# ChangeLog for app-backup/tsm # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-backup/tsm/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2010/02/12 22:27:57 flameeyes Exp $ 12 Feb 2010; Diego E. Pettenò tsm- Stop restricting binary checks for the wrong reason. 27 Jan 2010; Tobias Scherbaum tsm-, files/dsmc.init.d, +files/dsmcad.init.d: Use newconfd/newinitd, add dsmcad init, fix dsmc init *tsm- (26 Jan 2010) 26 Jan 2010; Tobias Scherbaum +tsm-, +files/dsmc.conf.d, +files/dsmc.init.d, +metadata.xml: Initial import, #20291. Thanks to all people who participated in writing this ebuild.