeau camlzip-1.01.ebuild, metadata.xml, files/META: Add camlzip, an ocaml library to access compressed files (g?zip, jar), thanks to Julien TIERNY for the ebuild (bug #50621)