# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/rsyslog/rsyslog-5.8.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/05/23 08:01:54 ultrabug Exp $ EAPI=4 inherit autotools-utils systemd DESCRIPTION="An enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with database support and more." HOMEPAGE="http://www.rsyslog.com/" SRC_URI="http://www.rsyslog.com/files/download/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-3 LGPL-3" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~sparc ~x86" SLOT="0" IUSE="dbi debug doc extras gnutls kerberos mysql oracle postgres relp snmp static-libs zlib" DEPEND="dbi? ( dev-db/libdbi ) extras? ( net-libs/libnet ) gnutls? ( net-libs/gnutls ) kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 ) mysql? ( virtual/mysql ) postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql-base ) oracle? ( dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic ) relp? ( >=dev-libs/librelp-0.1.3 ) snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp ) zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" BRANCH="5-stable" # need access to certain device nodes RESTRICT="test" # Maitainer note : open a bug to upstream # showing that building in a separate dir fails AUTOTOOLS_IN_SOURCE_BUILD=1 DOCS=(AUTHORS ChangeLog doc/rsyslog-example.conf) src_configure() { # Maintainer notes: # * rfc3195 needs a library and development of that library # is suspended, so we disable it # * About the java GUI: # The maintainer says there is no real installation support # for the java GUI, so we disable it for now. local myeconfargs=( --disable-gui --disable-rfc3195 --enable-largefile --enable-unlimited-select --enable-imdiag --enable-imfile --enable-impstats --enable-imtemplate --enable-imptcp --enable-mail --enable-omprog --enable-omstdout --enable-omtemplate --enable-omdbalerting --enable-omuxsock --enable-pmlastmsg --enable-pmrfc3164sd --enable-pmcisconames --enable-pmaixforwardedfrom --enable-pmsnare $(use_enable extras omudpspoof) $(use_enable zlib) $(use_enable mysql) $(use_enable dbi libdbi) $(use_enable postgres pgsql) $(use_enable oracle oracle) $(use_enable gnutls) $(use_enable kerberos gssapi-krb5) $(use_enable relp) $(use_enable snmp) $(use_enable snmp mmsnmptrapd) $(use_enable debug) $(use_enable debug rtinst) $(use_enable debug diagtools) $(use_enable debug memcheck) $(use_enable debug valgrind) ) systemd_to_myeconfargs autotools-utils_src_configure } src_install() { use doc && HTML_DOCS=(doc/) autotools-utils_src_install insinto /etc newins "${FILESDIR}/${BRANCH}/${PN}-gentoo.conf" ${PN}.conf newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${BRANCH}/${PN}.confd" ${PN} newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${BRANCH}/${PN}.initd" ${PN} keepdir /var/spool/${PN} keepdir /etc/ssl/${PN} keepdir /etc/${PN}.d if use mysql; then insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts/mysql doins plugins/ommysql/{createDB.sql,contrib/delete_mysql} fi if use postgres; then insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts/pgsql doins plugins/ompgsql/createDB.sql fi insinto /etc/logrotate.d/ newins "${FILESDIR}/${BRANCH}/${PN}.logrotate" ${PN} } pkg_postinst() { if use mysql || use postgres; then echo elog "Sample SQL scripts for MySQL & PostgreSQL have been installed to:" elog " /usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts" fi if use gnutls; then echo elog "To create a default CA and certificates for your server and clients, run:" elog " emerge --config =${PF}" elog "on your logging server. You can run it several times," elog "once for each logging client. The client certificates will be signed" elog "using the CA certificate generated during the first run." fi } pkg_config() { if ! use gnutls ; then einfo "There is nothing to configure for rsyslog unless you" einfo "used USE=gnutls to build it." return 0 fi # Make sure the certificates directory exists CERTDIR="${ROOT}/etc/ssl/${PN}" if [ ! -d "${CERTDIR}" ]; then mkdir "${CERTDIR}" || die fi einfo "Your certificates will be stored in ${CERTDIR}" # Create a default CA if needed if [ ! -f "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.cert.pem" ]; then einfo "No CA key and certificate found in ${CERTDIR}, creating them for you..." certtool --generate-privkey \ --outfile "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.privkey.pem" &>/dev/null chmod 400 "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.privkey.pem" cat > "${T}/${PF}.$$" <<_EOF cn = Portage automated CA ca cert_signing_key expiration_days = 3650 _EOF certtool --generate-self-signed \ --load-privkey "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.privkey.pem" \ --outfile "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.cert.pem" \ --template "${T}/${PF}.$$" &>/dev/null chmod 400 "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.privkey.pem" # Create the server certificate echo einfon "Please type the Common Name of the SERVER you wish to create a certificate for: " read -r CN einfo "Creating private key and certificate for server ${CN}..." certtool --generate-privkey \ --outfile "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.key.pem" &>/dev/null chmod 400 "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.key.pem" cat > "${T}/${PF}.$$" <<_EOF cn = ${CN} tls_www_server dns_name = ${CN} expiration_days = 3650 _EOF certtool --generate-certificate \ --outfile "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.cert.pem" \ --load-privkey "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.key.pem" \ --load-ca-certificate "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.cert.pem" \ --load-ca-privkey "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.privkey.pem" \ --template "${T}/${PF}.$$" &>/dev/null chmod 400 "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.cert.pem" else einfo "Found existing ${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.cert.pem, skipping CA and SERVER creation." fi # Create a client certificate echo einfon "Please type the Common Name of the CLIENT you wish to create a certificate for: " read -r CN einfo "Creating private key and certificate for client ${CN}..." certtool --generate-privkey \ --outfile "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.key.pem" &>/dev/null chmod 400 "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.key.pem" cat > "${T}/${PF}.$$" <<_EOF cn = ${CN} tls_www_client dns_name = ${CN} expiration_days = 3650 _EOF certtool --generate-certificate \ --outfile "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.cert.pem" \ --load-privkey "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.key.pem" \ --load-ca-certificate "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.cert.pem" \ --load-ca-privkey "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_ca.privkey.pem" \ --template "${T}/${PF}.$$" &>/dev/null chmod 400 "${CERTDIR}/${PN}_${CN}.cert.pem" rm -f "${T}/${PF}.$$" echo einfo "Here is the documentation on how to encrypt your log traffic:" einfo " http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/rsyslog_tls.html" }