.TH "DISPATCH-CONF" "1" "May 2004" "Portage 2.0.51" "Portage" .SH NAME dispatch-conf \- Sanely update configuration files after emerging new packages .SH SYNOPSIS .B dispatch-conf .SH DESCRIPTION .I dispatch-conf is designed to be run after merging new packages in order to see if there are updates to the configuration files. If a new configuration file will overwrite an old one, .I dispatch-conf will prompt the user for a decision about how to resolve the discrepancy. Advantages of .I dispatch-conf include easy rollback (changes to config files are stored either using patches or rcs) and the ability to automatically update config files that the user has never modified or that differ from the current version only in CVS cruft or white space. .I dispatch-conf will check all directories in the \fICONFIG_PROTECT\fR variable. All config files found in \fICONFIG_PROTECT_MASK\fR will automatically be updated for you by \fIdispatch-conf\fR. See \fBmake.conf\fR(5) for more information. .SH OPTIONS .TP None. .SH USAGE .I dispatch-conf must be run as root, since the config files to be replaced are generally owned by root. Before running .I dispatch-conf for the first time the settings in .B /etc/dispatch-conf.conf should be edited and the archive directory specified in \fI/etc/dispatch-conf.conf\fR will need to be created. All changes to config files will be saved in the archive directory either as patches or using rcs, making restoration to an earlier version rather simple. When dispatch-conf finds a config file that has a new update the user is provided with a menu of options for how to handle the update: .TP .B u Update (replace) the current config file with the new config file and continue. .TP .B z Zap (delete) the new config file and continue. .TP .B n Skip to the next config file, leaving both the original config file and any \fICONFIG_PROTECT\fRed files. .TP .B e Edit the new config file, using the editor defined in \fI$EDITOR\fR. .TP .B m Interactively merge the current and new config files. .TP .B l Look at the differences between the pre-merged and merged config files. .TP .B t Toggle between the merged and pre-merged config files (in terms of which should be installed using the .Qt u command). .TP .B h Display a help screen. .TP .B q Quit .I dispatch-conf. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR make.conf (5), etc-update (1) .SH "FILES" .TP .B /etc/dispatch-conf.conf Configuration settings for \fIdispatch-conf\fR are stored here. .SH AUTHORS Jeremy Wohl .br Karl Trygve Kalleberg .br Mike Frysinger .br Grant Goodyear .SH "CVS HEADER" $Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/man/dispatch-conf.1,v 1.4 2005/02/10 01:37:36 vapier Exp $