# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/icc/icc-11.1.046.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/08/19 07:53:54 weaver Exp $ EAPI="2" PID=1536 PB=cproc PEXEC="icc icpc" DESCRIPTION="Intel C/C++ optimized compiler for Linux" HOMEPAGE="http://www.intel.com/software/products/compilers/clin/" ### # everything below common to ifc and icc # no eclass: very likely to change for next versions ### PACKAGEID="l_${PB}_p_${PV}" RELEASE="${PV:0:4}" BUILD="${PV:5:8}" SRC_URI="http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/irc_nas/${PID}/${PACKAGEID}.tgz" #SRC_URI="amd64? ( http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/irc_nas/${PID}/${PACKAGEID}_intel64.tgz ) # ia64? ( http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/irc_nas/${PID}/${PACKAGEID}_ia64.tgz ) # x86? ( http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/irc_nas/${PID}/${PACKAGEID}_ia32.tgz )" LICENSE="Intel-SDP" SLOT="0" IUSE="" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" RESTRICT="mirror strip binchecks" INSTALL_DIR="opt/intel/Compiler/${RELEASE}/${BUILD}" # these don't work, not sure why #QA_TEXTRELS="${INSTALL_DIR}" #QA_WX_LOAD="${INSTALL_DIR}" #QA_PRESTRIPPED="${INSTALL_DIR}" DEPEND="app-arch/rpm" RDEPEND="virtual/libstdc++ amd64? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat )" S="${WORKDIR}/${PACKAGEID}" src_prepare() { use amd64 || rm -f rpm/*x86_64.rpm # debugger installed with dev-lang/idb rm -f rpm/intel*idb*.rpm # performance primitives installed with sci-libs/ipp rm -f rpm/intel*ipp*.rpm # math library installed with sci-libs/mkl rm -f rpm/intel*mkl*.rpm } src_install() { mkdir "${WORKDIR}/rpmdb" # rpm open_wr's / but doesn't seem to do anything with it addpredict / rpm --install --nodeps --dbpath "${WORKDIR}/rpmdb" --prefix "${D}/${INSTALL_DIR}" rpm/*.rpm || die find "${D}/${INSTALL_DIR}" -name '*.csh' | xargs sed -i "s|${D}|${ROOT}|" || die find "${D}/${INSTALL_DIR}" -name '*.sh' | xargs sed -i "s|${D}|${ROOT}|" || die ENV_FILE=${PN}.sh MYARCH="" if use amd64; then MYARCH=intel64; fi if use ia64; then MYARCH=ia64; fi if use x86; then MYARCH=ia32; fi echo "source ${ROOT}${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/iccvars.sh ${MYARCH}" >> ${ENV_FILE} exeinto /etc/profile.d doexe ${ENV_FILE} || die mkdir -p "${D}/opt/intel/licenses" } pkg_postinst() { elog "${PN} requires a license file in order to run." elog "To receive a restrictive non-commercial license, please register at:" elog "http://www.intel.com/cd/software/products/asmo-na/eng/download/download/219771.htm" elog "Read the website for more information on this license." elog "Install the license file into ${ROOT}opt/intel/licenses" elog elog "The following packages provide components bundled with icc:" elog "\t dev-lang/idb" elog "\t sci-libs/ipp" elog "\t sci-libs/mkl" }