# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/log4j/log4j-1.2.15-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/04/28 20:59:41 betelgeuse Exp $ EAPI=1 JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc javamail jms jmx source" inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 MY_P="apache-${P}" DESCRIPTION="A low-overhead robust logging package for Java" SRC_URI="mirror://apache/logging/${PN}/${PV}/${MY_P}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://logging.apache.org/log4j/" LICENSE="Apache-2.0" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86" # jikes support disabled: bug #108819 IUSE="doc javamail jms jmx source" CDEPEND="javamail? ( java-virtuals/javamail java-virtuals/jaf ) jmx? ( dev-java/sun-jmx:0 ) jms? ( =dev-java/openjms-bin-0.7.6 )" RDEPEND=">=virtual/jre-1.4 ${CDEPEND}" # We should get log4j working with openjms but at the moment that would bring # a circular dependency. # jms? ( || (=dev-java/openjms-0.7.6* =dev-java/openjms-bin-0.7.6* ))" DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.4 ${CDEPEND}" S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd "${S}" rm -rf dist/ java-pkg_filter-compiler jikes } JAVA_ANT_REWRITE_CLASSPATH="true" JAVA_ANT_IGNORE_SYSTEM_CLASSES="true" EANT_EXTRA_ARGS="-Djaxp-present=true" EANT_DOC_TARGET="" src_compile() { if use javamail; then EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH+="javamail,jaf" EANT_EXTRA_ARGS+=" -Djavamail-present=true" fi if use jmx; then EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH+=",sun-jmx" EANT_EXTRA_ARGS+=" -Djmx-present=true" fi if use jms; then EANT_EXTRA_ARGS+=" -Djms-present=true -Djms.jar=/opt/openjms/lib/jms-1.0.2a.jar" fi java-pkg-2_src_compile } src_install() { java-pkg_newjar dist/lib/${P}.jar ${PN}.jar if use doc ; then java-pkg_dohtml -r site/* rm -fr "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/apidocs" java-pkg_dojavadoc --symlink apidocs site/apidocs fi use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/main/java/* }