common-lisp The Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM) is a powerful Lisp-based programming interface that provides a layered set of portable facilities for constructing user interfaces. These include basic windowing, input, output, and graphics services; stream-oriented input and output extended with facilities such as output recording, presentations, and context sensitive input; high level ``formatted output'' facilities; application building facilities; command processing; and a compositional toolkit similar to those found in the X world that supports look and feel independence. CLIM provides an API (applications programmer interface) to user interface facilities for the Lisp application programmer. CLIM does not compete with the window system or toolkits of the host machine (such as Motif or OpenLook), but rather uses their services (to the extent that it makes sense) to integrate Lisp applications into the host's window environment. McCLIM is a free software implementation of CLIM.