# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/uclibc/uclibc-0.9.26-r2.ebuild,v 1.9 2004/08/19 19:36:21 solar Exp $ inherit eutils flag-o-matic gcc MY_P="${P/ucl/uCl}" DESCRIPTION="C library for developing embedded Linux systems" HOMEPAGE="http://www.uclibc.org/" SRC_URI="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/${MY_P}.tar.bz2" CVS_VER="20040613" SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}-cvs-update-${CVS_VER}.patch.bz2" PATCH_VER="1.1" SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2" LICENSE="LGPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~sparc ~mips ~arm" IUSE="build hardened ipv6" # nls is not supported yet RDEPEND="" DEPEND="sys-devel/gcc" PROVIDE="virtual/glibc virtual/libc" S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} check_main_libc() { if [ -f /lib/lib${MY_P}.so -a ! -f /lib/libc.so.6 ] ; then if echo "${CHOST}" | grep -q uclibc ; then retval=0 else retval=1 fi else retval=1 fi [ "${retval}" = "0" ] && SYS_LIBC=uClibc || SYS_LIBC=glibc echo einfo "We are building for ${SYS_LIBC} system library" echo } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${S} if [ -n "${CVS_VER}" ] then epatch ${DISTDIR}/${MY_P}-cvs-update-${CVS_VER}.patch.bz2 epatch ${FILESDIR}/0.9.26/uClibc-20040613-do_rem.patch fi cp ${FILESDIR}/0.9.26/ssp.c ${S}/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/ || \ die "failed to copy ssp.c to ${S}/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/" # gcc 3.4 nukes ssp without this patch if [ "`gcc-major-version`" -ge "3" -a "`gcc-minor-version`" -ge "4" ] then epatch ${FILESDIR}/0.9.26/uclibc-0.9.26-ssp-gcc34-after-frandom.patch fi if [ -n "${PATCH_VER}" ] then unpack ${MY_P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2 # for now we remove relro/now, no support for relro in ldso rm -f ${WORKDIR}/patch/*relro* rm -f ${WORKDIR}/patch/*now* # remove default ssp build use hardened || rm -f ${WORKDIR}/patch/*enable-ssp* epatch ${WORKDIR}/patch fi # support archs which dont implement all syscalls [ -z "${CVS_VER}" ] && epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/arm-fix-missing-syscalls.patch || \ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/uclibc-0.9.26-arm-dl-sysdep.patch # fixup for install perms sed -i -e "s:-fa:-dRf:g" Makefile local target="" if [ "${ARCH}" == "x86" ] ; then target="i386" elif [ "${ARCH}" == "ppc" ] ; then target="powerpc" else # sparc|mips|alpha|arm|sh target="${ARCH}" fi sed -i \ -e "s:default TARGET_i386:default TARGET_${target}:" \ extra/Configs/Config.in sed -i \ -e "s:default CONFIG_GENERIC_386:default CONFIG_${UCLIBC_CPU:-GENERIC_386}:" \ extra/Configs/Config.${target} make defconfig >/dev/null || die "could not config" # this could be a debug flag for def in UCLIBC_PROFILING DO{DEBUG,ASSERTS} SUPPORT_LD_DEBUG{,_EARLY} ; do sed -i -e "s:${def}=y:# ${def} is not set:" .config done for def in DO_C99_MATH UCLIBC_HAS_{RPC,CTYPE_CHECKED,WCHAR,HEXADECIMAL_FLOATS,GLIBC_CUSTOM_PRINTF,FOPEN_EXCLUSIVE_MODE,GLIBC_CUSTOM_STREAMS,PRINTF_M_SPEC,FTW} ; do sed -i -e "s:# ${def} is not set:${def}=y:" .config done echo "UCLIBC_HAS_FULL_RPC=n" >> .config #if use nls #then # sed -i -e "s:# UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE is not set:UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE=y:" .config # echo "UCLIBC_HAS_XLOCALE=n" >> .config # echo "UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING=y" >> .config # echo "UCLIBC_HAS_SCANF_LENIENT_DIGIT_GROUPING=y" >> .config # echo "UCLIBC_HAS_GETTEXT_AWARENESS=y" >> .config # # on pax enabled kernels the locale files can't be built # echo "UCLIBC_PREGENERATED_LOCALE_DATA=n" >> .config #fi # we disable LOCALE for any case, gettext has to be used echo "UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE=n" >> .config use ipv6 && sed -i -e "s:# UCLIBC_HAS_IPV6 is not set:UCLIBC_HAS_IPV6=y:" .config if use hardened then if use x86 then einfo "Enable Position Independent Executable support in ${P}" sed -i -e "s:# UCLIBC_PIE_SUPPORT.*:UCLIBC_PIE_SUPPORT=y:" .config fi einfo "Enable Stack Smashing Protections support in ${P}" sed -i -e "s:# UCLIBC_PROPOLICE.*:UCLIBC_PROPOLICE=y:" .config echo "PROPOLICE_BLOCK_ABRT=n" >> .config echo "PROPOLICE_BLOCK_SEGV=n" >> .config echo "PROPOLICE_BLOCK_KILL=y" >> .config fi # we are building against system installed kernel headers sed -i -e 's:KERNEL_SOURCE.*:KERNEL_SOURCE="/usr":' .config check_main_libc if [ "${SYS_LIBC}" = "uClibc" ] then sed -i -e 's:SHARED_LIB_LOADER_PREFIX=.*:SHARED_LIB_LOADER_PREFIX="/lib":' .config sed -i -e 's:DEVEL_PREFIX=.*:DEVEL_PREFIX="/usr":' .config sed -i -e 's:RUNTIME_PREFIX=.*:RUNTIME_PREFIX="/":' .config fi make -s oldconfig > /dev/null || die "could not make oldconfig" chmod +x extra/scripts/relative_path.sh cp .config myconfig emake clean >/dev/null || die "could not clean" } src_compile() { # running tests require this use build || addwrite /dev/ptmx mv myconfig .config #if use nls #then # # these can be built only if the build system supports locales (as of 0.9.26) # emake -j1 headers # cd extra/locale # make clean # find ./charmaps -name "*.pairs" > codesets.txt # cp LOCALES locales.txt # emake -j1 || die "could not make locales" # cd ../.. #fi emake -j1 || die "could not make" if ! use build then if [ "${SYS_LIBC}" = "uClibc" ] then emake -j1 utils || die "could not make utils" fi # assert test fails on pax enabled kernels - normal # vfork test fails in sandbox cd test; make; cd .. fi } src_install() { emake PREFIX=${D} install || die "install failed" # remove files coming from kernel-headers # scsi is uclibc's own directory since cvs 20040212 if [ "${SYS_LIBC}" = "uClibc" ] then rm -rf ${D}/usr/include/{asm,linux} fi rm -f ${D}/usr/lib/lib*_pic.a if ! use build then if [ "${SYS_LIBC}" = "uClibc" ] then emake PREFIX=${D} install_utils || die "install-utils failed" dodir /usr/bin exeinto /usr/bin doexe ${FILESDIR}/getent fi dodoc Changelog* README TODO docs/*.txt doman debian/*.1 fi } #pkg_postinst() { #if [ "${SYS_LIBC}" = "uClibc" ] ; then # if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ] ; then # /sbin/ldconfig # [ ! -e /etc/TZ ] && echo UTC > /etc/TZ # # reload init? # fi #else #should we add the lib dir to ld.so.conf? #fi #}